France is still full of faggots, basically a launching platform for shitskins to get into uk, the country that bailed their cowardly arses out of two world wars while you hid under the mattress waving your white flag and wipeing your shitty ass on the tricolour. We should have let ze germans keep you as spoils of war
France is still full of faggots, basically a launching platform for shitskins to get into uk...
Stop complaining about things you don't clearly understand. The future is bright and beautiful. Just because you aren't able to compete in our brave new world of an emerging singularity of diversity doesn't mean you can just project your insecurities on here. Literally fucking KYS.
Just because your granny got blacked by a slave train dont make it right for france to be the uks syringe full of aids. You can keep your amerifats coffee coloured nwo. Feel free to comment when you know anything at all about Europe or anything 5 minutes from your own arse
No, I know enough, and what that knowledge tells me is that the types of people who oppose the proven fruits of globalization; Trumpists, Populists, Bernouts, and standard fringe loonies and basement dwellers desperately NEED to take a uni class on reality. By the way, darling, for the record; Obama was the fulfillment of the promise of the founders. Obama's glorious, triumphant victory over the will of hatred was because the Constitution said that all men are created equal you autist microdick hillbilly larpers. We were built on absolute equality, not hitler.
Went to British uni thanks. Not some neo liberal blm kindergarten like you. Obama was a stooge to appease the coffee masses. Your Constitution means jack shit to me
And when it said all men are equal, at the time that was literally white upper class men. Like the house of commons. No blacks, no women
Do you have even a single fact to back these up?
Yes. Your personal stupidity and your country's stupidity.
Do i really need to elaborate in two sylable grunts you can understand?
>Do i really need to elaborate in two sylable grunts you can understand?
Kek, that would be over taxing your brain power. It literally said in the Constitution and through our legal/judicial precedents that yep, An American is an American regardless of where you come from or who you are.
So a black woman could vote in them days?
If she were a free woman, yes. Not all white Anglo men were oppressive. America, even back then, had social mobility. We were founded as a democracy after all.
Some animals are more equal than others?
It actually makes me think.
French were a warrior breed once, white Franks, some top notch blood from Normans, etc.
They actually preserved their quality males, that can fight by throwing the world wars. They had no meaningful losses.
How did this country and it's males of fine aryan blood become such atrocious crowd of degenerates, mongrels and niggers?
Did jews transform it after French Revolution the same way they are rapidly and irreversibly transforming USA now?
How did the land of high quality blood of winners had it all disappear into nothing?
No, but the WASPs tried to make and keep it that way.
Why such an interest in a europoor thread? Makes me scared you are going to come over here to 'liberate' us again.
Any room in Russia mate? Im bailing
There is no "escape", there is only embrace. Come over to the right side of history, and you will enjoy wealth beyond your wildest dreams. It is my hope, that the whole world can become like the USA. That would be beautiful.
Baguette niggers ain't human beings. I literally hate them. Their language is unintelligible retarded babble.
Anglos should have exterminated those frog fuckers. They're subhuman.
That would be very shitty. Brazil can speak plenty about it.
Like usa.....cucked.
You sir, speak like a jew, and you change your flag.
Democracy is asking the advice of imbeciles every 4 years or so, then ignoring it for the term of office. If the refugees are so cool in your book, why dont you take them and build their mosques
French is one of the worst languages in the world. It's just so much unnecessary bullshit to speak. Fuck that faggot language.
>Ad Hominem>Evidence based FACTS
These posts should be printed out, and framed for their premium stupidity. Absolutely NO proof for your assertions. This board truly is falling apart.
The real American majority has spoken, which is why a wall is being built to keep people out
Agree, mate.
Back in reality though, most people loath Trump, In fact, most people didn't even vote for him! Personally, Trump has permanently ruined the reputation of the country. It makes me fucking embarrassed to be an American.
You sir are falling apart. Please proceed to your nearest safe space
Sorry Dimtrov, but I don't remember France being the Turk's bitch for 500 years
Your mind is falling apart. Get off the vodka pawel and grow up. If you understood what is going on here, we need immigration to offset low population growth. GDP is a function of the amount of wealth a population produces.
Our powerful, flawless and easily identifiable logic overwhelms you.
All the usa has to offer is a mongrelizing wave of jewish oligopolization.
(((American influence))) - not even once.
Read a fucking source instead of cringepictures:
Please read the thread before commenting. Im a britbong hiding in Bulgaria because the slavs are not being invaded by poo from Calais launchpad
>ce fil
Only a business student with no experience or redpill would say that
Yes, growth, it is what drives a country first and foremost.
English is composed at 40% of French words
It only drives an arbitrary number on a screen. Has little relation to real economic success and quality of life
Supremely False. Yet, I have seen you to actually argue in this thread beyond mere platitudes.
>Britain partially responsible for the outbreak of wwi because protect muh empire
>in WWII the BEF gets rolled by the wehrmacht in 1940, can't regain a foothold until the US intervenes
so much for "bailing out"
English is Germanic. Such a huge vocabulary that much french, german,greek, latin, and gaelic can be catered for
>muh surrender monkey
>shit i'm gonna leave my country and hide in bulgaria becuz muhammad keep harassing me
Who is the coward ass nigger here ?
Diversity has no boundaries, that's what makes it beautiful
When Napoleon marched on Moscow the joke that is your country didn't even existed
got warned for reporting nigger porn
Lol, they have different history books in America. Like those nasty indians that kept attacking
He is right about Calais basically being a zoo at this point.
Rich people being richer, more low wages slaves, and bonus, destruction of identity and social cohesion. The (((economy))) is growing goyim.
Nothing new under the sun brainlet.
That i am guilty of. I am too old to put up with Sharia, im just kicking back in peace in an all white village (we have them here, no turk or gypskis allowed)
France was superior to England in WWI.
what a simple yet brilliant solution. Sell your houses in the UK for max price you get. Buy a shitload of land in 3rd world country. Emigrate. Thats how you save a white race
shaquila oneila tyrana banks
Baguette nigger, it doesn't matter, what matters is your retarded country is a fucking joke nowadays.
This ricain knows
Yeah let's leave what our ancestors build to shitskins. I admire British history, culture and landscape, I don't want it to perish. Some of them nationalists hate us but if they were smarter they wouldn't blame France and French people but others (((agents))). We have common ennemies to fight
True words. I don't have anything against French really. Thread was just a troll to wind up the yank jew shill.
Job done, kill it with fire
Good to hear, enjoy your comfy life Nigel
>No, I know enough
Well you clearly don't