Are millennial women truly happy working instead of staying home raising child with their husband?

Are millennial women truly happy working instead of staying home raising child with their husband?

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Stop posting this whore you leftist shill



Overall probably not.
but the feminists say "They don't need no man" {spoiler}-Except the state-{spoiler}


Who cares? It keeps them busy until they pass the safe child bearing ages. We are reducing the population one feminist at a time. Agenda 21 will happen.

Does it matter?
They choose their own life. You cant force somebody to have your ideals.

Women are stupid.

she's ugly so who cares? I'm sure she loves the attention she gets from all the fat beta dudes.

Who the fuck is happy working?

I am, gonna work couple of extra hours this weekend and get some major pay.


Some people love their jobs. Like me. Working as a translator and the pay is very good

is OP a cucksucking motherfucking faggit?

>with their husband
This is the part where YOU were suppsed to come in.
Where are they supposed to get husbands when none of you are husband material?

All the data says no.

happier and whiter than you, Mohammed

They are indoctrined by feminist ideas.

I am much happier working towards my goals than I would be sitting at home in an endless cycle of menial appeasement of another. Even if I did love that person it would not be anything approaching a fulfilling life.

The biggest desire among millennials, from what I have seen both as one and from viewing my peers, is purpose and fulfillment. It is a desperate need for meaning because a sense of national meaning and movement is gone.

That is why many over exaggerate social issues in an attempt to find something to rally against to find meaning. That is why many millennials work longer hours than their older peers in desperation to find something. That is why depression and other related mental illness is on a near constant rise in the youth. We've lost our purpose.

something about that pic gives me a boner. A shame what shes done with her body

>yes female goyim, get a job, dilute the work base, increase job competition so we can get desperate jobseekers to work for less

considering 2/3 of them are on antidepres since they are 16-17

shes aging pretty badly, isnt she?

There's a lot of libs in here tryin to act like women working is a right wing ideal. It isn't.

woah.. so this is the power of female liberation

She's the perfect example of a female bugman.

Huh that's the chick from link related. Totally forgot about her.


Almost every modern female I know prefers working full time to staying at home, even those who have kids can't wait till the kids are old enough so that they can get back in the workplace.

>still playing overwatch

No, they're not. Also, there's such thing as a 'womanchild' just like there is a 'manchild.' Your pic has a womanchild in it. My pic is also of a womanchild. I still want her to be my qtgf though.

I just searched the term "bug man" on Urban Dictionary. I lol'd hard. Any more terms I should be aware of?

Why is that ?


Because being stuck at home all day is boring? I'm not even a woman, I'm just telling you what they told me.

>every modern female I know
yeah ok

>Ever playing Overwatch to begin with
Bugman game.

Cute name, but it should sound more negative.

Anecdotal evidence.

I know a white guy that can dunk, it doesn't mean its the norm

If you don't consider individual exceptions at all then don't bother making generalisations in the first place.

This chick needs a new haircut, otherwise she will look like a dyke librarian.

is this michael jackson?

Bullshit. The average person hates the workforce; especially women. They're talking out their ass if they say this.

>I am much happier working towards my goals than I would be sitting at home in an endless cycle of menial appeasement of another. Even if I did love that person it would not be anything approaching a fulfilling life.
helping your family directly instead of earning money to pay someone to raise your kids? you must like paying taxes and not seeing your children

t. stay-at-home-dad master race

Why do you even go to threads like this if you know deep down you will refuse any conflicting evidence to your initial thoughts anyway?

I don't come into these threads to teach others, I come here to learn and debate. Maybe you should have the same mindset.

No one is trurly happy working.
Running your own business may be somehwat fullifilling, but that's a bit more than just work.
Women are only different from men in that regard in that they already had the possibility to not work, but they got memed so hard they actively fought to have it taken away.

>Gets mad when someone disagrees with their retarded statement
You're talking out your ass and being a fag when people disagree with you. Get over it, pussy.

Stop selfposting. You're just a face. No one cares.

My Jew

>hey got memed so hard they actively fought to have it taken away.
this. guys dont make the same mistake. take feminism to its true form and stay at home while the woman works. give the bitches what they have been begging for and let them toil their lives away in a soul crushing job

I'm not mad at all. Not sure why you thought that.

You're the one outright denying actual evidence to the contrary. The fact that it's anecdotal makes it minimal evidence, but it's still evidence nonetheless.

Why not? Not everyone wants kids and I couldn't blame a woman for not wanting to go through something that people describe as the most painful thing humans can experience and then dedicate your entire life around someone else leaving next to no time for yourself.

Besides what you're describing as a traditional gender role, is being a dependent, depending on a man to provide for you, with no independence. if roles were reversed would you want to have no independence? Fuck no, you'd consider that emasculating and making you less of a person, like collecting welfare.

So.. I fully understand women wanting to have their own jobs and their own money and not being relegated to baby factories just because they were born with a vagina. Even married with kids, I'd still want to work, and so I can expect she'd still want to work too.

I guarantee this is the same guy who always makes the open borders thread with the blonde girl image.

try being disabled for a few years, you will be itching to work again rather than sitting around playing video games and watching movies all day every day. You get so fucking stir crazy and bored that you feel you might lose your mind. Really it only takes a few months for you to be bored and want to go back to work.

of course not

Japan's suffering a polulation crisis because theyre happy enough with the career leverage they gain through being a woman here and now to have no interest in abandoning being their own provider and dreams to fill a traditional role. Its going to become more widespread among first generation opportunists.

I want to raise children with Soe.

>try being disabled for a few years,
is that what you think taking care of a house and kids is like user?

You have to understand that working for women is different to working for men.
They don't have the pressure of making a lot of money, of rising through the ranks, wearing uncomfortable office attire or of working in a menial physical job.

Working for women is about going for drinks after work at a desk office job and waiting for the holidays to come.
Many companies love hiring women, they can wear whatever they want, and they can always date a guy who they can then rely on for financial income.

if you can play video games and watch movies all day you can work, or at least educate yourself, from home

The question was who the fuck enjoys working. I was replying to that. After you go some time not being able to work and having no independence you're quite thirsty for those things.

Working from home not really I mean most jobs that you can do from home require you to do onsite work for them for years before they'll let you work from home.

>I am so happy
happiness: 0.9
fear: 5.0

i understand you had to take some years to heal up after the surgery and all. it still must be hard finding a job you can dilate at 5 times a day

>Can't understand scientific notation

Typical murimutt education.

>burger education

looks like she's been crying desu senpai

I'm a dude. I had to take some time rehabilitating after losing a leg.


5.839875E-08 literally means 0.00000005839875

fighting in the jew wars or trans-abled?

No idea. But i find career women cringy and vile.

This. When you've provided for yourself and theres more out there than getting married and hoping your man doesnt turn into a financial fuckup, stops putting work into themself like a bitch who bloats while i still work on myself, being expected to give up on my life and career's effort when my partner wants a family, not being able to vidya/whatever I want with my spare time because why should I focus on myself when the only factor that seems to ask me to be more dependant, less ambitious and actively put myself second to someone i will spend my life with until I die instead of standing on my own as an equal with their own aspirations and desires at the end of a long day.

we made the work too easy for them, no shit they're preferring to do nothing and get paid instead of applying actual effort at home

being T boned at an intersection by someone who was texting.

They didn't survive. I was a mess.

Of course not, the number of depressions is soaring to new heights every year. People feel their lifes are empty and without a purpose. So this is what they do then, wander around aimlessly travelling around, being happy that you can talk about Overwatch. They are escaping reality.

is it therapeutic begging for sympathy online?

blocks your path

>Almost every modern female I know prefers working full time to staying at home
If I was your mother I would also prefer staying away from home.

Where was I begging for sympathy, I was just explaining that I was disabled, and know what it's like to be NEET for awhile and don't understand how anyone could like living like that. You get bored out of your skull and want to work. So yes, I enjoy working. It gives you purpose and also gives you money so that you can live independently. Apparently some of you don't appreciate that and think it'd be great to be NEET.

Wew lad, what a retard.

Hey, you know who really loves the idea of women stewing at home with diaper shitting brats and playing housewife all the time?

Socially crippled white men.

Newsflash, babydicks: the 19fucking50s are dead as a fucking doornail and they're never, ever EVER coming back.

So, you have two choices.

1. Shut up.

2. Get with the program.

And the program is:

>Women like to fuck.

>Women like to work.

>Women love love LOVE leaping right over scared, confused little men. They LOVE leaving an even bigger impression on the world than those demotivated, entitled little boys ever will.

If you can't handle that, I've got a fleshlight and a steaming pile of nasty interracial cuck porn for you - your favorite.

Now, I don't know why I keep coming to this board and seeing the same shit here every single day from scared little boys who still don't get it.

We fought like hell for our rights and privileges and we are NOT giving them up. We're rather die than be your dumbed down fuck-toy baby wiping wives again.

See, those Nasty Women you love to deride don't have to settle. They can work long hours, or none. They can fuck often with whoever they want. They can get abortions or go on the pill, or decide to keep a kid WITHOUT the fucking father.

Take away the morals for a second. Why the hell would we ever give it up when we have everything???

Oh, and when even 20% of the old bitter white Jesusfreaks stay home, we easily outvote you. We have the power. Guess what's gonna happen in November? :)

After President Fuckface is gone, America will be matriarchal, and it isn't coming back. Enjoy!

>and think it'd be great to be NEET.
>t. stay-at-home-dad master race

Thats a "holding back tears" face if I ever saw one

and you don't think your wife cucks you on a regular basis? Just wait till one of the kids she pops out is half nigger. Women don't respect "stay at home dads", aka cucks. Even though they pretend the traditional gender roles aren't there anymore they subconsciously know you're less of a man for not being the breadwinner.

How does that feel being a cuck?

Also remember to sage threads blizzardgirl posting.

She doesn't fucking look happy she looks like she's about to cry. Who convinced women this was a good idea ?

Not politics and the mandatory fuck off for being a faggot OP. Saged

I wonder how she feels about you using her image for every b8 thread you start OP? Wouldn't it be interesting if she finds herself not being able to attract anyone into her life and then finds out that some shill at shariablue using her image in all of their threads is the main reason?
and then if said person could find out who it was that was doing this to her?
Oh yes, I'm sure that'd be very interesting for you OP! :^)

>Women don't respect "stay at home dads", aka cucks.
i wonder what they think of a literal "half a man" stay mad stumpy

Through the window she goes

confirms she is happy

>This pasta
Not good. Way too forced.

prosthetic leg but I can provide for myself. Keep being a "dependent" on your wife's tax forms though, while she calls home and says she'll be late from work (code word for she's fucking a coworker)

whats your wife do again user?

Every mother I know wants to stay home with her kids, but can't afford it.

good read, thank you.

i've never had a salary and im almost 30. i don't lose my mind. i was reared very poorly so I suppose that's the key.

>Stay at home moms just sit at home and do nothing
>Working shit jobs brings 'purpose'

My fiance works in IT

The guy was just talking out his ass. No mother wants to put their kid in fucking daycare all day.

I've been dating a girl for a few months who is a nurse, the choice between wiping old peoples butts for a living or staying at home raising children is going to be an easy one for her. Im rich so have no need for her income.

Keep in mind that children aren't a devotion to them, children are merely an accessory.