Thread for discussion of politics on Caucasus.
Discussing the organization of our future union.
Lets see how many of you caucasoidz are here.
Thread for discussion of politics on Caucasus.
Discussing the organization of our future union.
Lets see how many of you caucasoidz are here.
I'm willing to make an union once we get rid of krauts and bongs for good!
hello fellow Caucasian
Luke's cuck shed.
My family crypt not far from Kazbek
That architecture doesnt look caucasian.
We got the best loyal and pure women, dont we folks?
Can someone do a list of what nationality worships which religion?
Im chechen btw.
After manlet putin will go chechens will push for independence 2.0 most likely. We will need help guys.
We got more than 50 nationalities there. Who do u care about?
We respect them and they respect us.
Fun fact: Wife in Georgian is meughle (მეუღლე) which means co-oxen or horse that pulls the yoke with you
That's actually a wise way of seeing marriage.
We are with you.
Hang Kadyrov for treason.
How come the word for wife came after the word for a domesticated animal and yoke? Seems odd
Go back there you nigger. Switzerland is for the alpinids only.
Why would the institution of marriage predate domesticating livestock or a product of livestock?
Even Cain and Able are theorized to represent Mans transition into Agriculture and raising livestock. Later, given, Cain is sent from the garden and goes west " into the city " and " takes a wife ".
Pretty neat stuff.
spouse - meughle
wife - tsoli
kmari - husband
Maybe because marriage wasn't a thing few thousand years ago?
>Im chechen btw.
hows life in the wonderful chechenia?
In "chechen" traditions if a man touched a woman that is not his, that body part of his is gone.
We got a saying "If man is unworthy - shame to family. If woman is unworty (aka easy whore) - shame to nation.
We settled on caucasus long before the semitics started writing their ((books))
armenian church
islam majority some orthodox
Our own traditions >+ islam
80 orthodox / 20 islam
shia islam majority
The greatest Georgian.
Came from a dirt poor serf family and rose from nothing and defeated conniving Jews to head the second most powerful state in world history, through sheer will power, strength of character, hard work, and devotion.
Im naturalized here. Im probably more swiss than you are kek
Its ok, could be better if Putin would remove his adopted son Kadyrov and leave us alone.
Jews always get outjewd by caucasians. Too bad his father used to beat him a lot so he was very unstable in head and killed a lot of his fellow men for ((gobbunism))
One of the reasons that Caucasian regions aren't economically that developed is because of those characteristics. Most caucasians are dominants with their nature and everyone does their best to be leaders. This causes conflicts of interests and in the end nothing gets done.
Dont make my bump this thread alone
>Im probably more swiss than you are kek
Living off welfare and fucking goats isn’t exactly Swiss.
Osetin ITT. AMA
My father and I work in investment banking, kek. I earned 17k last month.
t.butthurt Joao
Communism is a creation of Karl Marx, a Jew. You are an idiot.
Digor / Alan?
Why do u steal culture of your neighbors?
He has Jews all around him. Yagoda, Erenburgh etc. Jews were still in charge. All KPSS was 80% Jewish.
>the American thinks he's making a point
Mathematics was first done by shitskins and gooks, best we stop using it.
> muh daddy is rich
Yeah and I own all the trains. Go back home and get shot.
Inb4 shills start posting BLACKED pics.
You mean Iranian
Jews were repressed a lot by him. He btfo many of them from gommie party. Still doesnt change the fact that he was a gommie.
you are all subhumans though
except Georgians
> subhumans
They aren’t human.
My father and mother speak iron when they are arguing in public. I know only Russian and some English. My parents didn't mind to teach me my motherlanguage.
I don't steal any culture.
North caucasus is pretty based.
The only subhumans in Caucasia are the mountain jews (armens) and roaches v.2.0 (azeris)
>literal cucks
You better watch your women before they get blacked kek
Where do u live?
This one is right.
And you? Where do you live? What do you do so far from your motheland?
Leeching welfare.
What are you doing there? Btw whenever I pass ossetia it always seems very empty. People die and leave ur republic a lot?
We got a swiss friend of family here that invited us here during the second war. But I visit russia/chechnya often. We got a share in a private bank here.
>this assblast
Never took a centime from your shitty "welfare" mountain jew. Too bad "swiss" people dont own anything in this country do drugs all day and leech from us rich business owners.
In pic related, what about the Tocharians?
Chechen here. We will prevail, Inshallah.
As far as I know Tocharians are not present on caucasus. The only scythian related people are ossetians and they are iranic peoples. While Tocharians originate more to the north east.