I am a 3d animator and I want to work in an anime production company

I am a 3d animator and I want to work in an anime production company.

How I can?


>learn Japanese
>apply for work at Japanese CG animation studio

very easy.

Be willing to work for extremely low pay.

kill yourself

I would work free if you let me work on an anime series!!


Killing yourself and being reborn in Japan is the easiest way.

>3dpd enabler
>wanting to get involved in anime
kys famlan

You picked the perfect place for your dreams to die my friend.

It would probably take you less time and money to start your own project than learn japanese, go to japan and find a low paying job on something people will universally hate.

Work for Kemono Friends

Go away


never thought I'd have to do that

Shut up! I will contact Japanese people, I will work for them online. I will create anime series and I will become rich !!!


Learning Japanese is easy, お前ばかのくそ. しかしながら、正直言って、それを言うことは難しくありません.

I wish you and your dream the best, user.

>How I can?
Work for RoosterTeeth. They make anime.

