Why is Sup Forums such a shithole?
Why is Sup Forums such a shithole?
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Sup Forums is basically just a slightly edgier version of reddit now
to many underage fags
Influx of R*dditors.
Rural and suburban retards
All the cool city people are on Twitter and Instagram.
too many muh redpill newfags
It all went downhill when you started allowing Germans to freely post here and stopped chasing them away.
I feel like it's my own fault for just visiting this place, and I influence this place with my gay dogshit karma, I never really went on reddit...
Oh and usa is gay.
Goddamn, the F117 is a sexy ass plane.
>Why is Sup Forums such a shithole?
it's always been a shithole.
Sup Forums was NEVER good.
so why don't you just leave us the fuck alone.
Germany no! Stop doing that shit it’s why you guys have so many Muslims. Too empathetic and waaay to much guilt for no reason.
we don't want immigrants
too bad it literally cant fly without aid from a computer due to it's terrible aerodynamics
also why the fuck was it classified as a fighter jet?
Because communists and nazifags are allowed to use the Internet just like the rest of us.
Sup Forums raises the forgotten generations
we are more human than those you so call admire or need to show respect to just because they wear a certain uniform, have a special title or whatever
Sup Forums is a board of peace and we will never surrender
Unironically this. Sup Forums used to be our own little autistic neurostate but our government (mods) failed us. We failed ourselves too by being complacent and not telling obvious outisders to fuck off and/or lurk moar, discouraging them from returning.
Because "muh dik" , "muh iq" fags.
>top-notch USAF fighter pilots required to fly the new aircraft were more easily attracted to an aircraft with an "F" designation for fighter, as opposed to a bomber ("B") or attack ("A") designation
wow. lmao
Except that's just your opinion my dude, plenty of people like it even more for that exact reason.
Neckbeard edgelords with social anxiety who are addicted to arguing with strangers to make themselves feel better about their shitty boring lives.
Sup Forums is the new Sup Forums
that's not my opinion, go look it up. i never said i didn't like it, it's just not a very good plane. i love the design though
>Why is Sup Forums such a shithole?
I wonder why?
Because nowadays it's the least white board on Sup Forums, full of assblasted mutts larping as whites.
But saying "too bad" made it into an opinion my dude
Nahhh meeen
>tfw no comfy autistic microstate to inhabit IRL
Why do I have to pay taxes to normalfags and live under normalfags' laws? It isn't fair goddamn it, these people are not /mypeople/.
The_Donald came here during the election and never left. Sup Forums is full of literal baby boomer reddiotrs.
On the ground they leak and creek but
At altitude these things tighten up so nice. Many pilots prefer flying these.
And the normie wall just turned everyone into actual fags instead of making them fuck off.
It's the aids and 3rd world infrastructure, Mr President
Sup Forums is best board
prove me wrong
aftermatch of the 2016 meme war, fucktards from all over coming in here to shit out thier ideas and garbage memes
also Sup Forumstards realised Sup Forums is cool now.
>Why is Sup Forums such a shithole?
because without any order whatsoever (ie no post time) the abrasive cunts take over