*breathes in*




Other urls found in this thread:


I’ve heard absolutely nothing about this movie outside this website


Didn't know theatres accepted EBT Cards

Das rite

Sounds fake.
I haven’t even seen a trailer on TV.

>*breathes in*
How ever bait thread starts

Definitely fake. I wouldn't be surprised if they just make this shit up at this point


Segregated movie theaters NOW!

>implying that many people are interested in seeing a black furry

it's not even released yet.

>In recent news, Hugh Jackman is facing severe blacklash for accepting the leading role of Amadeus Posey, a down and out southern bartender who tends a speak easy during the prohibition period, in the upcoming Aaron Sorkin title "The Tender."

more like dont see it opening night because movies with niggers is basically a field trip to the zoo



There are clearly other concrete reasons why not to attend a black movie along with black people.
For the uninitiated, its an interesting experience to say the least.
I once went with a black friend to see some ghetto comedy in a mid-size black mid-west city.
Holy shit.
1. niggers talk through out the movie
2. niggers smoke week inside the movie theater
3. niggers crack jokes to supplement the movie
4. niggers answer phones in the theater
5. niggers fight during the movie

eternal reminder black panther is /our guy/

Screenshot this
Bl*ck panther will look like this on Rotten Tomatoes:
>90% from critics

B-but if i dont see it the first night, there'll be nothing but bullet holes on the screen?

The propaganda for this movie is so insane. Not buying these headlines at all.

wh*Teoids BTFO

Will bomb in asia and Europe (not France though)

i doubt it

This is probably bullshit, but even if it did it doesn't mean anything. The last year or two has been a huge switch for movie theaters, with many switching to "stadium seating" with reclining chairs. These nicer seats take up more space, so overall seating capacity is reduced. As a result you have to buy your ticket ahead of time and your seat is designated. For the super hero movies 2-3 years ago you could just walk in early to an opening night and get a seat, now you have to get your ticket a day or more in advance.

sow bob n vagene biutiful

I won’t be laying a shekel for this shit. Hope it bombs.

need a better source than that op

But the niggest African is playing one of the biggest heroes of Rome, Achilles in the upcoming Rome TV show with a huge budget and nobody cares. Fucking culture appropriation much.


Can confirm, though desu watching the nogs is often more entertaining than the movie.

>going through this much mental gymnastics just to muster up any excuse that your race is officially finished

Your dole dippers, madame.

Stop w/ the racism pls

Who, what, when , who cares

we hollywood now, white boi

We need a similar copypasta that it is cultural appropriation for white people to watch this movie.

Niggers. Fuck ‘em.

This is what white, leftist liberals don't get.
They want to save the world.
Whereas those that they deign to save, would let them starve outside the gates of their great cities if the roles were reversed.


>low iq brainwashed idiots are the ones who go to movies.

Have your delicious jews, nigger

>any thought longer than a sentence is mental gymnastics
You know how I know you're a nigger?

Hahahahahah, America's general IQ must be rapidly descending into astronomically retarded levels.

fuck off nigger faggot


India is english property

Watching capeshite ever

I woulden't watch this garbage even if it was a white guy

Does appear to be correct:


We'll see how it holds after the first week though.

>(((fellow white people)))

Well, he's right, but for the wrong reason.

Honestly, my local movie theater would be empty on opening night.

I know exactly zero people who are going to see this movie.

>Going to a theater filled with black people to watch a movie, ever.

They are planning to bus blacks to the theaters for opening day. I'm guessing these record ticket sales are the result of leftist elites buying them up so blacks can watch it for free

Millennials weren't around for "New Jack City" chimpouts.
Seriously you'd have to be crazy to show up to a movie theater full of nogs.

>cropped out the soy boys name

This is bait.

this is literally me
yeah all the niggers in america stampeded the theaters i bet it has the steepest drop of in sales too

Its not even out yet, are they just not even trying anymore?

>celebrity endorsed gofund me to buy and give away tickets
>omg guys we sold lots of tickets!

>let me virtue signal my ticket purchase on my social media real fast

God this sounds like any one of my Facebook friends who constantly try to out-virtue signal one another

Muh Marvel

I watch European movies, fuck Hollywood.


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

Black man fits America better, than a white hero.

American music is exclusively black, loud pushy culture is also black. American present and future is colored.

Jews really transformed it efficiently.

This movie isn't going to be out for another month. Are you telling me people are pre-ordering movies now?

Hollywood managed to get blacks to pay for something

Neither have I

Nah, it's an article written in advance. It's a "Trump has only 2% chance to win" scenario all over again.

They aren't paying. Leftist investors are buying up the tickets and bussing in blacks to watch it for free.


Its the last movie before infinity war the hype for that gave it a bump in hype of course.

Seeing a moviw in a nigger theater can be the best or worst experience ever. I watched some jump-scare horror movie and had a blast laughing at their reactions.
>nigress almost crying
>nig shouting "dont go there"
>nig running out of the theater after a jump scare
>popcorn flying after scary part

Don't go to a nigger packed theater if you actually want to pay attention to the movie, though.

We wuz: The movie


What's the story behind this Paki?

It's roadmen procedure my friend

Have any of you seen movies with a bunch of niggers.

>first 30 minutes they are lout
>next 30 minutes they snicker and loud whisper
>after that they fall asleep

>Blank Man
>Black Dynamite
>Power Man
>John Stewart
>War Machine

>rarely never

Im sure this guy will be jerkin it to cuckporn on opening night anyway.

I heard this movie promotes ethno nationalism.

Speak English? Is it like when me and my friends chase and beat Pakis every Saturday night until they scream like bitches?

Hahahah. Man i would pay just to see what happens when you have 1000 excited nigs in one room having a full blown nog out at the kang movie. People will he leaping over seats. Swinging from the banisters. Fiddas by the milisecond.


thats going to be fun for the poor bastards surrounded by ringing phones, seats being kicked, Shaniqua shouting "YALL GO HONEY!!!" and the inevitable fight breakouts.

Fpbp. Didn't know it had been released. Also, what is it competing against?

muh dick

They're like chickens. Put them in the dark and they think it's nightie night time

Thats the most pathetic explanation I've ever heard

These daily Oh No Ha Ha threads are always boring as fuck.

>black panther opening day
>"pls no white pypol"
>hardly any black people show up
>turns out they wont dish out $50 for movie tickets for him and his gurl
>sales bomb
>"Why is whitey so raycist?!"

Great plan faggot

>your dick
>on the big screen
Now maybe someone will see it

Dude at least try. Achilles was Greek.

>fandango sales

Saged for not politics. You should stay in the theater if you dont understand politics

Oh shit, pandering to people worked on a monkey ass race? You don't want to be proud of that bruh.

how can niggers even compete?



This is a deliciously subversive way to lower the box office.
It is know than the more you wait before making any type of purchase you are more likely not to make it.

>in order to beat a white man, the white man had to handicap himself and only use fists while also playing by the rules of a sport he doesnt train
>even when losing he earned millions of dollars
even if he lost, mcgregor won

Deadpool 2, which will likely blow this nigheap out of the water.

>the biggest heroes of Rome, Achilles
>the biggest heroes of Rome, Achilles
>the biggest heroes of Rome, Achilles
>the biggest heroes of Rome, Achilles
*deviates gaze slightly up and to the left*
ah, that explains it.

black panther come out wayyyyyyyy in july who cares whiteboy