OUR GUY ! ! ! ! !
James -fucking based- Woods.
"Trump calls shitholes “shitholes” liberals lose their minds, stock market rockets up 200 points. #LifeIsGood"
OUR GUY ! ! ! ! !
James -fucking based- Woods.
"Trump calls shitholes “shitholes” liberals lose their minds, stock market rockets up 200 points. #LifeIsGood"
Other urls found in this thread:
He is
He's really intelligent as well.
>Don’t call them “sanctuary cities.” Call them the “shitholes” they are and be done with it. #FactsAreFriendly
a gentleman and a scholar
+2,270 new followers daily.
>stock market rockets up 200 points
And that means what to the average american?
better than crashing you dildo
>better than crashing you dildo
who cares?
So a few CEO's kill themselves because they can't afford a 3rd gold yacht...
Doesn't effect my life.
Now they can't afford to outsource.
>can't into understanding how retirement, mutual funds, IRAs, and 401ks work.
It means their 401K and stock portfolios go up. Robinhood has 0 brokerage fees, you can invest right now on your phone. Stop using excuses.
>not investing
it's like you want to stay poor
Link? Does it work in leafland?
>>can't into understanding how retirement, mutual funds, IRAs, and 401ks work.
Investing in pyramid schemes should work out well for you.
How's that 400 quatrillion dollar derivatives bubble doing?
You sound like a little kid. Ever heard of 401k
I am pulling for James Woods that he records a video before he dies claiming every Jewish stereotype is true in Hollywood.
that if they aren't invested yet they should be, and theyre idiots otherwise. dumbass
An intelligent truth-teller. The kid who says the emperor is naked, nowadays aka redpiller.
>Ever heard of 401k
Ever heard of everyones 401k being invested in triple a rated mortgage backed securities?
I gotta say my 401 vanguards is 90% vested in stocks. since Trump came to power it went up 62k as of last week. wow!
anyways im going to have it pulled back 50/05 stock bonds in May/June before the correction
that's going to do well when the dollar collapses, huh?
What's the fed base it on btw? gold reserves?
Our promise to pay?
I love Woods and thank God for his existence every day. His twitter feed is like mother's milk. Helps real Americans to stay sane in this inane world.
Wood is A-grade material
Oh it's this guy again.
How's that Caveman™ from Infowars™ treating you?
If the mighty Dollar collapses the world will be done so it wouldn't matter.
maybe i should convert it all to Roslyn gold... they been saying the $ would collapse any time now for the last 24 years, wait maybe Bitcoin,,, yeah that is safer
>How's that Caveman™ from Infowars™ treating you?
I've never bought anything from infowars... too poor.
That's what happens when you help republicans...
They don't pay you, and they sell you soy.
>If the mighty Dollar collapses the world will be done so it wouldn't matter.
Dollar is propped up by petrolium, which is owned by muslims.
Guns and ammo are actually useful in full collapse, unlike gold. Stockpile of supplies on land somewhat remote as well. Helping to fund the militia you have membership in would be useful and fun.
His new tweet to Chelsea Clinton is even better
Best tweet of 2018 so far
he has as many followers as Tucker Carlson!
! !
Donald Tucker James #dreamTeam
He has always been /ourguy/
Aside from being based as it comes, he is also pretty funny
check your 401k and mutual funds you ding dong.
>check your 401k and mutual funds you ding dong.
I've never made enough money to have a 401k.
I wash dishes for a living, you fuck.
we aren't talking about Social Security
That’s why I’m going to do three things; support our military, fuck my wife in the ass and buy gold from Rosland Capital.
Write him a letter recommending he seal one to be played after his death. Nothing exagerated just honest description.
>support our military,
VA doesn't even support our military.
You own two of the greatest, most capable things on the planet, your body and your mind, and the most valuable thing you can think of to do with both of them is wash dishes?
>He's really intelligent as well.
So smart that he might be ruining a good propaganda move by revealing it too soon.
Shitholes aren't about ethnicity, culture or even poverty.
Shitholes are about law and order compromised because of political corruption.
Sanctuary cities = shitholes.
>You own two of the greatest, most capable things on the planet, your body and your mind, and the most valuable thing you can think of to do with both of them is wash dishes?
All celebrities are evil Jew pedophiles! Except the ones who agree with my political views!!
He definitely is%
BASED AS FUCK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He's absolutely right.
Those countries are shitholes. And believe me, I've lived in one.
You can't even see a block away in Shenzhen. :/
earned all his money by doing the jews bidding.
Natural selection. Go be mad at nature.
>Natural selection. Go be mad at nature.
You saying a black person killing a white person is natural selection?
Are you saying that if our nation is invaded, and our citizens targeted for death through top secret tourture methods....
That's natural selection?
Thanks for the help, you useless bastards.
I'm saying you are a useless retard, and should be gassed.
>millennials don't have 401k's
Oh fuck is that real?
I live in the great City of NY,,, where a good clean tax paying American cant own a gun. i love NY but year by year its Cucked hard
>I'm saying you are a useless retard, and should be gassed.
right back at ya, bitch.
>>millennials don't have 401k's
I'm 36.
Stop despising the downtrodden
Stop saying things that make you weak. Hope, (real hope), sacrifice, and the willingness to continue to try are the only ways to move forward, the alternative is death.
What kind of politics do you support if I may ask?
>Stop saying things that make you weak.
Gate Student
When did I end up on r/the_donald?
Fuck you.