What did you mean you hated The Last Jedi. Your just watching it wrong you silly goy

What did you mean you hated The Last Jedi. Your just watching it wrong you silly goy.

>had to post her because Sup Forums mods suspended. However Disney molding Star Wars with SJW politics makes this also a political discussion about how something so pure as Star Wars became an insidious (or in this case Darth Sidious) propaganda outlet.

Other urls found in this thread:


>we aren't trying to feed you a pile of shit, you just think it's shit because you're eating it wrong

>y-you just aren't watching it right! Fucking neonazi bigot homophobe REEEEE

>make a SJW indoctrination film
>no one likes it

We don't need the cuckold version of a PSA disguised as an actual movie.


>Clearly you didn't understand the intellectual subtext behind all the plot holes lol


With any kind of expectation?
>Just turn your brain off LOL :)

If you don't agree with liberals you are a racist sexist bigot homophobe rube. There saved you some time.

This movie was beyond retarded, not only for the propaganda but for the general structure of the movie. The plot was absolutely retarded. Nothing about the movie was redeeming at all.

The resistance is about 10 people large, and the First Order is also like 50 people in one big ship.

It feels like a small group of people just fighting eachother for no reason out in the middle of nowhere in space. Why would the rest of the galaxy give a fuck what goes on between 50 people?


kekd heartily


Because one group is smart enough to build a planet/star destroying device and blasts away randomly. IE--- one group is a terrorist empire that might blow your one in 400 billion stars away.

Oh wait--- even with terrible luck, they still won't blow up YOUR star as long as you don't live in the top 100 star systems.


Even John Williams work can't make it better.
It's a boring disaster.

>Be movie prop guy
>Gotta make a flashy new blaster for cuck wars
>Get a 1911 from a fellow Californian that is ashamed of his grandfather's WWII relics
>Paint it pretty colors and glue a propane torch nozzle to the end
>Get paid $1M contract and receive awards for innovation


I had to bow my head in disappointment when I saw that High School shop project tier blaster. Actually pathetic



Somebody is channeling Steve Jobs.


Bruce Dern is a rapist

>no trigger discipline

>They follow the rule of Binary.
>Is the heteronormative side stronger?
>No but, more productive... more rational.

star wars hate thread?

>make critical theory movie hiding behind the star wars name
>try to correct the goyim when it bombs

The original Star Wars is pure Leftism. Rebels fucking up an empire for their retarded holy cause, of course Americans like this shit




> 10 people
> vs 50
It the Battle of the Echo Chambers


It's not terrible, I just watched it wrong? Oh shit my bad.

>Back in a 1973 note on “Star Wars,” Lucas made clear which side he was rooting for in the Vietnam War: “A large technological empire going after a small group of freedom fighters.”



Please make the nigger gay. The apes would lose their minds

Everyone is unique and different but don’t you fucking dare watch movies this way or we’ll kill you.

>Women will often confuse antagonism with leadership

they always see things through their feelings

This. Gay niggers from outer space.

Is that an effeminate man or a slightly masculine woman? If people can’t sort out if they are a man or a woman, it’s a fair bet to say they should not be advising others on much of anything really.

>watching Star Wars in 2018

Kill yourselves. There weren't any good SW movie since Disney to its jew hands on the rights.

all those people who dress as troopers at cons? all those toys on shelves at wal-mart?nazis

>something so pure as Star Wars
fuck off, Star Wars has always been a mess of racist and SJW crap at the same time. That's what people liked about it and you were probably too young to notice it.
Pure, yeesh.

>jesus kicking the lepers
So they admit leftardism and homo is incurable infection that lead to inglorious death in pile of rot?

>female characters that felt real
>Rey is just a bland viewer self insert like Bella from Twilight or Katniss from Hunger Games
>Brown hair
>Brown eyes
>Good at everything relevant the moment she starts
>Generally has multiple attractive men going for her
Rey is only real in the sense of instead of having two Chads fighting over her she has a single thirsty beta stalking her.

The new star wars was just plain bad. I didn't super hate the one that came out two years ago. It was entertaining, basically exactly what I expected it to be.

This new one is fucking trash though. Whoever wrote it has to be retarded. It had pointless sideplots and the only good character is kylo ren and that makes me feel like i'm some sort of edge lord or something but jesus christ would it kill them to give someone a character arc. There was nothing interesting or compelling about this new star wars and it has nothing to do with SJW shit. It's just a bad movie.

Of course this is the tactic that is used in the last few years...when something blatantly sucks you call people out for shaming or something so they have to like it. That way no one is responsible and you can rile up a group of people who feel obligated to like something out of societal pressures


Guess I’ll just check my trips myself then and marvel at this great insightful comment I made.

>that androgynous jewfro
I'm not even surprised anymore


It's fucking SJW the movie, Walt is spinning in his grave.
>meme pic from the last piece of shit

Holy 56%

The original trilogy was about religious faith, patriarchal filial piety, hard work for inner growth, family bonds, and Endor for the Ewoks (nationalism instead of a space Jew boy-groomer (((manipulator))) destroying all local cultures.)

my sides

>Competent women
>I have a plan
>Should I tell my underlings that are worried that I am seemingly walking calmly towards our collective deaths?
>When they carry out a mutiny should I say "wait I have a plan?"
>Do I say "I have a plan for us but you will need to trust me?"
>LOL stupid boys being unable to understand women and our superior leadership abilities

This made me laugh out loud at work.

how much fucking money is disney spending on these articles

>that trigger discipline

Normalization of shit. That's all entertainment is. Rehashed shit. They dumb it down so all the monkeys can understand it. The only people who "enjoy" this shit are numales, bugmen, monkeys.

JJ is such a shit, I wonder why anyone employ him.

Star wars was a classic "good vs evil" story. I will agree it was a movie for children, but Disney has weaponized it into pure SJW weirdo-freak propaganda.


When she first came on screen I burst out laughing. Memes transcended reality and I'm reminded of that everyday.

Muh ancestor

Why do they insist that you must like this movie, you have to accept it, we will not take no?
It's like force feeding shit tasting medicine to a sick kid, while at the same time insisting it's actually candy.

>lose 2 ships and 2 captains for no reason
>wait until 50% of your final escape pods are shot down before doing something about it
They should have used a droid to do the FTL thing with the first ship that ran out of fuel, and saved the captain of that ship.

This guy has funny hair.

It's just dildo gun, my female coworker got present one from us.

In the scene where Rey and Kylo Ren were having visions, why did Rey so immediately want to go over and kill Kylo Ren? And don't say the easy answer of they were enemies.
I got some real antifa vibes from that scene.

That's how they did ALL of them in the originals. Retards.

oh boi


Yeah. I don't understand why it's not the default tactic for taking out high value targets.

Okay I watched this movie with my family and my brain turned off so I could just enjoy the space battle scenes (even if they make no sense). I don't really know a lot in-depth about star wars, can someone explain what the deal is with this film? I don't want to watch it again and actually have to pay attention, it wasn't even that good in braindead mode.

It's always best when the Jew takes its own poison, brother

Only manchildren give a shit about star wars


you should take some time to learn how greentexting is used, buddy

>She was not the first to use the Kathar maneuver
>Heterosexuality is a pathway to abilities some consider completely natural.
>They had the ability to create... life

You're watching it wrong, goyim.

Gas the dykes, gender wars now!

Watch the Millennial Woes Mike Isaacson debate. Guess his ethnicity, sweetie :^)

lol just turn off your brain NERDS

Watercutter. Yeah you can actually smoke a cigarette in shower with that nose.

Could have predicted that one.

Didn’t you just love the way that faggot started putting on make up when he was getting BFTO lol

When you blow up a white ship called Supremacy.

That pic might have some cred if it wasnt for the photo shopped picture of the black sumo wrestler and miley cyrus.

I also dont understand how Tarzan, Hercules and Beauty & Beast are bad.

I can kinda sorta work out why you might not like the others.

Same shit they tried to peddle with the disasterous Ghostbusters remake. You can't tell people how to approach content. You either cater to them, or you don't, you can't train or instruct an audience to like or "get" what you put out. But these pinheads will still try.

They know what the issue is, anyway. They know. They just don't want to publically admit that it's a forceful takeover of anything young boys and men like, because "muh feminism". We men can't have anything for ourselves. Have a hero? They will destroy him, and replace him with a woman. That's what they did here, they know it, but because they're liberal, and by definition cowards, they can't just admit it, and try bullshit like this.

They bitch about 'mansplaining", and then pull cuntsplaining like this.


I really like Aladdin though

>lmao you're just thinking wrong

I was waiting the whole fucking time for why she felt the need to keep that information private - there's plenty of military movies where a commander has to keep info from subordinates for a good reason. And then there never was one here. I don't get it. Why did she even wait that long? If that was their backup plan why did they warp so far away from that planet? Why didn't they move the cruiser to act as a physical shield against the incoming fire and protect the transports? I know star wars has never been a good example of military tactics but this was another level of stupid

>Oy vey goyim it's good if you're offended it means you're a nazi now work on killing your common sense

It's not OC. This is: youtube.com/watch?v=VZkL9VQsHdw

Oh fug

This. Rey isn't a character. She is a blank slate for women to project themselves on to.

How will SJWars ever recover?