Atheists have a higher iq than Christians, Muslims, you name t
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>admitting you're an atheist
What are you,12? Man atheists are as annoying as vegans.
both high iq and low iq people tend to be atheistic. low iq people tend to not be able to comprehend a god and high IQ people tend to see through the facade.
Is this the same for Europe?
its Canadian and from the 70s, im sure its different from culture to culture. it Could be the neutered Christian faith that.
>radical centrist IQ
hmm try again sweetie
You mad?
Satan has a magnificent IQ and it worked out so well for him that he thought he was so damn pretty he went from #2 to eventually being a piece of boiling #2 chained in a lake of molten, sulfurous, hellfire for >1000yrs.. Basically, the biggest fuck up of all-time.
So, unless we are talking sub 85 IQs(or w/e our darker complexioned "friends" are averaging these days) having an extra 10pts can bring it's own set of "issues" and thinking your shit doesn't stink seems to be a common issue for those who might end up losing the game of life in truly the worst way imaginable.
IDK, maybe some very stable, atheists should consider using their extra 10 IQ points to realize that energy was at some point "created" and that possibly we in our current form as smelly, extremely limited, carbon-based flesh suits might not have the most complete perspective on things and being super proud and having such hubris one cannot, especially when contemplating an Almighty God, set it aside that that might be problematic in a very big way, at least on this issue. Just a thought.
Having a superior IQ is great and who wouldn't want to have as high of one as possible but, to not recognize that it brings it's own "challenges" would be shortsighted/ignorant.
>Theist looks like a gaussian
>Atheist doesn't, looks like it's either brainlets or brainmores
Honestly looks like the atheist distribution doesn't have enough data
doesnt matter,atheists dont breed
and its a problem
getting redpilled on god makes you stop having kids from nihlism some pills aint meant to be swallowed
Hats because they engage themselves more in critical thinking. The problem is they think because of this, they have the spiritual answers that nobody has
I personally find Christians far more annoying. The worst atheists do is debate people, Christians actively prostelytize, destroying centuries or thousands of years of culture so that everyone can praise Jesus.
That feel when Christian and highest IQ you know
>preserving thousands of years of culture is now destroying it
The absolute state of ancap retards
if atheists are smarter how come they believe a theory as a fact
Very Funny.
where do we start?!?
Who or what is a christian? Who and what makes them christian?
Same goes for atheist's....
If it's atheists who have done the study, is it possible that they chose their candidates subsonscously and only think that they'd have been objective? Have they subconsciously sabotaged their research?
What is IQ? What does it mean?
How are different kindsand ways of thinking represented in the test?
Example: People who think out of the box might have difficulties on the "dumbnut" part and vice versa.
It's at least proven that doing different kinds of IQ tests over and over again, makes you somehow better in them.
Which leads to the question:
Are atheists such losers, that they do as many IQ tests, as they'd just solve the IQ tests better?
Are "Christians" so off, because they rather use their time for something more useful, than doing IQ tests over and over again?
Lust but not least: How does an average IQ for atheists, influence you or your IQ?!?
You still can be a low performer. -> claiming to be atheist, means nothing much that for.
I know you want to feel better about yourself, and thats why you're refering to people who are better, than yourself. In hope some of that glimpse would be shining on you, too.
We both can tell and we both know you do this only to fill the void inside yourself.
There has been very little cultural production that will last at all in the last century. Western philosophy is now dead, as is Western art, music, and architecture. All development in the last hundred years has grown directly out of technology, but periods of technological expansion do not continue indefinitely.
The point being, the era in which atheism enthrones itself as the "correct" belief (which is why "intelligent" people are atheist-- it is the CULTURE they are trained in as "educated liberal mainstream people") is also the one in which "intelligence" ceases to be anything meaningful, as culture atrophies and dies. The atheist negation is simply the death cry of western civilization. There won't be any works of atheist genius. Atheism is merely a pose struck in the face of the death of genius, of life, of everything.
I really doubt this graph, primarily the massive upturn at about an IQ of 78. It makes me think that they just listed those incapable of articulating any sort of belief as atheist. Additionally even as an atheist I find it unlikely that atheists would be so heavily represented on the higher side of the IQ curve.
I've always looked down on indoctrinated religious types. I've read all the books etc. Just logical i guess
Atheists confuse me.
For people who believe the purpose of existence is to survive and reproduce, they do a very shitty job of the reproduce part.
It would be very easy to train anyone to have the exact same responses you do. Are you trained, or do you arrive at your views from within some pure realm of unbiased contemplation?
>The absolute state of ancap retards
>India, China, Korea, Japan, Africa, and the Middle East have thousands of years of Christian tradition
If Christians just stuck to the Americas and Europe I wouldn't mind as much since the pagan traditions supplanted by Christianity are long dead and attempts to revive them are akin to larping.
I should clarify that by the middle east I mean primarily Iran, Afghanistan, Arabia, and Pakistan as opposed to the levant and Turkey.
Out of 10 highest IQ's on earth, at least 8 are Theists, at least 6 are Christians.
> Atheist brainlets BTFO
Which theory?
Those places convert peacefully because they find the Christian faith superior to their fairytales, just as our ancestors did.
If I had to deal with American proddiism I would rather be atheist too.
our country is majority non religious
I don't really care why they convert, actively converting people is destroying their culture. Also, the claim that "our ancestors converted peacefully" is fallacious, the Saxons, Pomeranians, Prussians, and Balts were converted by force. In addition to that many peoples were forcibly converted by a monarch who willingly converted, this was frequently a case among the Anglo-Saxons and Norse peoples, where a newly converted warlord or king would begin subjugating his pagan counterparts and forcing them or heavily pressuring them to convert.
because a theory must be proven beyond any reasonable doubt to be accepted as a theory u melt
They reproduce ideaologically, like homosexuals. They don't necessarily need to have a baby and raise it as an atheist, they just need to convince your kids that God isn't real.
>atheists are smart
>that's why they lie and claim to have read things they've never read
Thats interesting, because it seems to follow pic related.
So you're saying atheism is a meme?
A few didn't have much of a choice indeed, in the later years of European conversion, but most did. In fact for centuries converting meant being treated badly and suffering potential torture and death. Yet they converted, thousands after thousands before the words of God. Christianity was built with the blood of its martyrs, even you faggot should be able to recognise this.
Also, 1) some cultures are worse than others and won't be missed and 2) you can go to several Christian countries and experience various vibrant cultures.
They are degenerates though, high IQ degenerates = team jewish.
Lots of atheists have read the bible though. I read it from cover to cover when I tried becoming a religious person. A part of the reason I dropped Christianity (in addition to feeling like I was wasting my time) is because I disagreed with Jesus' philosophy quite heavily.
>Christianity was built with the blood of its martyrs, even you faggot should be able to recognise this.
I never debated this point, most Christians converted willingly out of belief or greater social opportunities for Christians. However to make a monolithic claim that our ancestors converted willingly is incorrect. Many peoples were converted by force or followed their rulers who were converted by force. If you are German, Baltic, or Scandinavian the odds that at least one of your ancestors were converted at the point of a sword is high.
>some cultures are worse than others and won't be missed
I view this as a lazy cop out of a response borne from a lack of understanding of other cultures. Every culture has something of importance, whether it is their art, dress, or world outlook.
2) you can go to several Christian countries and experience various vibrant cultures.
But their culture from before their adoption of Christianity is largely dead, from their religion, to their world outlook, to their style of art. Religion has a massive effect on a culture, and changing a religion completely changes the path of a culture, even if the religion partially melds with existing religious beliefs.
deviation causes dissension, seems to make sense.
>be atheist leaders in Europe
>decry Christianity for decades as oppressive
>let in even more oppressive Muslim refugees to takeover
>atheist leaders ok with this
Yeah, smarter
This is literally the opposite takeaway that the smartest atheists and other religious but non-Christians have on Christianity and Jesus. Which is interesting to me.
Also, the medium(online) isn't great for this so I could be "off" on this but it does seem as if you might have your panties in a minor twist as your posts are seeming quite ...."emotionally based" which you might want to examine as to why but, again, I could be totally misreading on that so, if so, carry on.
You are implying that the leaders in question are regular atheists as opposed to Jewish atheists. Every atheist I personally know dislikes Muslims at least as much as they dislike Christians and other religions, if not more.
>This is literally the opposite takeaway that the smartest atheists and other religious but non-Christians have on Christianity and Jesus.
I mean I didn't really believe it either, but I was always told "just pray on it and faith will come to you." After a couple years of being as religious as I could be I realized that I still didn't believe this garbage, I felt like I was wasting my time reading a book I disliked and sitting n Church which I found boring, and I thought Jesus was a complete fucking pussy.
Honestly I would unironically prefer Islam to Christianity if I had to choose a religion, at least early Muslims didn't take shit from anyone, they conquered the two greatest empires in the known world and formed an empire larger than Alexander the Great's.
True, though you also forgot to mention that commies have lower IQ that people.
>Nicola Tesla
>Werner Karl Heisenberg
>Georges Lemaître
All of 3 biggest scientists ever lived were Christians
im an atheist and i dont hate either. religion seems nessesary for most people to not fuck eachother over for personal gain.
I think it depends upon whether your faith/lack of faith comes from your own thoughts or if you're doing it because of trust in others.
If you're an atheist because "the smart guys of society are atheists" then you're not much better in my eyes than somebody who believes in gods and spirits.
I think it seems to me a lot of the time that modern day atheists are generally apathetic about religion and philosophy and identify that way based on its edgy contrarian counterculture status.
It also bothers me that people assume atheism is a justification for moral nihilism.
Yes it’s unfortunate. Even I consider myself a convinced atheist and over the years have come to the conclusion that I just don’t want children. I’ve always said if I do have any, I will have one and try to raise that one child the best I can. Let’s see
Apples and Oranges.
And atheists like Dawkins called for the end of Christianity for decades, but now that the Muslim hordes are at his front door, he's saying that "only Christianity can save Europe".
Fucking stupid
Statistics show that religion being useful for social cohesion is dubious at best. In the US atheists and agnostics have much lower representation in the prison system relative to their overall population percentage when compared to theists. Even if you assume many of their agnostics and atheists convert in prison the recidivism rate is so high that it is still doubtful that religion actually has a big effect on moral behavior.
Of course if anyone has studies on this topic (ie. how often religious and non-religious people do moral or immoral actions) I would be interested on reading more.
i agree 100% user, i see lots of atheists who were convinced into being an atheist and focus on the "morality" of religion. personally i see religion as a net good but cannot reconcile the inconsistencies and errors in logic when it comes to most religions.
Dawkins has been calling out Islam since the beginning of time. I'm not sure about him claiming that only Christianity could save Europe, he might have said that he might not have. However, Dawkins has never been pro-Islam.
When you break down groups of Christians , it becomes a different story.
Calvinists/Anglicans have a higher IQ than your average atheist, but baptists and catholics are lower.
>implying literally anything they've ever published isn't bullshit
I love when non-scientists treat science as a substitute for religion.
>lies about reading the entire Bible
Easily the most autistic thing I’ve read all day. Thanks.
>Dawkins has been calling out Islam since the beginning of time.
No he wasn't. His book The God Delusion is mostly Christianity and his work before that (books, tv shows, etc) was 99% "le Christians are bad".
But nowadays you ONLY hear Dawkins talk badly of Islam.
> claiming that only Christianity could save Europe
"Richard Dawkins says Christianity is world's best defence against radical Islam "
Atheists are more likely to be loser virgins that never procreate XD. They dont call it missionary because fedora tipping Atheists do it
people have a tendency to collectivise, if people have to collectivise id rather it be in religious institutions than pretty well anything else.
>talks about logical inconsistencies
>doesn't believe in logic anyway
Just admit why you are really atheist.
atheists barely exist - either you're agnostic, the kind that respects religions as a tool and coping mechanism with history (or tool to subjugate - islam)
... or you're a rather ignorant fool
Nice to see a rational leaf , university has made me fearful
Not believing in a magical kike fairy in the sky automatically makes you smarter than theist retards.
>muh morals
>needing an ancient book to tell you how not to be a shitty person
Kill yourselves.
>You can't read the entire bible without becoming a Christian
Trust me, I read the bible and simply found it lacking. Of course reading it cover to cover isn't the ideal method, although at least the Old Testament with its stories of war and genocide managed to hold my attention better than the letters of the apostles.
i dont believe in logic? lol okay
Agnostic master race
Most hardcore atheists are fedora wearing neckbeards
That's a fair point, although I feel like there are potentially better ways for people to self organize and identify than religion. Still, better than people who base their entire lives around their political ideology or sports team or something retarded like that.
The latter
i never went to uni, started a business and a charity right out of highschool. it didnt seem worth it to me.
>hurr cant understand it so it doesnt exist
Oh Drumphkins
>override religious instinct
I was trained by the sword. Molded by it.
Equality is a lie.
t. an atheist
Wtf has being agnostic got to do with respecting religions?
Atheist means-"I don't believe in God/Gods" not "I believe God exists and I fucking hate him like an edgy teenager and all Christians to and I want to murder anyone who doesn't worship Richard Dawkins" like some retards on Sup Forums believe
religious types avoid occult knowledge because their mind control prohibits it
Why are all the smart guys white?
Don't answer that, I already know.
The average double digit IQ Sup Forumstard actually believes that.
how sad, they bought into the christ cuck nonsense
I'm not saying God isn't real, but modern religion is just mind control bullshit
>Catholic Priest comes up with Big Bang Theory
>Atheist scientists of the day laugh at him
>turns out he was right
>implying /fringe/ niggers are redpilled
Christians always know more than theosophist demon worshipers.
>Religious zealots are largely brown
>Atheists are largely white
I wonder how this sampling was made.
I never said you will become Christian by reading the entire Bible, I said you personally have not read the Bible.
The reason you are atheist is a mixture of pride and self-worship. You are too proud to ask God to grant you faith and too obsessed with self to do what is necessary to be able to accept Grace. Reading the Bible would be good for you, but ultimately worthless as long as you remain in your pride. Honestly, reading Scripture is overrated in a way. Of course we should read the Scriptures, but the fact is that the mysterious nature of God and His Word are such that the average man cannot really understand or interpret the Bible without a guide.
Many have already logically proven God's existence. Many others have provided physical proof in the form of miracles. At this point, a man is atheist because he wishes to be wilfully blind, not because he lacks for evidence. You want to be atheist, fine, but just be honest with yourself. Stop pretending you have any other reason than malice.
I don't think you know what that word means. It doesn't mean moderate atheist, it means not sure. Nobody is just agnostic. Essentially you are an agnostic atheist (I am not sure but I doubt that there are gods), or an agnostic theist (I am not sure but I would think/like/hope there is a god). You could also be a gnostic atheist or theist meaning you are absolutely certain in your beliefs.
Very few atheists are gnostic atheists since they mostly acknowledge that god in some form could exist, no matter how unlikely.
plus its cheap networking, the best places to find buisness is undoubtedly churches and bars.
Non-Christian whites do not breed. That is a sign of low IQ and genetic deficiency. Good riddance
Get refuting, fellas.
>converting people is destroying their culture
They are not looking at the big picture. They are short sided and petty. They only talk shit to Christians but never do they dare to attack any other religion.
>The reason you are atheist is a mixture of pride and self-worship.
How about basic logic and reasoning? Does that factor into it?
Most Americans are lowkey atheist. It's nothing fucking special.
The people that actively label themselves as atheists tend to be sciency, engineering types who by correlation tend to have a higher IQ. If you were to take that survey from a post-religious country like Russia, I am 99% confident that the median IQ number would go down because of regression to the mean or, in more plain terms, because it's a country where more average people are atheists.
Smug fucking cunts