>I don't care about what others think. That's part of being an adult.
What does Sup Forums think of this mindset?
>I don't care about what others think. That's part of being an adult.
What does Sup Forums think of this mindset?
Other urls found in this thread:
who gives a shit
literally impossible, human's are social animals, people will always care about their image to a degree no matter what. This is what whites adopt nigger babies and gook babies, they want to have a savior image. Unless they're completely autistic/nihilistic and fucked up maybe that could be a reason but the average person does care.
This picture speaks for itself imo
On a critical level it's true, but on a personal level I think they're fags.
I think it's the mindset of an adult. Let losers destroy their own lives and worry more about your own
Nobody 'doesn't care what others think'. This is something people say when they suck socially.
Even if you think people are retarded it still feels shit for them to dislike you and good for them to like you. We're social creatures
>I don't care about what others think.
>I don't care what I think.
>I don't think.
>I consume.
>shaping your lifestyle about what you think people on Sup Forums who don't even follow their own advice think
>literally impossible
Most people are shallow and vapid and unable to form close friendships these days. Why should I torture myself trying to please them only to get little return?
reminder that the soy meme is to divert attention from the mutt meme which is organic, anti race mixing and hated by shill kikes who have botnets running 24/7 to clear away the mutt spam that goes against their ideology
Look at his arms. The utter lack of muscular development is unsightly. It's like he has child arms, that are slightly more hairy. I think I might be turning into a snowflake, because that picture triggers me to an extent that it shouldn't.
you know what i meant english is hard bro
Based mutt poster
It's not a matter of 'should' it's a matter of how we feel. We feel good when people like us and bad when they don't.
post arms faggot
Pls post more Nintoddler manchild memes.
This is how I feel.
"not caring what others think" does not automatically equate to "i can be a degenerate and childish loser".
This. Everyone cares what people think of them. The ones who say they don't care what people think of them are just hoping the right crowd of people (the others who say they don't care what people think of them) all agree with them and accept them.
Acceptance is key, it's king. Everyone wants to feel accepted. Most want to feel part of a group. The only difference between loners and socialites is how willing they are to compromise their individuality and values in order to attain that. Some people have dignity, self-control, self-respect, call it what you will, it's essentially the unwillingness to compromise yourself in order to fit in with the group. That does not mean the person in question lacks the desire to be around people and part of a group, just that they're more willing to forego that experience, and would only want to be part of a group on their terms.
Some groups do not need you to change in order to be accepted, but they are uncommon and those terms can change over time. The groups which really care the most about whether or not you do what is expected to fit in are the ones that preach acceptance and tolerance. Find a group that says they are accepting of everyone and tolerant then show up wearing some swastika gear and preach to them about the jew. They will rid themselves of your presence quite quickly, because you can only be part of the group if you fit their definition of people worth of tolerance.
If anything, not caring what others think is the mindset of a child, not an adult, but even so most children do whatever they do because they care what others think- i.e. acting up to illicit attention, attempting to mimic others because others are perceived as "cool" and they want to be perceived as cool also.
This is just the idiots bastardising an existing idea.
>I don't care what other people think about my cheap cloths and non brand work boots. I have bills, kids or other responsibility that take priority over what some judgemental twat thinks
Turns into
>I don't care that people look at me funny for dressing and acting like a basset hound, I'm special bla bla bla me me me
When they don't like something they just try to redefine it to appear smarter than they actually are.
Personally I think it's childish and a poor excuse for a lack of self-control and self-respect.
also this.
This. I never understand the “controversy” and faux outrage that these pictures are causing on this board. Imagine being so emotionally and socially stunted you’re unable to understand excitement and exaggerated happiness you have to try and rationalize it, and when you can’t you decide to lead a campaign of “humiliation” against it.
But that nu-male doesn't seem to ever express joy, just insecure sarcasm, the smile of irony
Not letting other's opinions rule your every action leads to a far happier life. Honestly not caring about other's opinions at all is the hallmark of the socially inept. There is a happy balance between taking other's opinions into consideration and disregarding them to make your own happiness/satisfaction/goals your top priority.
This poster says it better than I can.
Self-actualization =/= Being able to be a social maladjust without any consequences
lmao these are fucking hilarious.
People are going to find me weird and awkward no matter what I do. They seem triggered by anything slightly different from the norm and have extreme sensitivity. So I figured to myself why try to fit in?
I think the problem is that it's not "genuine". These nu-males are the socially stunted ones since they pose for pictures the same way social media women do: open mouth as if screaming, exaggerated expression of joy, empty eyes.
It's funny and they deserve to be humiliated. You're just projecting, famalam.
There is literally nothing wrong with being an adult and playing video games.
I have a full-time job and I have investments and pay all my bills. Why shouldn't I be able to play Nintendo games after a long day if I so choose?
This is also something I never really understood. These artificial devisions between 'childish' and 'mature' that people create to try and set themselves to reassure themselves. I have a few of what would be considered childish hobbies, particularly drawing caricatures.
Should I care that others call this childish? Why? It seems simply counterproductive.
Only a child thinks like that
I suppose they WANT to express joy, but they fear that joy will break their hipster mantra of detachment, that is protection from being ripped apart by a critic. The preemptive "lol I'm such a loser amirite" when he may not even be a loser
>playing video games is only for children
You realize there are enormous amounts of video games marketed to adults, correct?
>Imagine being so emotionally and socially stunted you’re unable to understand excitement and exaggerated happiness you have to try and rationalize it, and when you can’t you decide to lead a campaign of “humiliation” against it.
I don't have to imagine, I just do it.
Kek, you got all of that from a few pictures of people you don’t like but I’m the one projecting?
Man it's so good that guy with the lactating girl(male) .webm is gone
it does, actually. Who's going to stop me exactly?
Are you a hermit who lives completely alone? Yeah that's what I thought. Child my ass
Not caring what others think is good.
Purposefully going out of your way to do wacky shit to then go and tell people you don't care is juvenile.
>Good: I don't care if people don't like my car, it gets me around.
Everyone finds themselves being socially awkward at times but at the very least a grown man should be able to conduct himself like a gentleman in a social situation without coming off like a caveman.
It's possible to "fit in" without sacrificing who you are as a person. You can bend without breaking.
Actually it means exactly that. What are you going to do, kill him?
Being an adult means not caring what others think of you. That is 100% true. The only way someone else thinking something negative about you should bother you is if YOU think they have a point. If they call you fat, you have no reason to get upset unless you think you are fat, which just means you're upset about being fat to begin with and not that that other person called you fat.
What you guys are talking about is people that are delusional and have no ability to self reflect. No, you shouldn't stop doing what you like to do just because some other faggot thinks it's stupid. But you also shouldn't blatantly ignore all opinions and refuse to even consider their points. If you genuinely consider their opinion and your hobbies/appearance/whatever aren't an issue to you, then there's no reason to care what they think. If some fat virgin gamer is content being a fat virgin gamer, what is there to even say? I can see it as slovenly and pathetic, but if he doesn't care about fucking women, being social, or whatever, and just wants to be a fat fuck that loves eating McDonald's and gaming...there's nothing to say really.
I have a Nintendo Switch and I love it, but I bought it for myself and didn’t post a picture of myself with it to social media looking like a huge faggot
plus all the social and accepted people nowadays are just wannabe niggers looking to get something out of you so who cares what a bunch of Bottom Feeders think...
You were doing fine there until you said >nintendo games
Odd. I didn't get any of those reactions for playing pokemans.
Adulting kills the bugman
Man this is sad because soyboys/manbaby nerds clearly have something going on
They're mentally distressed, maybe that's why people shoot up schools and churches?
Maybe but normies can sniff out your differences very easily. They sense something off no matter how well you try to act just like a shark senses blood in the water.
this one is still the best
Maybe you absolutely lack any self awareness ;^)
Shin Megami Tensei 5 is a Nintendo Switch exclusive, bitch
Was this actually in the show or did some Sup Forumstard redub this?
Well refuted :^)
I quickly learnt that others still play pokemans too.
No they can't. People are extremely easy to manipulate if you actually think about how to control their emotions and perceptions.
If you act nervous for any reason theyll prey on that, but they can't tell what you actually think if you have a mask on
You just know this guy is a bad motherfucker. He knows what systems the gamez are on.
I don't though, not truly. I'm interested in their perspective, and invested in having them gain a greater perspective (which echoes into those around them, which sets other things into motion, etc). But I'm not emotionally invested into their output, there are only a select few I'd change anything about myself for, or "care about what they think".
>t. doesn’t have children
If you want your children to be successful in a social setting, you better be normal or better. The other kids (and their parents) instantly infer that your own kids inherited your weird bullshit that you are projecting. If you are really weak or out there, that’s a good recipe for your kid to be bullied and eventually hate you for it.
>Shin Megami Tensei 5
Had to google that, but it appears to be some childish cartoony weeaboo rpg shit, no surprise its a nintendo exclusive.
Is that Anderson Cooper? He must be insecure that Trump huggerd the American flag, actually he should be in a comie flag filled with bullet holes from our constitution.
>I don't care about what others think.
Hedonists larping as principled or rebellious men for false dignity.
It's a phrase as misused and misunderstood as "anything can be art".
Nice non-answer retard.
>b-but children
he established already that fucking women isn't a priority of one of the manchildren
The one where he does it at work is the only one that holds any weight. Someone playing a game instead of working should be fired.
I have been commuting via public transportation each morning for more than a decade. On the train and the bus no one give a fuck if you're playing a 3DS because no one looks nor cares about you unless you're being actively disruptive. The only times I can remember even stopping to consider others on the train as anything other than people taking up space was when they were either extremely loud or were a homeless smelling like piss.
It is the same way out in public. No one looks around at people minding their own business and stops to judge them, because they have their own lives to get on with. Only the deeply insecure pass judgement on strangers who are not actively disruptive.
Also the last panel seems to imply that a group of adults jumped and beat up a child for playing a videogame, and yet someone else here is the degenerate?
These are great, some of them look exactly like my coworkers.
read his lips
You’re retarded and I feel sorry for you
The argument in the post I was replying to clearly implied that Nintendo games are for children and children only.
>That's part of being an adult
>lol dude but kids
You might be legitimately mentally retarded. And you're still wrong besides that because it depends entirely what you want out of being a parent or for your children. Your standard is not the universal standard. Maybe one day you'll grow up and learn that.
By all means, judge by your own standard and live by your own standard. Encourage others to have your standards. But expecting that all people DO have that standard makes you delusional.
Really activates those almonds
This, explains basically the existence of virtue signaling the most rabid are the typical SJW
The reason he is making the ironic happy face is to disarm any criticism for enjoying a child's game. He can't show authentic joy because he knows how childish it would make him. He cares very much what people think, because he's afraid of that criticism. Basically, "I was only pretending to be retarded."
>>I don't care about what others think.
you are retarded.
Jesus christ Americans!!!
>Diamond Dogs
He’s never felt authentic joy
There is joy in soy for all goyim.
First five minutes:
>I go full Henry Kissinger
Also just wanted to point out that you're the biggest cuckold on the planet because you will literally let your entire life be dictated by what other people find acceptable. I find your behavior weak, so you better fucking stop you weak little cuck boy.
That's Keith Olbermann aka the left-wing version of Alex Jones
No, you were just interpreting that from it. You could have said "video/computer games" and you could have meant Football Manager or Civilization V for all anyone knew.
But you had to embarrass yourself.
Had to change IP for security reasoms
The other I don't understand about Sup Forums is criticizing supposed normalfags by saying:
>they can't enjoy anything, they feel no authentic joy
When Sup Forums and most of Sup Forums is under so many layers of insecure irony that what ever he is putting up pales in comparison.
Hey I’ve been pretty upfront about what I like and why I’m better than him
Why do soyboys take these "waiting for semen" pics? My god.
Maturity is doing what is right and good even if others deride you; immaturity is ignoring others' derision to do what is shameful. There's nothing noble about video games.
This piece of shit was born with blue eyes, yet a hard working man such as myself am a macaco. What a world we live in
Shit, maybe Big Bang isn't so bad after all...