Little Witch Academia

We're getting the adventures of Amandyke and Mouse Akko this Sunday.
Actual preview tomorrow.


Fucking handsome.

>akko in animal form

Can this meme die out already? Tattun please.

Who is that boy?

My husbando.

You know what? I actually think that shot of Croix in the library might be her first ever interaction with Diana.

>Reverse Trap
It's not sunday yet and I'm loving it

Amanda and Akko are together for an episode without Sucy,Lotte,Constanze and Jamieska with them
>Amanda's either going to fall for that smug blonde guy or he'll fall for her after she humiliates him in a sword duel

Is it bad I don't want the two to get caught and for them to pull off their mission successfully?

I hope the writers at Trigger that decided to shoehorn his sorry ass in this would be great show suffer from karoshi. I'm going to start replying to every new post @LWA_TV makes on twitter criticizing them for shoehorning characters and shoehorning romance in to their show.
Every higher up at Trigger who added him or let him be added needs to die.

>Chariot model


So this means that by extension, we'll get some Constanze, right? If anything, she can pull off being a boy to!

Looks like this episode gonna be less Akko, more Amanda.

I can feel 9/10 of this episode already.


>Amanda episode
>but most of the time her sexy girl legs will be covered
I don't know how to feel.

Who cares if those jap faggot is not going to release those models

>Amanda falls for the blonde guy

Looks well done.

So much for not seeing Andrew again, eh /u/ autists?

>pull off their mission successfully?
I get the feeling Akko isn't gonna revive any word this episode, since the focus seems more on Amanda.

Bottom left image is looks like Diana (Male)

It's going to be both.

Or plot twist the dude is actually gay and falls for boy Amanda without knowing the truth

>/u/ autists?
Literally only the shoehorn autist cares enough about that.

And you are a full-blown faggot for giving him attention.


Will this episode end like utena

Carrying on from last thread, this is the current background witch name list. Please feel free to make or add suggestions!

>Pile of books behing Croix
>Probably in library

Maybe youre right

While Diana keeps reading books Akko is actually doing something.

>Akko can hold her transformations for long periods of time now

She really is getting better.

>Blonde guy falls for Amanda thinking she's a boy

>draw a boy
>call it a girl
Why is this allowed?

>baiting shitters with a crossdressing episode


Now THAT would be interesting.

She probably will and learn it through watching Amanda and Blondie honor the tradition of the sword duel they're going to engage in.

Or reverse Amanda falling for that guy because she got beat by him and that's why Akko's blushing and making heart tails. I think she's going to stay a mouse for a majority of the episode. Probably won't turn back to normal until she and Amanda go back to Luna Nova mission accomplished, Croix in the library already tells us she's talking to Diana. If they get friendly with each other and Diana brings up Ursula I wonder how the dianafags are gonna act, anyone got that image with the black monster destroying a city? It seems like it very likely might happen now

Don't get my hopes up like that, user


avery will never get screentime or vanilla lewds ever again

>tfw Diana BTFO'ed twice so hard in ep13 & 14 that she be became a Side Character.

I still think she won't. Something cool like a duel won't really help Akko appreciate traditions, specially the sort of stuff Finneran is so fond of.

But let's wait and see.


That guy with the smug blond looks like Nick Offerman

It will once we get the reason why everyone is so gun ho on that tradition. This could serve as a lesson to Akko that not all traditions are bad and built off unnecessary suffering and ignorance like the stuff with ghost princess. Even if she's just a spectator here and not actively participating it can still leave an impression on her, after all, isn't that what drove her to be a witch in the first place? Watching somebody else do it?

Two word episodes in a row?

Shoehorn is probably going to have had more screen time than Diana after this next shitty episode

>Watching somebody else do it?
Doing cool shit with magic. The importance of tradition is not its cool factor.

>pull off being a boy

user I...

I want to FUCK that boy (female)

>think that he's gay
>actually just attracted to tomboys

This guy would be competing with Frank for the position of /ourguy/

Why doesn't she talk, then, to deny being a boy?

I want Amanda to FUCK Akko while Diana is TIED UP IN THE CORNER CRYING!

I want to be Akko so I can be fucked by Amanda and Diana at the same time.

I want Akko to cuddle and hold hands with everyone

Well yeah, the episode has a perfect plot for teaching Akko to respect some traditions.

Akko will want to infiltrate andrew's school because something in it will help her activate the next word and show her what she lacks, Amanda wants to infiltrate it to steal the grail so they team up, somehow Amanda probably gets challenged by the blondie either because she or Akko opened their big mouths and due to how stand offish they both are started a fight, Amanda will probably beat the guy using magic earning scorn from the other boys til either through andrew or through eavesdropping while searching for the prize they learn about the tradition is, why those boys respect it so much and why it's so important to them, they'll feel like dicks for a bit, then Amanda will fight blondie again, this time completely fair and who knows after that.

Amanda only. All others are for NTR. Akko's body belong to Amanda.

Yeah I'm thinking this exact same thing.


Red, Green, Blue
Akko has a red sash and red eyes
Amanda has a green sash and green eyes
Diana has a blue shash and blue eyes

Red,Blue and Green spirits are the ones we saw plant the magic tree

Best friends!

I hope there's a little bully action this episode

Why is she dressed like that?
Wait its because she is A Man Duh
that is by far the worst joke ive said all month

>tfw hairy and fat
>tfw I can kind of self insert in pic related

>that mouse tail
Could this be a sign Akko is a shipper?

>told Tattun a few months ago to do a wide-angle shot like in PATLABOR
>he actually did it

>They must inlfitrate a guys only school
>Ask why she is crossdressing
Really, user?

Prediction: Diana is reading Croix's thesis in the library. Croix gets close and gives her some condescending compliments on her grades and dedication. And that's it for Croix and Diana.

>tfw in-shape Chad
>can't self-insert as old-slightly tanned guy for at least a few more decades

If there were an LWA RPG, which three students would you choose for your party?


Out of those, Akko, Sucy, Costanze

I want to become Hannah so I can kiss Barbara!

I'm thinking Akko is just going to look a bit too much into an innocent interaction between Amanda and the blonde boy, so exactly like a shipper
>Sucy and Lotte are rubbing off on her

>the joke
>a plane

>a couple of birds


Diana, Constanze, and Sucy.

Always go for the smart ones.

Akko, Amanda, Diana. just to see what prolonged exposure to crazy,stupid and hotblooded does to brainy,reserved and introverted

The one aMANda is about face in fencing is not andrew, right?

Akko, Lotte and Amanda

>Amanda for raw DPS
>Constanze for tech and DPS
>Sucy for tech and buffs/debuffs

>What an annoying girl
>What an annoying woman

The words, Woodward.
Hand over the words. You never deserved them.


No, it's the blonde guy, Andrew's presence will probably be exposition on what life at this place is like, he might not even figure out Akko is there.

>If there were an LWA RPG
So they can ruin that by shoehorning characters and shoehorning romance into it just like the TV series?

>So they can ruin that by shoehorning characters and shoehorning romance into it just like the TV series?
How's it feel having your asshole blasted so far outside your butt?

Where as Akko and Chariot get along because of their shared desires, Croix and Diana wouldn't get along because of their introverted personalities

Stop the parallels trigger. I wouldn't be surprised if they do get into a bit of verbal sparring because the Croix of now is her after being yay'd a bit compared to the Diana of today who hasn't been yay'd enough. it'll be like looking in a mirror with Croix hating what she used to be and Diana hating what she thinks she'll become.

>crossdressing Amanda
>Akko finally realizing her feelings for Andrew
Holy fuck this series is saved, all the bad episodes get forgotten if this actually happens


Considering those pics are in time order, i am sure that blush is not about aMANda liking the blonde guy, as they faced of at the end.

I think someone said the girl below Honey should be Hornet-chan

At least I have an asshole you shoehorned romance loving, 30 year old pedophile shoehorned character loving autist.

>the shoehorn user's waifu is getting fucked by a character that is actually shoehorned in

>At least I have an asshole
What did he mean by this?

I don't think that guy will be "shoehorned", but that faggot will see it as such and rage hard.

That he is in posession of an anal sphincter, and his owning of said sphincter provides some form of advantage over the user he's sperging at?

Give me Diana, Jasminka and Barbara for eye candy

But Akko is already in love with Andrew, she wouldn't cheat on him.

I'll shit myself if it's really an Amanda focused episode and it doesn't pull the bullshit that ep16 did


> Choosing for looks instead of stats.

The worst type of Sup Forumsermin

Of course you have an asshole, all the shit you spew has to come from somewhere.

which one looks like patlabor?

I wasn't meaning she blush to the guy instead.