Why can’t we have a free healthcare system? Europe and Canada have great ones

Why can’t we have a free healthcare system? Europe and Canada have great ones.

>on the left
>dainty white men's noses
>on the right
>fat jew hook noses

>Why can’t we have a free healthcare system?
because nothing is free
>Europe and Canada have great ones.
No we don't

if only, those are long concave noses, anglo-like. no caricature would survive the antisemitism acusation

even money isnt free anymore or convertible into gold because you took it away. canada spends a third per capita that america does. and lives three years longer on average. end of thread

Its not that great honestly. Long waits are the norm and the bloated beuracracy makes for shitty decision making when you need it most. Everyone with money goes private anyway.
Saged your gay thread btw

your economy is garbage. i guess waiting means lower costs and a higher life expectancy. fewer dead infants. more innovation. govt can buy drugs cheaper than wal mart. youre a mother fuck :)

At least your healthcare system exists.

You make this shit thread every day fuck off.

Canada waiting times are awful and for Europe you’re going to have to be a bit more specific there buddy.

no it doesnt. nice extreme picture. good thing no poor countries have private care. then you'd be just as shite as america

>get raped financially; screw around with triages; die

>(((that nose)))
Think the image answers your question.

>Healthy patients above all
Lol no all doctors are underpaid, understaffed, burned out and generally stopped giving a shit about their jobs besides clocking in and out.

>muh waiting line
Would you rather prefer the American system?

thanks crapitalism

Go die, poor fag/nigger

Q: Who researches and makes NEW medical equipment and new drugs.

"free healthcare" = Have an upset stomach? Wait 2 years and we will shove a tube down your throat to see what the problem is. Then if we find a problem go back on the waiting list. Nah fuck that I'll just pay for it to be done today.

where I have to pay to the get the care I need right when I need it? and if I can't afford to pay the care, my insurance policy which I contribute to monthly will kick in and cover me? sure sounds awful

Too many spics and niggers, not enough white people.

What’s wrong with it? Literally everyone that matters at least is covered someway. You can always make some tweaks to the Medicaid rules to cover more (although not forever).

One. Their healthcare systems really aren't that good. Two. Don't trust the government with anything especially your health. Three (and the biggest point). Our population size is MANY times bigger than all those countries so there is absolutely no way we could afford it with plunging the country into an economic crisis where no one would spend money because of the unbelievable tax rate, causing economic collapse. Which mean no one has job, no one has money, no one can pay taxes, no healthcare, no country. I believe that answers the question

Insurance companies can’t be trusted. The government needs to put the in line.
>be American
>get into an accident or get cronical illness
>become bankrupt and sell your house to pay the bill.

Best post


it isn't. We pay health insurance, extra health insurance and through taxes state covers loses

>Europe and Canada

...are free riding off of the Us healthcare system. The US is the only place with an even marginally free healthcare market where pharma companies can actually turn a profit, and that's after the feds spend 1 out of every 2 dollars in that market and regulate competition into the ground.

Pharma firms spends billions developing portfolios of drugs, most of which actually fail to become profitable, in the hopes that one of them at least will be a home run. The home run covers the losses of all the strikeouts by being priced high during the term of patent protection, funding more research for the future.

The reason healthcare is cheaper everywhere else is because foreign governments simply force these pharma firms to charge a couple pennies over the cost of production in their borders, irrespective of the cost of research and development. This works out great for the people of those countries, who are effectively getting to use drugs without paying the price of researching them, and making it more expensive here, because the US consumer is paying everything for development. The entire world is free riding off the US consumer.

Can this be fixed? no, not really. If the US were to introduce the same price controls on pharma as the EU and Leafland, there would be no drugs at all. Almost all pharma research that is done in the world is done here in the states - taking away the ability to make a profit would mean that no development would be done AT ALL, ANYWHERE.

>because nothing is free

Of course, people have to work to give you the healthcare. When you have UHC, you still need doctors and nurses that you pay money to give treatment.

Why would you be an uninsured faggot?

Never before have I seen such a perfect use for this.

We need to have great health care like Canada.


Because insurances aren't forced to pay you, they have many loopholes to uninsurance you.

Also fear my healthcare system undermining neoliberalism from within.

>lower costs
Higher taxes. Also, if you get really sick, like need a transplant, waiting times are so long that you're likely to go private, effectively paying twice.
>more innovation
Just bullshit. The drive for innovation is happening in freer markets. The standard of healthcare is set in private clinics in America, while we sit with the same shitty machines for 30+ years. Our fucking computer systems run on dos ffs.

desu I'd rather pay taxes for the healthcare of my country's citizens than pay for some congressman's vacation, or for fighter jets that will never be used


Canada's shit. In fact, it's not a national healthcare system, but rather a provincial one. And I am in the worst of them all, so I am probably biased. Knowing how much my province spends on healthcare, I can deduce how much, roughly, I am paying per month with my taxes to get it. Comparing it to the US healthcare's coverage, its barely lower. But here's the catch: I don't really have access to healthcare. If I wanted to go the hospital tommorow for a checkup, I couldn't. I know I have some mild illnesses right now, and I can't do shit about it until it's life threatening. Simply because I don't have a "family doctor", and it takes years to get one when you sign up for it. So basically, I am paying 10 bucks less than the average American for something I don't have access to. I could afford the American healthcare if I stopped paying for the Canadian's one, and I'd do it in a heartbeat.

>posts a jew instead of an argument

yep, you're a nigger

How in the fuck do you have the one on the left via massive government micromanagement?

Well I don’t know how bad are insurances in Texas, but there are literally no loopholes unless you’re a retard. For example if your health plan is an HMO, don’t just use any doctor you want that is not on your provider directory. That’s not so tough huh? If you have a PPO you can use providers outside of network but it is preferred to stick with the ones inside your directory to save money. Also, don’t go to an emergency room for a cold or other bullshit. Some European countries have similar restrictions.

>Insurance companies can’t be trusted. The government needs to put the in line.

I've never heard of a genocide started by an insurance company.

>falling for the free healthcare meme
glad they are not so retarded

Canada’s health care is absolute shit. It takes life 3-5 months to see a specialist another 3-5 months to have an mri another 3-5 months to see the specialist about the results and another 3-5 months for surgery. The cherry on the cake? Even if you have the money to pay for an mri yourself to avoid the wait you’re not allowed to in Ontario you have to go to Buffalo. If you’re injured go to Belgium, great doctors low prices and treatments doctors in Canada have never even heard of.

I can walk into my family doctor any morning and get treatment immediately, no appointment. Get an Xray or blood work, etc. in hours. The kicker is my Doc. is a Canadian who immigrated here when he got sick of working under the Canadian system.

we have a lot more brown people, I am a capitalist free market guy but I wouldn't be against 'free' healthcare if we was mostly white.

Would Americans agree to having free healthcare for legal children?

Not for adults, illegals or anything, just legal american children.

>tfw he doesn't have a healthcare cartel in his country blackmailing his provincial government
>But he wants one
Hang yourself

not free, not great

They aren't even underpaid here, but a lot eventually leave because it's such a shit system, for everybody. It's a bureaucratic nightmare that syphoons every dime thrown at it. Hence why 50% of my province's budget is for that disgusting cancer.

It's not free. Taxes pay for it. Imagine having to pay for your healthcare but even if you have more money you can't get faster/better care

Lefties inherently trust the benevolence and farsightedness of central planners and authority figures, but demonize free markets and the profit motive. Only politicians can do things for you, the people. Corporations are all in it for themselves.

The pharmaceutical market doesn't need to be made completely public, but there is lots of empirical evidence that the public sector and institutions that benefit from public money like universities (where research by academics is typically pursued either to build reputation or for genuine desire to build knowledge) tend to have a larger role in basic scientific advancements which are then used to make drugs by the private sector, though that process also has a system of interactions between the private and public sector. Private sector R&D have relationships with academics and researchers in the public sector, and they all discuss fruitful directions of research which ultimately results in new drugs.

Everyone has huge noses in those pics. It's because wh*te people are just NEET losers and Jews actually go study medicine.

I'd rather not pay taxes for a EBT-using nigger or a border crossing wetback's healthcare

>Insurance companies can’t be trusted
And the government can? Pretty much all the problems with healthcare in the US can be traced back to government regulation.

It is never free nor great socialist medicine sucks

to simplify it, pic related

We literally don't have enough doctors, no system is going to change that

We can have single payer tomorrow or free and still not have enough doctors

We do. Kids are either covered under their parents plan if they have the money, or if they are poor they get government gibs to cover them. The idea that there are hordes of uninsured kids walking around the US is just a liberal meme.

I bet you don't even pay taxes.

>people would rather die than wait in line
proof that Sup Forums is sick in the head

If Canada's system is so good, why do the rich and powerful in Canada (including the head of the Canadian health system) come to the states for life saving medical care? Of it is so good, Americans should be heading north in great numbers.

What if you die waiting in line like people in the UK

Maybe not have a MASSIVE unhealthy population whose daily staples consist of fast food, and prepackaged garbage that are high in sodium and fake sugar? Until Americans sort themselves out, to hell with free healthcare.

dont believe this bullshit.
healthcare in europe is garbage aswell

Yes we do

>Left panel implying that any of those positions are adequately staffed and paid for to be in attendance of your ailments.

Please go

>be italian
>corrupt and inefficient public healthcare
>have to go private healthcare if you want anything done in less than a year and not die for some stupid reason
>everyone abuses emergency it because "lol it's free"
Please explain me again how you're gonna deal with niggers.
America's problem is that prices are unreasonable because everyone just shuts up and pays like a good goy.
Also, don't forget that now the state will have an interest in actively limiting your freedom so that it can save on treatments.

> The left picture
The delusion of AmeriLeftists about European healthcare are hilarious.

It snot fucking free, for the last goddamned time

How would you like to have 'free" care that costs 35% of your pay, plus 13% sales tax, plus gasoline, home heating and many other things cost double the market rate due to added taxes and fees, all of which go to paying for our free health care?

its shit. better than obamacare but still shit
hospitals are expensive and they kick u out of the hospital to early because it costs money.
serve u garbage food.

ull probably end up in a room with other retarded idiots next to u cuz single rooms are overpriced

its bad


No, that's a retarded argument.
If a system is good, it's good for 1 million or 1 billion.
You don't switch from socialism to capitalism or vice-versa after a threshold of population.

this. the US healthcare system is to the advantage of much of the population. poorfags get medicaid. old people get medicare. people with white collar jobs get good health insurance.

If I have a medical condition I can see a specialist today AND get the MRI the same day without waiting a year for it.

US Healthcare market also provides the funding for most of the innovation, basically we pay for the innovations that the rest of the world benefits from under single payer where they don't pay rates that made the innovation worthwhile.

> It snot fucking free
That's the least you can expect of a hospital.

>Europe and Canada have great ones.
>Families group-suicide as late as earlier this week in Sweden, both parents and both kids dead, lack of medical care

Yeah, getting sick in Sweden IS A FUCKING HOOT!

Gas these fucking 56%ers back to the big-bang.

Only because I still have the option to get fast tracked private care instead of dying like a pleb in one of the public hospital. Even then I'd still go to the US if I need any important surgery.

good question. Why do freemasons and kikes rule your town . do you know what my nigger ? you should häng yourself

It's not retarded. Universal healthcare would be fine for one million white people. Universal healthcare would be a total piece of shit for one million niggers.

Sad to see a European buying American propaganda about our health care system. From your typing you seem kind of learning disabled though

The Canadian system's decent for the average population, not for the rich and powerful, America's tiered system better fits their needs.

"Communist" China and old eastern bloc countries have more hospital beds than the US, so I don't see how that particular metric is going to measure the quality of US care vs countries that have UHC. It has also been found that decreases in spending on the NHS directly result in deaths, so if you want more hospital beds you just have to stop cutting healthcare spending and buy them instead of arguing "there aren't enough, we should end public spending on healthcare entirely!".

>He has to use a particular doctor or establishment, even in a life treatening emergency.

No we don't. We absolutely do not. And our levels of taxation are confiscatory you angry homosexual.

There is no such thing as free healthcare.
Fuck off you retarded commie nigger.

That would increase taxes thus paying for everybody else in the country.

With the country so divided and having different cultures, why would I pay for someone who wouldn't have the empathy to pay for me given the chance?

Free healthcare isn’t socialism

This, canadian healthcare is fucking shit. Good luck if you need anything more than a blood test.

>insurance companies can't be trusted
>but the government can!
Holy shit, you're a fucking retard.

>free healthcare
There is no such thing you dunce.

>Europe and Canada have great ones
Just a few weeks ago I had to take my girlfriend to the emergency room for intense abdominal pain (must have been from muh dick lel) and it took 8 hours to be seen by a doctor. There were only 3 other patients there. This is in a large city at a reputable hospital.

It's universal, but not free. There's just no upfront payment there.

What's this from?

Whenever something is offered for “free” there will be masses abusing and flooding the system. Rationing will be inevitable and you bet there will be death panels.

As a doctor this is my criticism. Financial blackmail is NOT conducive to the well being of a patient and therefore disregards the Hippocratic oath.
Fortunately my PhD is in evil. What's everyone else's excuse?

>Daily Mail


Most of the euroepan system is great until you have to use it. I don't want to go to a public hospital in spain, france, uk, italy or even germany. They're slow, overfilled, terrible facilities, incompetent and the medical standard is anno 1980
>b-but i-i-it's f-f-f-free r-right
Thats why everyone who can or knows he might have medical issues is private insured and pays extra for quality care. Millions of people go abroad just to flee the shitty socialized care

It works but not without borders. They literally come here, bringing the entire massive family, get treatment and then leave again.
The media was reporting this 2 years ago because the NHS itself was screaming about it so loudly they couldn't pretend it wasn't happening.
Nothing was done and the media has gone silent on it again.
The NHS is paid for by us and literally used by the entire world. Anyone just turning up in an EU state can come at will for free treatment.
Good job we won and are getting out of the madness of the USSR 2.0