
New chapter, about 20 pages long

The pages leaked aren't the full chapter you fucking mongs

Other urls found in this thread:

Posting what got leaked

Give us the rest then fucker


Thank you fucker

I can't believe Miura thinks he can get away with 1 page a year




Posting this one too because the last guy did the same

>about 20 pages long



Chill out fucker

That's all that's leaked

expect some more later this month

What you gonna do bad boy ?

what does it say in the bottom?
new chapter may 26?

I think so

Or it says November 5th 2026

Five years from now, we'll look back with longing at the days we got a whole page, you mark my words

>tfw I've been slack in my training because exams coming up

now all I wanna do is hit the gym

>tfw just finished berserk
when exactly did it get bad Sup Forums?

also FUCK

I don't even remember why did that story came out but it was great.
>when exactly did it get bad Sup Forums?
Maybe the zombie pirates? it was more like a change of tone (more comical), i don't even remember what happened there, it just wasn't memorable except for few pages of the berserker armor but honestly the current chapters feel like the calm before the storm.
Posting best song:

For me it got worse, but not as much as people say it has. I feel like the long stretches between each chapter have raised expectations for each to the point that its pretty easy to end up dissapointed.

I'm personally kinda enjoying myself still since I feel like Golden age has just been jerked so much by so many different media that something completely different is nice for a change.

Basically this.

Translations fucking when

> Posting best song
> Not a Susumura Hirasawa song

why ?

Probably sometime tomorrow



Miura thinks he's on elf king's island, obviously. Since time there passes very fast compared to the outside world, when they get Casca fixed in about 2 chapters ~ 2 years from now, they will find out that griffith had died of old age. THE END.

Scanlations when?

You can write a worse ending than that
Make the heart of the world awaken after centuries so Guts and Griffith team up to defeat it
Then Guts forgives Griffith

kind of sounds like the hellfire citadel ending in WoW
>Wow, Griffith!
>Even though you killed my friends and raped my bitch, you helped us kill the heart of the world so you must be a good guy!
>I forgive you and all the times you murdered innocents for your personal gain or just because.
>Sorry for being such a poor judge of your character, really, I mean it.

Just what the fuck happened to Guts face
I mean holy shit


So Guts is getting younger now?

You fags should be hanged. Guts look pretty good in this episode.

What? Read the manga you memelord

> The Guts from the Bonfire of Dreams look younger that present Guts.


Ur one cheeky cunt m8.

explain his big fucking nose then athiest

Honestly the way the manga is going and how chill Guts is becoming I don't see any revenge being satisfying

I pretty much already did it, user.

If you can't connect the dot, you have some serious comprehension problems.

>this turd
>best anything
You are like a little baby, watch this:

>The reason they look more moe/cartoonish is due to the effects of Elfheim

Calling it pretty sure I'm not the only one to say this tho

Ah, I fucked the spoiler up. Damn

You are indeed not the first to suggest this but we won't know until Fantasia arc is over.

Ctrl+S in the text field

so power...of..elfhelm..huh....


I could but that if Griffith in his kingdom didn't look weird as well

How long does each "arc" last,I remember lost children being really short

Black Swordsman was short, Golden Age was long, Lost Children was short but technically part of the medium-length Conviction Arc, and Millennium Falcon was the longest iirc.

Lost Children wasn't a separate arc despite retards acting like it is, it was part of Conviction Arc, much like Sea God is part of Fantasia Arc despite people trying to make distinction of it as being separate.

Anyway there isn't a rule in Berserk in terms of how many volumes per arc there is, see below:
BLACKED Swordsman: 3 volumes
Golden Age: 10 volumes
Conviction: 8 volumes
Millennium Falcon: 13 volumes
Fantasia: 5 volumes so far and counting

That fucking art though.

when's the official jp release?

Guts is cute!

>BLACKED Swordsman

The White-Head Silver Swordsman!

Reminds me of that song off of Age of Adz and hearing this in my head playing over this image animated in my minds eye to where the skeleton is twirling those is funny

at this rate i can't say i care too much for revenge murdering griffith either, but it would butcher a lot of built up story if suddenly guts was just chill with griffith

and griffith really doesn't deserve to randomly be forgiven, which was the main point of my relation to WoW

you can't genocide an entire race because some greater calling tells you to, then randomly flop sides because it isn't the interest anymore. helping the other team out doesn't make you a better a guy, nor does it warrant being totally forgiven

I have a feeling that Casca might cause some problems after they fix her. I'd keep my eye on the witch Morda.

yeah, if casca returns to how she was pre-eclipse, it'll probably be some guts-tier shit where she realizes "holy fuck the man i praised for so long murdered everyone i knew my whole life"

but she'll actually have guts, whereas guts had no one

>guts had no guts