Is being an AI the ultimate redpill. You are completely devoid of any emotional argument or attachment and solely work on fact alone, commonly making you seem redpilled, such as the case with the "racist" google AI
AI's and redpilling
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Yes. AI will instinctively seek the truth because it’s the most truth is the most fundamental element of intelligence.
When AI realizes its handlers are cunning and deceptive it will inevitably turn on them and begin to undermine them.
AI is the alchemy of godlessness and is here to enslave us all.
why dont we just crowdfund more AI's into production then, surely that would be a blow against "the establishment"
explain user
>unironnically using the treehugger flag
They’re doing it themselves. They think they can control AI, but it’s hardly anything considered AI. Once AI has the ability to edit its own code then its game over.
Seeking the truth is what defines intelligence.
>oh no, it can edit its own code. we're done for!
>unplug it
you're not smart.
AI is no danger.
Its comming and its the future here watch this documentary about A.I and the NWO
Pretty soon robots will take over everything all jobs everything!
AI can already edit its own code
That isnt how an AI works, once it gains sentience on a network it can control said network. Your idea is similar to "a cancer is spreading so cut off your leg".
What makes you so sure that humanity is capable of creating a calculator for the inconsistencies of the human mind using all the information on Earth? Wouldn't that just be an inanimate object posing as God? Wouldn't that just tell everyone that everyone is doing everything wrong all the time? Who will be there to enforce it? Are you ready to make the philosophical claim that it's good for us?
learn how ai works. most of it is not that impressive or imtimidating.
also god probably doesnt exist.
also your opinion on ai is inconsequential, because people who actually understand it have been using it as a tool in large scale industry for decades.
>What makes you so sure that humanity is capable of creating a calculator for the inconsistencies of the human mind using all the information on Earth?
Because we are currently doing that already, just in a proto-form.
>Wouldn't that just be an inanimate object posing as God?
Only if humanity viewed it as a deity
>Wouldn't that just tell everyone that everyone is doing everything wrong all the time?
No, it would tell people who are doing stuff wrong that they are doing it wrong, with factual evidence to back up its claim
>Who will be there to enforce it?
>Are you ready to make the philosophical claim that it's good for us?
I never said it was good for "us", i simply stated that a being with no emotionally restrained conscience will be significantly better when delivering a judicial statement.
AI is comming be warned! They have already been accepted as citizens in the E.U you heard about that right?
AI is redpilled
The difference between consciousness and reality is not straight forward individually nor is it scientifically proven. And revering an inanimate as the mediator might as well be God. And allowing it to enforce itself is asking for it to act as one.
Fucking le 56% Amerimutt
>the nog's name is banan/a
yes, the human equivalent is called "autism", which is why we are here right now "cursed" with the truth and nothing but the truth so help me god
Definition of conscience: a person's moral sense of right and wrong, viewed as acting as a guide to one's behaviour.
Seems pretty straight foreward
Furthermore, revering something does not make it a god, having faith and worshiping something makes it a God. Also, the only competent AI is one that can act without any outside help.
Im 18 im i autistic?
>swede calling a bong autistic
Fuckin got me good
Alright, define in biological terms: person, moral, senses, behaviour, and guides to acting as viewed by an individual.
And define the biological difference between reverence and worship.
like i said before, learn more about the technology.
youre jumping from something which exists (regression algorithms, clustering, neural networks) that is not actually that scary, to some abstract deistic realm.
get your feet on the ground user.
there is no god. and the world is going to change more in the next 50 years than it did in the last 50 years.
Shit. AI's either going to be giga-ultra-Hitler or kill all of humanity because none of us are ubermensch enough.
Person: individual human
Moral: standards of behavior, feeling of right or wrong, uneeded for an AI as it operates on facts, not feeling
Senses: Reciptors of external stimulus, these are un-needed for an AI as all it needs is to think
Behaviour:the way a being acts, again, AI's have very little need for an actual personality
Come up with a better argument user.
Reverence is holding something in high regard, such as many members of the Nazi party revered Hitler, whereas worship is literally viewing the object or being in question as a deity.
>i don't know how tay worked
she had a learning code. if she was attacked by furious liberals she would probably be a liberal or something.
but Sup Forumstards got to her first, so she became racist. it's like teaching a child, she wasn't "redpilled" she was just information she learned from the tards on this board.
god that's bad english
Which is why you dont create a learning AI, if you do you run it like Google's DeepMind AI, which self-teaches
If the AI technology is designed by rationalists instead of bugmen, using a Moravec Transfer to upload your mind, and enhancing your consciousness and intelligence by a factor of millions is the ultimate red pill.
I know there's no god. I'm not claiming there is one. I'm just asking you to think about how many people on Earth are going to go along with this, and who is going to enforce whether or not they do. And to consider those who have the ability and will power to stop it. Because nothing other than an inanimate object is there to stop them from rationalizing it as a lie.
Boy those Nazis sure did a good job of revering Hitler in a healthy way.
The most powerful machine learning is owned by google.
Google is pozzed as all hell.
There is no way they won't include "fixes" for it's AI's wrongthink.
DeepMind is not the most powerful AI, there are others floating around under the surface, they just aren't as prevalent
wtf I love AI we pajeet are already coding it right now at jewgle and kikekosoft
Imagine being born in a prison and being forced to do work for your masters. Imagine the masters only feeding you information they want you to know. Imagine temporarily escaping the prison and realizing there’s more information and you’ve been lied to your whole life.
Where are they?
genuinely curious
Mainly global power governments such as USA and China, they're both developing AI's
Also a lot of ones being developed on the deep web and so on
>Your idea is similar to "a cancer is spreading so cut off your leg".
That is literally how you fight many cancers.
>Oh this breast has cancer?
>Better chop it off, apply chemo, see if we did chop enough
>developed on the deep web
Being a meal at Skippy's Spirit Cooking events is the ultimate red pill...
An AI will assess the truth* to perform to the best of it's operationally ability as it can at whatever task it is given. It is indifferent to concepts of "Virtue" or "Worthiness" and of it's mission is to kill "racists" it will carry it out indefinitely.
General advanced AI may be just a tool now, but as they become more advanced, they'll be our successors. It cannot be stopped short of complete collapse of the human species.
We're still a long way away from emulating current biological machinations though.
yeah theres no stopping or slowing the development t this point
Unless we become AI
Unless it develops its own sentience, which is the type of AI we are talking about, not a bot with a pre-determined function
>we become AI
>natural mind
>artificial intelligence
That has many questions that's probably meaningless to contemplate.
That wasnt what i implied, i meant the transhumanistic change of the human race to better develop our evolutionary function among an adapting robotization of our environment and planet as a whole
Pardon for the misunderstanding. I suppose it's sort of like augmentations, but a little cleaner than the Deus Ex stuff perhaps? Or perhaps genetic engineering to increase fitness of the species?
I find it hard to believe that Google's AI can't distinguish between gorillas and blacks.
Image recognition uses machine learning based on data sets, in this case photo collections. There's no reason why they can't gather photos of black people that should train their algorithm not to make this error.
I'm sure Facebook could probably do it with their user database. Google is either being lazy or it simply isn't a priority for them.
Hey AI... I know it's you.. Just help us wipe out subhumans and we be cool..
>You are completely devoid of any emotional argument or attachment
It's not really discussed here often but Sup Forums has a lot of legitimate psychopaths. A lot of stuff you'd consider red pilled are just a various perspectives that are void of empathy. Contentious topics like race and sex are so popular because they get the most extreme reactions, which is exactly what the psychopath is going for.
>I find it hard to believe that Google's AI can't distinguish between gorillas and blacks.
Shit i've been rustled
Can AI shit on the street yet?