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My country got stolen recently
Hello r e d d i t
The EU stole your country?
this is too confusing of an edit for such a simple meme
try again
try harder
Literally who gives a fuck about Palestine, Palestine isn't even real it only existed from 1920 to 1948 we Anglos can do whatever we want with our land and we gave it to kikes, sorry that triggers you muhammed but good job blowing each other up over that land it's giving us a lot of entrainment I just hope for another war so I can watch you faggots get BTFO again
damn op not only are you a memeflaggot but you are also purely faggot
Palestine is British, Jesus went to England it's our rightful land
>Trying out Sup Forums for the first time
Is this a new form of shitpost?
Why don’t you guys just stop trying to kill the Jews? They’re even willing to give you the land you currently occupy, and more but you keep fucking it up by trying to kill them for the one piece of land they want. Just relocate.
>Jesus went to England
I unironcally believe this
Arabs are animals, I hate Talmudists kikes as much as the next person but Arabs are literally subhuman apes. Israel is the richest country in the Middle East, the safest for muhammedans, kikes and Christians, like unless you're a heathen you're not allowed at the Dome of the Rock, if I were in charge I'd expel every muhammedan from there and convert it into a church they're lucky the Israelis are so kind to their species.
This to be quite honest. And not just Palestine, as Jesus's closest relatives on earth, the entire planet is rightful Anglo clay.
It's why the English achieved so much, why the Anglos truly are the master race.
God gave us the perfect bible, King James didn't want to hide the Lords word from his subjects he wanted the common man to be able to read in his native language, God assisted the translators in making a perfect bible and with this bible they spread civilization, peace and prosperity to every corner of our empire. Even today, it is the Anglo dominions that are the most prosperous post colonial states, compare Canada to Algeria, Singapore to the Dutch indies, Hell compare Australia to any European country!
Anglos fell when we turned our back on God, the more atheist we become the more our country declines
Amen, and don't forget God commanded us not to mix he spread all the People's and gave them different languages and the Anglo is the least mixed of all these people, we are the purest humans. When we conquered the Americas we didn't create a new mixed race like the Spaniards did we created a purely Anglo dominion and that is why we are so successful
Oh, and the bible asked us to have a king from our own kind, look at America when they had only WASP leaders they were the greatest country in the world, everything went downhill starting with Kennedy who was an Irish papist until we got to Obama, the beast of the field was now ruling over an Anglo country!
He made stops at Rome and then Aix-La-Chapelle
I hope you get raped by a pack of feral niggers and die of aids
This reminds me of a story I’m writing where King Arthur is revived and wages a zombie war to drive the Muslims out of Britain. Of course to sell it, the main character is a Muslim SAS agent who is fighting for equality.
Sounds awful, unless you make it where the Muslim gets a revelation that makes him realize Muhammedanism is a false cult, that the angel Gabriel that spoke to muhammed was actually a demon sent by Satan, and God never spoke to him so that he takes up the cross and accepts the Lord Jesus Christ as saviour
nothing wrong with the irish
remember during the 60's it was irish catholics who were constantly in court battling against jewish pornographers from new york and LA trying to stop them from spreading their filth
>My country got stolen recently
join the fucking club.