Anime is poison.
Anime is poison
Definitely. I hope Sup Forums bans it soon.
Yep. This is what it lead to in the long term:
To be fair all fandom is fucking cancer
Dafuq. torch it
Sup Forums has always been an anti-anime site until the weebs flooded in
Anime is a great red pill tbqh.
Huh, the fat tranny nudges the pedo away. Still, a rope waits for xir. And a lot more wait for every weeb.
Sure man.
HEY! That guy also made this
newfaggotry is also a poison
S-so based! Literally /our guy/
>Anime on an Anime sharing image board is poison.
>Sup Forums has always been an anti-anime site until the weebs flooded in
im been here since summer thread
That asian girl looks so scared
>autistic degenerate larping Nazi
CLEarly one of Sup Forumss army of shilling kikes
>dressed like a woman while manspreading
should i be triggered or tolerant?
Yes it is. Get ready for a bunch of screeching denial.
That guy makes more money than you and has a girlfriend.
How dare he disrespect the one and only kanna by being so ugly.
This gives weebs and cross dressers a bad name!
Crossdressing for fun =/= crosdressing for sex
This, i love wearing yoga pants and high heels sometimes. It's more manly to not care what people think. Just be you.
see thisunironically that guy is prbly rich af, definitely not living a bad life
That’s youtuber melonpan btw.
You fucking retard.. its a guy in an anime uniform.
This is one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen.
>Anime is poison.
Good. I need to kill myself anyway.
Who would win?
>US army
>The steongest fairy
Does hes dress like a girl cause he watched a story made with animated drawings or did he dress like a cute drawn girl because he was already degenerate ?
maybe this will give you an idea
Not knowing who this guy is is proof that you're a newfag.
fuck yeah. weebs are disgusting
What the actual fuck. but aho girl was funny
He's swiss, if you saw pictures/videos of his appartment you'd know he's at least a millionaire.
He'll never have to work in his entire life and can shit out one demonitized vlog after another, meanwhile your political podcast scene lives in their mom's basement and pray they don't get doxed. How does this make you feel?
His house is literally a single room and he has effectively admitted that he works. He’s wealthy but not a millionare.
Yeah, and as a longtime weeb myself, I know how degenerate it is firsthand. Weeaboos that defend anime are like addicts that defend their drugs. How can you feel all the terrible effects personally, yet continue to pretend it's good?
Even long after breaking free of the delusional phase, I still suffer from some weebism and its degeneracy.
Being degenerate is more fun
I'm addicted to Sup Forums yet I pretend it's good. how do I break free?
also bump for more weeb hate
dafuq im not hating on him, just showing ppl what he is like
I watch his video from time to time
It's not like anyone would watch those chinese cartoons on this Finnish fishing forum.
reality is worse
Anything can be degenerate if you are a degenerate person and approach it that way. Everything can be corrupted and subverted. For a healthy conservative young man, anime can be a weapon in his arsenal AGAINST degeneracy - you can find in anime conservative values, an emphasis on duty to family, strong traditional gender roles for men and women, and a greater sense of morality and duty to contribute positively to society - girls in anime are virgins and much of their appeal comes from the fact that they've righteously safeguarded their purity.
I for one enjoy my pure virgin waifus, they provide a counterweight to the degenerate slut women of my country and reinforce the ideal of a pure girl that I want for myself some day.
>girls in anime are virgins and much of their appeal comes from the fact that they've righteously safeguarded their purity
This. Anime is literally a cure for western degeneracy. The ultimate redpill.
nah bro
for children sure but men shouldn't watch cartoons
Anime is not poison. Encouraging and covering for mental illnesses instead of treating them as mental illnesses is the poison.
last time I checked melon pan is working full time in a (((swiss bank)))
The Strongest, of course
>Boys bunch of losers.
>Girl, goddess.
Can we do some gender shaming so only girls watch anime?
mfw wathcing this
What am I looking at?
>tarnishing the name of Kanna by being a grown man cosplaying as her
he's a banker faggot, so no surprise he have a lot of shekels
((( (((whites))) )))
she's adorable
Fetish for being dominated by lolis that Sup Forums interprets as being non-ironic.
But to be fair ironic shitposting is still shitposting
Zamasu is the libs
Kill us plz, u have nukes, end us
OP's photo is from a Jewish photoshoot meant to attack white men both in Japan and at home
>fetish for being dominated by lolis
There are no lolis in Rabu Raibu.
The absolute state of nu/pol/
Hebe is fine too
Cakes are fine too
Maybe a couple of traps can stay
no that's just selfhate Sup Forums =/= Sup Forums
For you
>Sup Forums will defend this
Anime is degenerate.
>flag patches on right arms facing the wrong way
my inner sergeant major is triggered
That guy is an obvious kike
>look i posted it again mom
Is that you?
Only a degenerate would watch in the first place
I understand being 13 and watching dragon ball
Watching moeshit as an adult usually means you won't be able to procreate
It only gets worse from here on out, not that Sup Forums was any good to begin with.
melon pan is insanely rich. He does shit like this on his youtube channel because he has no shame because hes rich and happy.
I only watched Attack on Titan and JoJo
both serve as an inspiration for getting big
>tfw will never break the 15m manlet line
Something like 90 % of oldfriends are transsexual weebs so this isn’t anything new.
So is alcohol. Just consume it in moderation.
OP is a faggot. Saged