I know this board likes to glorify the achievements of the white "race", but how in the hell can you claim to posess racial or even cultural superiority if you can't even create decent cuisine. All the good food you're consuming is copied from foreign cultures. Doesn't make that these foreign cultures superior?
White """culture"""
mud cookies
do other races even have high culture and fine dining? I don't even know. it all seems to be taco bell and chinese takeout.
>Dem wypipo don make no food
>Goes to KFC or other white founded chicken places
Why don't you go have some chicken and grits my soul food soul brother. You know, all that stuff you learned to cook from white people.
nigger can't handle work
>pretending there isn't european food
>it's an angry nigger who's shithole was slandered is mad episode
This is what blacks mean when they talk about seasoning
Shit like this is how I know non-whites are low IQ retards. France produces some of the worlds greatest chefs and cuisine
See every restaurant started in US, now goes global. 0 Chains in US from other countries.
>"lmao, Africa is poor, fucking retarded black people, their situation is completely based on genetics"
>proceeds to support imperialism
But then we make your food cleaner and better than the shitskins ever could. So you lose again coal burner. Still better to be white and live amongst whites. That why you run to our countries and we buy spices from yours. See your native lands are SHITHOLES
What was the nigger food of choice before the slave trade?
Should've developed defenses
Ironically enough there seems to be a lot of SALT in this thread
someone post the video of the chinese guy telling the african that they failed at keeping the railroads whites built working and instead destroyed it
Does this imply something?
Europeans discovered half the world just for the spicetrade. saged
You are conquered people deal with it. The only African countries worth a damn are colonized one's.
>north America discovered in search for cheaper spice route
>pretending whites don't season foods
Nigger-tier intelligence, folks.
There's Tim Hortons
Which colonies did the US have in Africa, Tyrone?
Such a vibrant culture.
Let them in.
Denmark has the absolute best food in the world. Would not trade it for anything else.
I don't get how whites should be ashamed of their food.
here's what blacks did with it when they discovered the wheel
Man it's like he found a bucket of KFC
>all this white butthurt from not being able to accept the truth
is this bait? what the fuck?
>All the good food you're consuming is copied from foreign cultures.
Eat broken glass fag
For millions of years minerals laid under the africans feet, he never once thought to use them until a white man showed him how to smelt iron or that a diamond was valuable, he never even made a wheel or bothered trying to tame zebras as horses.
We do put spices in out food though. Mhh salty.
So what am I supposed to gather from these pictures you posted?
>All the good food you're consuming is copied from foreign cultures. Doesn't make that these foreign cultures superior?
And all the food you eat in Africa is farmed by white farmers, because you still can't figure out how to farm.
Doesn't that make us superior?
The language you’re using to convey sharia blues ideology was invented by white men.
Also bait thread thread
And yet Asia does not have this problem, despite having been colonized as well.
Liberia, you huge brainlet.
So why is china interested in africa if all the resources are gone?
Your fucking post is all so tiresome
da truff
>Mediterraneans aren't white
WTF I hate stuffed peppers now!?!
Salty spicy fried food is my favorite food personally, but you can't eat it everyday or you'll feel like garbage. Probably why they are so lazy.
I puthose jallopainyos in my corned beef pasta all the time.
They're probably the only good thing to come out of mexico in a while except for those nachos and that salsa.
White people make amazing food and the vast majority of it is done without frying it to hell and back.
White have genetics and MUH ANCESTORS
They are spiritual babies who have relied on the Cult of Christ to hold their "race" together
It simple? Arabs are the only source of civilization in Africa, and to them the Africans were less useful and intelligent than monkeys.
>in all fields
>It simple?
What is?
this is the only thing making me mad
Negro Culture
>making food makes you superior
You are literally retarded.
Colonies, not trash disposal sites.
>gets btfo
>u mad whity
Blacks, everyone.
>east asians
You have to go back chink chang chong.
White "culture"
>white people can't handly spicy food
that must be why fucking curry is one of the most popular meals here and Indians are baffled at why white people want all the hottest curries which most were invented to be ultra fucking spicy because of white peoples demands.
If only these cuck articles did half an hours research at the most they wouldn't embarrass themselves constantly.
>high culture
fuck off
60% of all worlds arable land is in africa and they can't even feed themselves
French & Italian cusine you monkey.
Secondly to quote a clever whitey "good artist copy, great artist steal"
Black cuisine
Stop shitposting and go to school kid. its 12:10 I'm certain your mom wants on the computer.
fucking hell
its the wrong response for sure. the correct response is a picture of a prison lunch tray with something like "african american cuisine", or the old standby chicken and watermelon memes
Even the poor dog is obese.
>Being this much in damage control mode
You white nationalist neckbeards are fucking pathetic
>White people cant handle da tastey food stuffs!
>meanwhile white people conquered half the world in their search for more spices / spice trade routes
take off the flag you cunt i know ur an aussie
1) White isn't a race, Caucasian is
2) There are many types of Caucasian cuisines, art, and music ranging from Ireland to Pakistan, and Norway down to Algeria
3) You're not the only race to be enslaved, and the middle east enslaved you too, and does so to this day. Now you're being used by the Chinese too. Not to mention that your ancestors enslaved each other too
4) You have one of the most rich continents for resources to this day, but instead you starve and build nothing on it thanks to being so stupid.
5) You were never ''KANGZ'' with super technology, plus you clearly lost to men with rifles, sitting on horses backs
6) Only the top 1% of people in America owned slaves, and they were mainly Jewish. There were even black slave owners too
7) America isn't made out of cotton
That's because the dog is poor and can't afford healthy food, m8.
> be American Nigger
> think you know jack shit about "white cuisine"
Try again, Jamal. In the meantime rate this extraordinary piece of Black cuisine:
Haha what the fuck so rap is just that valuable and blacks get nothing out of this cultural crossover. As if a nigger could have even made a flip phone, the simplest form of nigger tech, and yet they are the ones with a struggle.
Traditional nigger food is other niggers.
hello plebbit
Each and everyone of those is superior to 99.999 % of all blacks who have ever lived. Coincidentally, 99 % of blacks ever even got to live thanks to fertilizers, antibiotics and aid by whites.
Post a pic of yourself, nigger boi.
Why you showing America you retard, if anything Europe took all your African hole and gave it to USA during WW2, America didn't exploit you Europe did you retard.
so this is why clothes keep getting bigger and i have to buy medium instead of large despite actually having gained weight
got some, too. Behold the superior culture!
white culture is literally the most imitated culture on earth
the standard for what constitutes a developed country is the extent to which it is similar to white countries
stay mad nigger
If this were true why are blood diamonds a thing? They've also got platinum and oil. Platinum and oil are some of the only things keeping regimes running there.
"Exploit". Europeans raised Africans straight from stone age to industrial revolution. Almost all blacks owe their lives to white technology and science. And you call that exploitation.