Why do you take immigrants from shithole countries and not from your ally, Poland? We can't even enter US without a Visa and we allow your military bases to exist on our territory.
Why do you take immigrants from shithole countries and not from your ally, Poland...
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You have Jews
You’re not white.
The jews wont let us.
you cannot decide huh? sad
why the fuck you want to escape your country and become mutt. zjadaczu marchewki?
Because the Jews want us to be "culturally enriched" instead.
I would happily open the floodgates for Polish citizens to come to the US
Those people from shithole countries don't exactly ask igor.
pan-europeanism was a mistake
I agree with you completely. If it were up to me we would offer Poland statehood.
40 million whites with an intense hatred of Muslims and communism which is positioned perfectly to keep down the Germans and check the Russians.
>allow our bases
I mean, we could always leave and let you face the Russians alone, if that's what you want.
That being said, I'd take as many European immigrants as we could possibly take. 10 million a year? No problem. I'd take you all if I could.
This is a Jewish country. No whites allowed.
I don't know about the visa thing. If we need a visa to go to Poland then it could just be tit for tat.
As I recall they were also the first European country in history to have a written Constitution and at least parts of it were based on ours.
Imagine a state of that size, it could counter California.
cold war policy
never changed because after the cold war we transitioned to mass importing shitskins and effectively banned europeans.
that said if you want to immigrate just get a corporate sponsor.
As a 100% white person from Europe, I would have to think twice if I want to leave 85% white EU to live in 52% white USA riddled whit crime.
What do you offer?
>If we need a visa to go to Poland then it could just be tit for tat.
We don't.
The reason we require Poles to get visas is because Poles generally love America and have a bad habit of overstaying visas/moving here illegally. That being said you notice they don't require visas for Mexishits despite 25% of their population waddling over our border and never fucking off so really the reason for the visas is because the kikes want to keep out whites and whites alone.
This must happen
i cant believe Italy accepted me from my shithole country :^)
>40 million whites with an intense hatred of Muslims and communism which is positioned perfectly to keep down the Germans and check the Russians.
God damn that would be beautiful. Poland becomes the 51st state before Puerto Rico.
>40 million muslim hating whites with no tolerance for communism and its kike advocates
The Jews would never allow it.
Poles are not white you dummy.
not to ruin your dream, and it is all very nice and all, but Poland cannot be annexed pernamently ever.
We just value independence like you value freedom
Precisely why (((they))) would squash it. Same reason (((they))) require visas for Poles and not spics. Surely you recognize a (((coincidence))) when you see it.
They count as white here, along with most of the big influx of European immigration from ~100 years ago.
Not annexed, we would offer you statehood. And you would still have your independence; US states unironically have more freedom and sovereignty than EU members do. You would be able to keep your own Constitution too, which in fact is a requirement of US statehood, that the state maintains their own Constitution.
Poles are the mexicans of Europe. America, you are warned. We use them as toilet cleaners and landscapers.
You would get to keep your own army/air force too. Every US state has their own military.
States these days don't have nearly the independence they were designed to have back when the US was set up.
And then just think of all the problems with Poland having to be subject to all different US codes and regulations instead of EU ones. What, are they going to have to go through and build all new structures and perform all renovations according to our electrical code? Or are we going to have to alter all our national regulations and codes to grant Poland exceptions? And now all the other states are going to start clamoring for their own special treatment as well?
>replace the brown, socialist voting, white bashing mexicans with white, republican voting, muslim and communist bashing mexicans
I'll make that trade 100 times out of 100.
>we allow your military bases to exist on our territory
>States these days don't have nearly the independence they were designed to have back when the US was set up.
Yeah but with a Republican state the size of California thing of all the laws we could wipe our asses with in the House and Senate? Between that and the wall we would control Congress for generations. We could fix everything.
that sounds bretty gud
we talk in here, meanwhile our new PM, young Morawiecki was talking for few hours on phone with Mike "Zap the Gay Away" Pence about NATO, armies and such
Getting rich. I really cant speak on other countries, but it's truly possible for any mildly intelligent person to make it big here 40% smarts 40% hardwork 20% luck. I know 3 people who came from humble middle class beginnings who now have a half a million to their name at 25.
The poles here either vote socialist or nationalist. They are all poor, alcoholic and either unemployed collecting welfare or they are cutting wages by working below minimum wages and not paying taxes. They like to marry their cousins. They are our version of white trash.
USA has enough jews already
i've known a lot of poles. they drink too much but are okay. i would gladly accept poles, i expect they'd be an asset
You've probably never met a pole in your life
Why in the fuck would you ever want to be part of the US? You'd just be subjected to 150 million shitskins that can go into your country at any point, and you just know (((they))) would make sure Poland gets BLACKED.
We are a quarantined area, please don't come in, for your own safety.
What, you mean like when Reagan was in office and let the beaners stay? When California actually WAS red?
Republicans are kiked like the rest of them, they don't do shit. They're just 15 years behind the democrats in social degeneracy, that's all.
>zjadaczu marchewki?
Together we could control the stars. And think of the German and Russian asshurt.
>or nationalists
Take my money.
No matter what you say they're still infinitely better than beaners. Plus after we catapult them all over the wall we're going to need to replace those landscapers and plumbers.
oh mate, if niggers are bacteria, then we are white blood cells
or perhaps other virus that eats bacteriae
anyhow, Poles remove niggers passively.
Consider Chicago - there are no niggers in Polish areas
> be polish piece of shit plumberboi who actually was too retarded to run off with the rest of the plumberbois to the UK and other various CIVILIZED countries
> 2018
> w-w-why you no take bolish!???
every single polack could be executed tomorrow, and the world would be better off for it
I would do this solely for German asshurt desu familia
Trump wasn't in office then. Between him and the extra Polish votes in Congress we wouldn't need the dems to compromise on anything.
Building codes and regulations are handled at the state level. Most everything would continue to be handled at the state level. They can even keep the metric system.
It would also be a good chance to revisit and eliminate a lot of bullshit US federal regulations. Cars that meet EU safety and emissions standards should be acceptable for the US. It would save thousands on every car.
Finally, Poland's military becomes the Poland State National Guard.
See how the Republic of Texas joined the US. It was by treaty between mutual allied countries, Texas kept all her public lands, it went smoothly, and everyone was happy.
Except Mexico. But Fuck Mexico.
Morawiecki is a Kike!
if niggers are bacteria then polish sluts are a petri dish
wake the fuck up LMAO
Those were old fashioned Poles, though, most of which came here in poverty and were look at as trash until they established themselves as a respectable part of society.
I don't know if we would always expect the same these days.
In space no one can hear you clean toilet.
>Consider Chicago - there are no niggers in Polish areas
This is oddly true.
Hamtramack also has no black people in it until the Poles moved out.
Get lost, Muhammed
>Not a shithole
Only at Sup Forumsand
EuroAmerican masterrace!
Thanks to all the buffoons who sing the praises of diversity, braying that it will make us stronger. Except they won't be around to see the damage they've done.
There are almost no Polish areas left. My mom grew up there, and now it's just Mexicans.
Don't get me wrong, if the race war starts, I'd love to have you guys on our side, but until then, for your sake stay the hell away from our niggerhole of a country.
Blumpf is entertaining and says some nice things occasionally, but he's a civcuck at best and our entire government is kike-run.
We'd get a couple year's reprieve demographically from deporting illegals, but at the price of making Poland permanently nonwhite. Not worth it at all. We need to fix our shit here with Balkanization first.
You’re a huge Faggot and a brainlet. Kill yourself
>boiling potatoes and carrots for a yummy supper for one in soviet crumbling apartment
poland truly is first world finally
>Not a shithole country
Get your birth rates up, we need at least one white country with a positive birth rate.
Figures. Can we at least focus on the damn kikes, mudshits, and niggers infesting our countries first before we get back to our retarded squabbles?
You, too. I'll watch you and the krauts in a revenge match, but let's deal with the bigger problem first.
t. mostly ethnic Russian mutt
>all mad meme flags and EUnuchs
pic related fagets :D
>but at the price of making Poland permanently nonwhite
Like it will be, niggers and spics can't afford the plane ticket and there's no desert or river for them to waddle across. Poland would stay white and with those 40 million extra white votes we could go full 1488 and there wouldn't be shit the dems could do about it. Poland alone would literally wipe out California's power: with Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin now playing for the winning team we would be unstoppable as long as we continued to keep the economic populism and stayed tough on borders/immigration.
>you need an infinitely expanding population
Wrong, the kikes want it for their interest ponzi scheme. They know that if it collapses and people start suffering, they'll get their shit pushed in worse than they did 80 years ago. We need homogeneous white societies--a little population decline in densely-populated countries is fine, even good.
i'd rather have polaks than niggers.
At least polish materials are fuckable
You severely underestimate the Jew.
Look up what king nigger did with his housing policy, for example. He deliberately sent ghetto niggers into pure white areas, so they would mix and turn the place into a brown shithole. Literally bioweapons.
Don't think for a second that the same thing wouldn't happen to Poland.
Back to the oven, you fucking kike
I honestly would rather Polish Immigrants than non European immigrants. Poland looks fun.
what a poor comeback
we dont have any kikes
yes, that's what we need, more young people to leave Poland.
I don't underestimate the Jews, that's why I want complete control over all branches of government. With the kind or supermajority Poland's admission to the union would give we would be able to primary every single cuckservative who ever bends the knee to the kikes without having to worry about losing a seat. Just like a state the size of California can ignore US immigration law whenever they see fit so too could Poland tell any kike in office trying to flood the state with refugees to go eat a dick.
I mean..surely he doesn't either.
It's not hard to make more of them. It helps save the white race.
Listen,. my polish bros. I'm sure you're all nice guys.. but... fuck off, we're full.
It is really ridiculous how much easier it is to come and live in the US illegally as a useless migrant than it is to move here through the proper channels to be a productive member of society.
>half of Drumpf's cabinet is Jewish
>a third of the SC is Jewish
>Drumpf's own daughter CONVERTED to marry a slimy wall street kike
>complete control over all branches of government
Lad, our government IS the Jew. We've been exporting anti-white degeneracy everywhere we could for the past 70 years.
I'd rather live around turks than shitskined refuges.
It's almost impossible to move here legally if you're white period, regardless of legality. As I mentioned previously ITT: Poles need a visa because they supposedly overstay their visas in too great of numbers which sounds all well and good until you realize that Mexicans don't have to get a visa at all.
Just a (((coincidence))) goy.
Poland is about one of the best fucking countries
And the only way to get over on the Jews is to take back control of our own government. How exactly do you plan on us doing that without whites? We need numbers: ours to go higher, the shitskins to go down. I'm telling you; union with Poland would handle the former and the wall/deportation (or RWDS) will take care of the latter.
The Jews control the government, they control the media, and they control the banks. If we get back the government, they will simply use their assets to Jew it again. How do you think they took control in the first place?
The US as such is lost, we need to Balkanize and form an ethnostate.
Shekels are the root of their power. The Jews will control the government for as long as they control the banks. That's why they always want to topple countries without a Rothschild central bank so they can install one.
Obviously they need to be imprisoned, pogromed, expelled, etc. and we need to bring government back down toward local control. But nothing is going to work without banking reform as well.
>there's no hope
>you can never defeat the jew
>don't even think about bringing 40 million white, christian, anti-communist, anti-muslims into your country
>just give up
>surrender and kill each other goy
Just outed yourself Schlomo, now back to the oven with you you hook nosed rat.
I like drinking w/ pols.
Only Polish dude I know personally is a guy named Zawadski. He was super cool. I'm down with Poles
Ovens are fun. You should go get in one.
American Slavic Congress
Fuck poles
They were the only fuckers in theater that were legally allowed to have alcohol.
I'll let one fertile attractive Polish girl in, polygamy is illegal so that's the best I can do user.
Wait Polish people in general or Zawadski? Are they Polish nobility or am I being overly analytical?
here we go again
Stop being a migrantcuck and fix your nation.
Dlaczego bys chcial zeby wyedukowani ludzie opuszczali Polske jakby mogli zostac i zalozyc biznesy i wspomagac ekonomie daunie
You fucking retard, those 40 million aren't going to stay white and leBased for long in this cesspit of a country.
We can and should defeat the Jew, but you're not going to do it by exposing ever more whites to this degenerate cesspit. We were 90% white in the 60s, it didn't matter, the kikes still passed Hart-Celler by lying to our faces.
The fact is, neither us nor the Poles are radical enough to use force on the kikes. Hence why we need a war to break up the US before even thinking about this. Otherwise we'll proceed in a contented daze as the population is brainwashed into oblivion. And you call me the kike.
All your "plan" would do is get a Republican (not pro-white) government in office for MAYBE 30 years, before the shitskins breed the difference and the kikes take their toll on the newcomers. And then Poland will be steadily turned into le 56% face, just like us.
Bo od 1988 wprowadza się w tym pojebanym kraju coraz większy socjalizm i się nie da tu kurwa żyć. Wolę kraj rządzony przez żydów, ale który jest bogaty i gdzie można mieć broń, niż kraj, który jest rządzony przez żydów, ale jest biedny i nie ma broni.
This. Capitan Sweden gets it
What are we supposed to fucking do you meme-flag? Every goverment is increasing taxation, theft and regulation since the communist regime has fallen.
No to moze sam pomoz i zrob jakies zmiany ziemniaku
>We can and should defeat the Jew, but you're not going to do it by exposing ever more whites to this degenerate cesspit
Yeah, we're not going to do it by increasing the white population in America but by having whites slaughter each other for your tribe's amusement.
Literally kill yourself oven dodger. You aren't fooling anyone anymore.
Yes, yes! More debt and you can qualify for a better goy score!