Without Black people and Africa America would be nothing. You should be ashamed of yourself because of your racism.
Without Black people and Africa America would be nothing. You should be ashamed of yourself because of your racism.
How much are they worth in foreign aid?
What's up with everyone suddenly trying to unironically imply Africa isn't one big tire fire? Is this the power of Trump derangment syndrome? Also
>Africa having valuable materials for trade means it isn't a smoking hole in the ground
>$46.6 Billion
Wow that's more than I make in a year...
That's a LITERAL drop in the bucket. That's less than half of what Bezos controls personally.
So is it a tire fire or isn't it? Make up your mind you worthless hat.
>In 2016, Vermont current-dollar GDP was $31.1 billion and ranked 50th in the United States.
bitch what, 46.6 billion is nothing. Your military budget alone is 750billion dollars. Also, you dont need them to survive, they need you. So fuck em.
Disney is willing to spend more than that on Fox. That's just trading within our own child slavery/propaganda manufacturers. Do you think we give a fuck about your money?
The US gives a bit more than that in foreign aid, probably to a lot of the same shithole countries.
Versus our 18.7 Trillion GDP i'm unconcerned.
Furthermore the balance of trade has been garbage for decades. To say that these countries are "worth" 46.6 billion in trade is to ignore the fact that if all trade ceased tommorow and we became a self-sufficient nation (not possible, i'm aware. The people who would need to cooperate reject the notion) the bleeding would stop.
you should be ashamed for seeing racism in everything.
the US gives foreign aid to everyone
mostly israel
>Trump’s ‘Shithole' Countries Are Worth $46.6 Billion in Trade to (((America)))
I guess those kikes are just going to have to take the paycut, then.
$47 billion in a country with a GDP of $17 trillion. That just proves his point.
But Shlomo told me it's actually the US forcing Israel to buy their F35-s!
Finally we can tell Sally Struthers and her ilk to fuck off. Africa is a near utopia full of people with great dignity.
Bill Gates alone has more net worth, you fucking retard.
Oh wow, less than 50 billion in trade in a 20 trillion dollar economy!
Very meager in the grand scheme of things. Their main exports are usually crude oil so leftists should hate this anyway
>46.6 billion in trade
>gdp is 18.57 trillion
oh no that's 0.2% of the gdp whatever will americans do?
US trade between it and Ireland is worth at least $36 billion per year. To put that into perspective.
>Ireland is a shitty little island off the coast of Europe with a population of 4.6 million.
>the shit hole countries have vast territories, hundreds of millions in combined population and access to valuable natural resources.
Yet they are only able to stump up a paltry combined $46.6 billion. I mean fuck I knew niggers and spic were lazy cunts but what are they doing that they only barely trade more than this little island.
And how much is Norway?
Bullshit hahahaha
Is that in OPs source? I aint clicking on that shit.
They're still shitholes tho! See...
We don't need them, just Afirica's resources. Thier own government sells them out. Not much different then us.
What is your point again?
>in all fields
Canada and US trade is just under 600 billion. All the shithole countries together are 46 billion.
Donald j. Trump"The language used by me at the DACA meeting was tough, but this was not the language used. What was really tough was the outlandish proposal made - a big setback for DACA!"
We're addicted to maple syrup. Keep it coming!
That is slightly disturbing.
The total value of Norways import/export, globally, is about $162 billion. I think trying to
have a bigger piece of the Norway-cake is very much within the USA's interest...
Which is basically nothing. Fucking Wisconsin's GDP is 230 billion+
Without African Resources America is nothing. Drumpf and you should be more respectfull to Africa, and espceially since Africans have build the USA.
Oh get over it faggot. They are shitholes. And you call us rednecks and trailer trash all the time.
Fucking take your hit like a man you NIGGERS. And accept reality for what it is.
*tire fire wrapped around a person by Nelson Mandela and his wife while others cheer and watch before beating their slaves.
You forgot a part.
so less than tranny bathroom bills. good to know how useful they are.
Are you under the delusion with America's vast military resources we wouldn't just take anything we felt we really needed? We wouldn't even need to declare war because nobody wants a massacre they'd just give it up within reason
China is the one taking your resources, not America. We're more hedged in sandland.
it's easier to call everybody a racist and pretend to care than to actually care and fix the problem
It takes about 95-100 Haitians to produce the same amount of wealth as 1 Norwegian.
Although in reality it is probably something more like 500 Haitians.
Also why are liberals so Norsephobic. I mean they were poor as fuck once upon a time, poorer than Africans, but they persisted and rose out of that.
Why can't the africans do the same?
umm sweetie? *laughs in sargon*
>Without Black people and Africa America would be nothing.
I agree, without black people Africa America would be nothing.
shut up racist
America needs the traffic lights and bloodmobiles and other inventions blacks made. Educated blacks. Blacks in STEM fields. The Ben Carsons of the world.
But these other dindus need to fuck off back to their shithole countries.
>0.00247711362 PERCENT OF THE GDP
If any of those countries quit trading with us out of spite, they'd all starve in a matter of months. Stupid shithole country niggers
Colurful lights , darkness and creative photography can make almost anything appealing. *yawns in soygon*
DUDE, we already ARE taking their shit with out military. Our monetary-military policies are a literal tax on foreigners.
When someone even makes NOISES about not paying up they tend to get invaded or couped.
Generally we use the coup if we can as it is FAR cheaper.
Our wartorn shithole which has no resources has a higher GDP than 46 African countries.
>Read the link
>466 billion
>"Wow that's a lot"
>It's actually $46.6 Billion
Hang on a minute, thats not even Lagos.
it’s a shithole!
>no it’s not a shithole
then send the temporary workers back
>buts it’s a shithole!
The combined value of shitholes is less than Facebook which I don't use
me too
pretty much this right here; I truly don't understand how everyone in the world is loosing their minds over the president calling a spade a spade; They have been thirdworld shit holes for decades, this is not news. Everyone needs to stop pretending its news, its just the president acknowledging the situation and working towards making things better for HIS constituents; They're the ones who matter, theyre the ones who voted for him, and he's winning for them. He doesn't need to get a win for the Haitians, they mean nothing to him
its all chink money boys; china looks similar will all their chink buildings, still doesn't mean its not a shit hole
better version
>democrats say africa is a shithole all the time
>trump agrees
>democrats get mad
It's like having a mother in law.
You would know, right Chen?
It devaluates the actives in said country.
I'm pretty sure USA pays more than that in foreign aid. Like twice as much.
>There are private citizens in America that make more in a fucking year than what your shitholes can scrounge up in trade
46.6 billion in trade doesn't make the countries any less than shitholes.
And doing trade with a country doesn't mean we should take their people, too.
this is the reality we live in when shitskins from shitholes have all the power
I know the place must be shitty enough that they're all pouring over here as fast as possible and our government is too cucked to stop it (unlike our based god emperor trump to the south of us)
Still don't know why they are going apeshit when the main argument for mass immigration is because their sucks shit and deporting them back would mean certain death.
Nice b8
that's a great analysis of the situation user, some seriously Orwellian shit going on right now; I was just reading his essay on politics and the English language yesterday and it truly blows my mind how far we have let ourselves fall.
Stop trying to tell facts to racists. They know they're racists, it's what gets them off.
>The trade with all countries from the shithole countries combined is ~0.25% of the US GDP
I am almost certain that the you burgers spend more on them then you recieve. Jesus Christ this is a joke. You could cut ties to these nations completly and you would lose a whoopin 0.25% (ZERO POINT TWENTY-FIVE PERCENT) of your fucking GDP, and liberals somehow think this is important. Im laughing way harder than I should.
That's not even half of what my country gives them in foreign aid...
So a tenth of what we give Israel, Egypt, and Jordan for “(((world peace)))”
We're on the same wavelength it seems. Hey, brother: good job.
I wish that America would cut all aids and trade to Africa.
Let the Africa black people help themselves.
Fuck you share blue go suck a bag of dicks
do you actually know how to count?
I guess you equate the color of shit with the color of your skin.
fucking kys
Not really. That's a drop in the bucket in tbe trillions we trade
wtf I love disgusting niggers now
Keep dreaming nigger. You fuckers are lucky that whites took your ancestors asses to America. Be grateful.
This unironically.
Can someone please explain this fucking shithole countries thing
US-Belgium trade is worth more than all those shithole countries combined, and Belgium is the size of my dick.
does that make them less of a bunch of shitholes ? 46 bn is nothing
lets go deeper
Trading goods does not mean we have to trade people, Mr. Shithole.