Why can't we just nuke the Africans instead of wasting resources trying to feed them?
Why can't we just nuke the Africans instead of wasting resources trying to feed them?
Some fags think they're "humans". That's why.
Also wasting a perfectly good nuke on niggers isn't really worth it. Just gas them or something.
First off, they can kill themselves off pretty fine on their own. Second, nobody pays them directly. Only charity organizations or political affiliates looking for a foothold in their career care.
Why can’t we nuke faggot OPs for having the same retarded fucking ideas as the people the want to nuke? Saged for not politics. Also OP is a massive faggot that has never fucked anything other than a branch of a pine tree. Virgin mentality should be considered an personality disorder.
Because white people are too cucked and worship black dicks
Nuke threads are so pathetic
You do realise that we could stop world hunger withhin a day?
We could stop poverty withhin a day.
Take 10% of military spendings and voila world hunger is finished.
Make 2 hollywood movies a year less and voila all is finished.
Now you may ask yourself - why are none of things happening ? Even the vatikan could end it all withhin a day.
Its simple ,no sane white man would want to "save " afrika ,nor other shitholes.
Nobody want to give up their comfort.
Why would you give a complete stranger everything you fought for ?
There are 2 solutions:
Nuke or help.
Wagecucks dont nuke
China would nuke you back, you will nuke them back, then... and that's it.
because someone has to give all those white women orgasms.
Because nuking them would cost too much. A Minuteman LGM-30 costs about 7 Million USD and they don't use warheads with more than 1 megaton of yield.
You'd have to first locate all nigger settlements, then target each one of them, also you'd have to consider that a lot of african population is nomadic.
Nukes are impractical, better to kill them industrially or just sterilize them then use as cheap labor until they die.
I Say let em nig our Because really, Africans not beg for aid, they are content with nigging our on their dark continent. It’s jews who beg for aid FOR them. Nothing wrong with Africans as long as we don’t send them large checks
Poor user. If someone wants to help you they're either doing it for their agendas or the goodness of their heart. (((They))) your precious white people tried multiple times to civilize Africa and guess what the moment white hysteria hit them it went right into the shitter. At this point why would you help someone who doesn't even try to help themselves.
Ask anglos, OP.
Op was askin why we dont nuke them
and the simple answer is cheap workforce and ressources.
if you believe something else you are borderline retarded.
Good question.
The first sensible policy to come out of the European Union
It's easier to just starve them to ecologically appropriate numbers.
The Japanese would have a cow.
(OP) #
>>Thinks whitie is giving more to africa than he is taking out.
Are you retarded?
May the karma you wrought upon yourself be your demise
>> da jooooz..!!
Ooga booga wigger ooga booga
Why don't we just stop sending them resources? It's cheaper than both of your options.
Because that wouldn't benefit Israel.
>African shithole meme
>what is fractional reserve lending
>gas them
its not practical to gas a continent. think of something else. white men are spose to be inventive, use it now
Dumb fuck you get your resources from third world countries
>Dude just the world 10% of military spending and that's it hunger is gone! What do you mean what happens the next year when even more people have survived the famine that would have killed them and now need even more money to feed even more people
Protip: They can't be helped. We helped them by giving them advanced forms of medicine so they weren't constantly dying from diseases that humans eradicated centuries ago and what did it lead to? Starvation because they now didn't have enough food to go around and because they're incapable of farming things got worse because the food supply stayed the same, but the population continued to grow.
There is no end with (((charity))) how are you such a retard you can't see that? It doesn't matter how much money you throw at niggers they'll always be niggers. So you are almost right, there are only 2 solutions, nuke or leave them to their own devices.
>implying israel is jewish
>African continent in 2018
>Less develop than the Roman Empire
Send them some like the Bubonic plague, t's was pretty effective in the middle age.
Just quarantine the place until they break all of the technology that's there, then establish 100 x 100 mile no darky zones piece by piece till they're all driven onto Madagascar, and then when that island is the only place left, send them to Australia in order to claim Madagascar for human habitation.
:/ on second thought your comment was quite balanced..
Apologies.... pol is turning me into a retard with the reflexes of a stormfag
(((They))) are already doing this with vaccines, GMO and AIDS
A nuke costs to much. Just let them starve and fight like they always have.
>using sodomite language while being the actual sodomite
Hell is for ever!
What kind of meme is that? Not the man in the hat, the youngsters covering their eyes.
Make a faral disease that can only bind to sickle shaped blood cells
I use it as an insult.... I hate muh skin iq retards as much as I hate muh dik retards.
All the same to me
Because niggers are real good at digging up diamonds and oil for us
Hell is for ever!
Hell is for ever!
Lol then start diggingg a grave too.... you guys have more gmo than africa, everyone gets vaxxed and as for aids... I heard its mostly in the south
Clearly... you are a retard
Summed up as muh feelz.
schools are more effective than bombs
Nah thats fucked up man plus why kill geo resources to get rid of pest? The better solution would be to simultaneously feed and sterilize them
And create a population jump of approx 20% in 10yrs and we're back to square one congrats for being retarded.
its true our women love BBC and fuck with based black man while we work hard and pay for their dinner bills
They do alright
>they can kill themselves off pretty fine on their own
Precisely. If we just leave them alone or quarantine them on their continent nature will take its course and cure humanity of the nigger plague. Ironically, it's the 'anti-racists' that seem to think that fighting against nature is somehow a valiant deed. This is suspiciously similar to the evil and racist 'white man's burden' that these same self-styled 'super genius' anti-racists decry as evil and racist. There is something wrong with their brains. Maybe it's the lead in the water. Or it could be the kike-controlled brainwashing camps they call 'education'.
no one is forcing you to waste resources trying to feed them
chances are you don't even produce resources
just another worthless unproductive piece of shit watching japanese cartoons all day
Cheaper to stop feeding them. Nukes are expensive.
Why can't we just sterilize the Africans in exchange for feeding them?
>p-please don't BLACK my sister senpai
Why not just leave them alone?
I'm an APE bitch. might as well call a fish a frog
how about we give them food laced with birth control?
I thought germans were smart
These guilt ridden lunatic white people can't leave anyone alone. They're insane. I think it's because they are dimly aware that their model of reality is flawed, so they repeatedly try to prove that all people are exactly the same and equal and that white men are the devil incarnate so they go around bullying everyone. They could just leave those of us who want a white nation alone so that we can be alone like we want to be, but the very thought of a state explicitly by and for white people drives them bonkers. So they autistically inject people most of us really really don't like, niggers, into any area or environment that they deem 'too white', which is also kind of bullying the niggers as well.
The animals don't deserve it.
Not a bad idea, friendo.
>its not practical to gas a continent
is this a joke? it's the best way to do it.
because they will overpopulate and destroy the world
No need. Stop sending aid and let AIDS take it from there.
Better to conquer with regular forces. Acquire all the land and resources. Slay the people who wont agree with democracy. Allow troops to take any women of the conquered nations as their wives. There is a very useful purpose for horny soldiers to have jungle fever. I dont give a fuck about your views on race. If you conquer a nation you plant your seed in the enemies women.
>1- Give AIDS to Africans, or that's just from eating cattle ass and fucking goats and monkeys... who knows.
>2- Give food to Africans so they breed and spread AIDS.
>3- Give AIDS medication to Africans paid for by financial aid.
>4- repeat step 2.
Why do you even need a nuke? Africa was 220 million in 1950 and now they are 1.2 billion. Stop foreign aid and let nature do it's thing.
just sterilize them in mass. no need to resort to barbarity
^haiti would probably be a thriving developed country if this never happened
Why can't I access any of the listed sources?
Just stop feeding them and they will die out on their own. No need to interfere.
Sweety I dunno what Germoney has been doing for the past 70 years but we have poured TRILLIONS of $ and God Knows how may tons of grain aid into Africa. It actually fucks them over mate. You send them $ and food and free doctors and then you think you're helping them but you're not. You're actually hurting them just so you can feel better about yourself. So you give them free food aid for 10 years? Who the fuck is going to farm if there is free food? Who is going to buy that farmers grain if he's competing with free shit? Same with Doctors. What African in his right mind is going to spend a decade becoming a Doctor just for some virtue signaling German Cuckold to come work for free for a year to prove how wonderful and soylent he is? Who is going to pay the African Doctor if the libshit Doctor will do it for free? We've actually caused untold harm. All the free food, all the free medicine has caused the simple Africans to go into a population boom they can't support it's like a Mouse Utopia. To alleviate our guilt about being superior we are actually torturing entire generations of Africans born into our welfare trap. The best thing we can do to Africa is to leave it the fuck alone maybe trade with them for shit they mine and farm themselves.
This. They evolved there. They're perfectly happy there. Supposedly more then half the plants in Africa are edible because muh evolution. A lot of the problems are caused by profit seeking (((foreigners))). I wonder if there has ever been a war that wasn't done by them in the last 1,000 years? Did some brown Ethiopian Jew stir up the Zulu's?
because of (((THEM)))
It's called dabbing and it's how we're hijacking Gen Z. They want to Hail Victory but the Jew has taught them to hate their race so they have to hide their face in shame while they do it. It's artistic. It's powerful. It actually has nothing to do with what I just said but if milk and Okay is racist then I guarantee we can steal dabbing with that logic.
Just stop sending aid and they'll go back to tribalism. Simple as that
>Is your computer free of conflict minerals user?
If not then you should kill yoursel because not only are you part of the problem but you're a virtue signaling faggot who thinks they're part of the solution when they're part of the problem. If you really care about Africans and their mineral rights you'll sell every electronic device you own and go move to Africa to help them. You won't though because it's a lot easier to use their minerals and pretend you care about them isn't it you hypocritical spineless piece of shit. You think Africans can't make trade deals? You think African's can't negotiate? You're a racist piece of shit. A liberal is a white supremacist with a guilty conscience. You see them as animals that need to be saved not as human beings. That's why the right is better. We see them as human beings who have fucked their lives up and only they can fix them. You see them as helpless dogs that need to be pet you fucking bigot.
Make a new game on Steam where for $19.99 a month you get to fly drones armed with .22 LRs and shoot them from the sky. You only get so many rounds per month though have to buy the DLCs to use missiles or bigger drones but you can unlock bigger guns for your regular drone. Could have leader boards and tournaments. It's the next generation of E-sports. Anyone remember that con island movie? Like that but more audience participation. Maybe nigs can win prizes hunger games style? Winner gets to breed and live. If we did this for a few hundred years imagine what we could make out of them. Then we just drop our hyper super niggers on alien planets and watch them tear it all down.
Based RAMZPAUL puts it in perspective, with humor and wit.
pushing creativity to its limits on this one, i like.
>Why can't we just nuke the Africans instead of wasting resources trying to feed them?
>nuke an entire continent
>cause a mass extinction event as nuclear winter now covers the earth in minus 50 degrees snowstorms.
>slowly realize how much of a retard you where as your dying of radiation poisoning.
This is a solid plan, user.
Start a GoyFundMe.
>Guys we should give Africans even more aid
>Nothing wrong with the average women in Africa having 9 kids each
>No they can all live in Germany when the population over flows into Europe !!
I hate you Germans. You deserve to lose your country forever.
I'm on census.gov
We'll be fine
>it's great that finally we have a Jewish voice in the media
>We'll be fine
are you sure?
the best thing to do with afrika is to let the chinks collonize it.
who knows the gooks might pull of some gene modding shit on the niggers.
No nukes, no gas. I want to protect the local flora and fauna, niggers excluded. Just a simple, boots on the ground cleansing would suffice. Or an illness that only targets niggers like ebola.
A complete Isolation of africa is the only thing that benefits both
Technically you can make money right now from feeding hungry Africans.
How? Simply create a "Help Africans" fund where donations go to hungry children in Africa then pocket 50% of said donations and send over only 30% (use the 20% to transport them).
You can have around 50 or more funds/charities like this
Seriously try it, it's the fastest way to get rich AND it's 100% legal.
Seriously look it up, even a team of jobless autists on Sup Forums can do it.
For what purpose? They are there to make money and only that.
Also, you afrifags better start giving me your rare flags
Bring back white rule.
oh fuck my id
Why are you so insecure?
>A complete Isolation of africa is the only thing that benefits both
i don't know man if akon is doing a good job.
and the chinks are too.
>They are there to make money and only that.
the same as these charitity's ask yourself roman you don know these orginazations make money of these charity's? you do know the need to ensure there own existance right?
How can they overpopulate with out our food aid mate? Pro Tip they can't. Africans can't farm. Africans can't fish. What are they going to conquer the world with dirt cookie rations?
Did you just describe the UNICEF business model?
sounds like an easy way to get pinched, bulgbro
tell me more