>And, Chuck, I will say, when this group comes back — hopefully with an agreement — this group and others from the Senate, from the House, comes back with an agreement, I’m signing it. I mean, I will be signing it. I’m not going to say, “Oh, gee, I want this or I want that.” I’ll be signing it, because I have a lot of confidence in the people in this room that they’re going to come up with something really good.
And, Chuck, I will say...
So, when were the image tweets posted?
Meeting that text quote is from was 3 days ago (1/9/18). Tweets are from this morning (1/12/18).
Good, those tweets are the first time in a while I have felt anything but disappointment in his actions of late. I understand the POTUS is not a dictator and has to, to some degree "play the game".
>I'm not gonna say I want this or that
Too late schlomo, you have increased my respect and support for him. THANKS!
Oh no
nice digits.
This was smart because:
1. Liberals don't actually care about families losing jobs as they wanted to fire US citizens who partook in the #UNITETHERIGHT rally and NYT interview. Nazi or not, it's shows they want a secure voting base. Criminals should not be prioritized over citizens use their first amendment rights.
2. Even if Trump agreed, they would still call him a racist idiot and attribute his compromise to their influence of using the press and media. See how they reacted to the shithole comment after he shortly agreed?
3. Liberals don't want conservative policies, they want liberal ones. Recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and the Syrian airstrikes didn't make them agree with DACA or healthcare, so why would DACA make them support a wall?
So if they do a shutdown does my submariner husband come home?
Does this mean they deduct sheckles? How does it work when shills inadvertantly support the other side?
t.veteran in Afghanistan during a shutdown (2010)
Also...Tits? Pweese?
>tribalism controls my ever thought and action
>liberals are snarling demons that are literally evil
>Trump could fuck my mother and I'd thank him for it
>racism can't exist because I don't want it to
>Navy seamen
>Not homos.
C'mon man.
I know, I know, but still have like an 80%chance for boobies.
I like those odds
Successful meeting succeeds by removing Wolff book from headlines.
>Brainlets don't get it.
You need to think of Trump as your boss assigning you a task. For example, he left the deal up to the House and Senate, he lays out the parameters for them to work (his 3 key points), and he gives them a deadline. He concludes by reiterating if all these things are done, then he will accept your work because he has confidence you will do a great job.
This is how most successful business men get shit done.
And I am Trumps boss and 2 + 1 of theirs
The "republican" senators in this deal were Lindsay Graham and Jeff flake. Might as well have been cooked up by five democrats
post husband cock pics pls.
A good businessman knows how to delegate. A good statesman ought to be no different.
>mutt reading comprehension
is camden, nj a shithole? this is very important
I told people yesterday when it was said by flake that a deal had been reached that there was no way that it was going to clear the Senate, much less the house or president.
We're not going to have a deal by the end of next week barring an absolute miracle. The dems want blanket amnesty clean in the house on the extreme end with no funding for border improvements or immigration changes.
Congress and the executive branch are separate for a reason. Trump can talk with Senators and members of the house, but ultimately they have to come up with bills that garner enough support in BOTH chambers that they can be brought to the president for a vote.
Trump making his opinion on what he would or wouldn't sign is part of telling them to not come up with some massive compromise that doesn't involve certain key points, because he won't sign it.
Not that they're going to get anything done anyways. The extreme sides of the GOP and dems in the house won't make enough compromises.
>tribalism controls my ever thought and action
Nice job talking about yourself. It's not tribalistic to think that liberals never give me anything after several times. It's realistic. Did you concede with his stance on healthcare and DACA after the Syrian Airstrikes? Nope. And you won't concede with the border wall after DACA.
>liberals are snarling demons that are literally evil
They don't practice what they preach. How can you claim to care about families being broken AFTER you bragged about breaking them in the #UniteTheRight rally?
>Trump could fuck my mother and I'd thank him for it
He's not screwing me over, he's screwing your side over.
>racism can't exist because I don't want it to
It's not racist to implement a merit based system, it's common sense.
Sorry that no one falls for your nonexistent virtue.
Fuck off cunt this isn't reddit