1). You can guarantee your child preforms well in school through a theoretical average 180 for children created as a result of these technologies.
2). You can guarantee they're able to attract a partner once grown up.
Why is the West against this?
1). You can guarantee your child preforms well in school through a theoretical average 180 for children created as a result of these technologies.
2). You can guarantee they're able to attract a partner once grown up.
Why is the West against this?
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Same reason why the Ottomans feared the Printing Press or the Ancient Chinese feared Overseas trade. Politics.
Come on, these shitflakes sometimes spew nonsense like "send your kinds to a shitty public school so they won't be unfairly advantaged in life"
But in all seriousness, most likely that the access for designer babies for a long time will be only for extremely rich, so you should really think how to allow one when it goes public
Because no one wants to acknowledge that every minority will want their baby white.
With how fucked up some breed of dogs are, this is fairly reasonnable.
Because i want to have my and my wifes kid. Not some lab cooked freak.
But it will be. Imagine if you and your wife have 100 kids. There will inevitably be a few amazing kids in there and a few genuine retards. All this does is removes some of the luck involved and push you towards the best possible child
becuase theyre all gonna be blonde haired and blue eyed aryan communist murder machines.
We are not here to educate you.
Ask google and read the ethical concerns.
because eventually it will lead to a have vs. have not environment, the people who were "designed perfectly" versus those who were concevied normally.
this all assumes we know what we're doing when we edit each gene and then don't edit something in that's carrier status genetically harmful or fuck up the genetic diversity of the human race to the point where natural birth without the sort of defects you'd see in incestual relationships becomes impossible among portions of the entire general population.
it'll be restricted to the uber uber rich for a loooong time too.
"Waah muh kike on a stick waah."
>Why is it that in the west, people fear designer babies
Well we are probably a hundred years away from such thing if it is even fully possible
But i think leftist fear it because if proves many things are Genetic determined , and it kind of goes against the 100% Social construct case that they make .Plus they fear that only the rich will have access to it which is a Genuine fear desu
Because the first designer babies will be Bogdanoff babies
You know that saying, "ignorance is bliss?"
Well, by breeding ultra-intelligent supermen, you guarantee two things: one, that the supermen will eventually replace baseline humanity, and two, that they will as a species, eventually become so depressed as to go willingly headlong into extinction.
dogs are fucked up cause of centuries of inbreeding, that's different
Wrath of Khan
>rich now get superior babies first
>medium and poor get fucked
>rich have secured their wealth and now smarts to prevent other from taking it.
>eventually there will be to camps, naturals and coordinators.
>LOGOS will side with naturals inorder to secure profits from wars
it would kill niggers
My suspicion is that there is some deep seated concern about the child not really being 'their' child. Just a designed piece of organics.
After you do what you are suggesting it isn't that much further away to simply go to a baby store and punch in a code that describes what you want and then picking up your baby product at the checkout line.
Bit more extreme perhaps. But the 'is it really my child and part of me' question is there.
Many people probably have an instinctive concern about this even if they can't articulate it.
>implying standards won't also rise equally as much
School will definitely become harder and beauty standards will definitely become more restrictive if everyone is smart & pretty.
If everyone is beautiful, no one is.
because people are fucking retarded. Embryonic analysis(or w/e the fuck its called) is already possible. Stephen Hsu(guy who works with BGI Shenzen, the company that was making rounds around the media a while back regarding their efforts to try to identify 'intelligence' genes) says its just a matter of time and effort before we can identify a child's potential IQ via embryonic analysis. We can already technically do it with height with extreme accuracy. So idk about every other retard, but im still very young, so im waiting until the advances arrive before having any kids. i sure as shit am not going to allow my kids to be morons relative to the chinks
I think there is a lot of truth in what you are suggesting as well. The other thing that the left is very concerned about is market selection. How many of their pet projects will be selected against if the market can freely choose?
Baby going to be gay? Nope, probably selected against. Any number of other mental issues that are common to the left? Nope, selected against as well. I am willing to be that European features would become very common thus bringing in to question the whole 'non-white ethnicity is so beautiful'.
We could go down the line pretty easily.
>If everyone is beautiful, no one is.
im not sure i believe this, considering we've never actually had a world where everyone is extremely beautiful. personally, i think in such a scenario, where we've reached the limit of human perfection, things like personality and aesthetic preference will ACTUALLY start to matter. i.e. Do I like Mary, who has big boobs, is 5'2 w/ a cute face, and black hair, or do I like Camile, Blonde hair, 5'5, but with a bigger ass than Mary.
Well the best argument most people will give you is trite platitude about "playing god," so here's a logical one.
Would you want to be one of these genetically modified people? And really think about this for a minute. You're going to grow up surrounded by people who will seem like absolute retards to you. Parents, teachers, authority figures.
The only thing I can compare it to is imagine being a reasonably intelligent white guy adopted by hut niggers in Africa.
>Baby going to be gay? Nope, probably selected against. Any number of other mental issues that are common to the left? Nope, selected against as well. I am willing to be that European features would become very common thus bringing in to question the whole 'non-white ethnicity is so beautiful'.
Pretty much , no more manlets no more ugly freaks no more balding , the list is Endless.
And this too
Because giving birth to another human should be held with a bit more gravitas than designing a fucking purse. Curing genetic diseases in the womb is perfectly fine, but deciding what color your kid's eyes are going to be before they are born is beyond the domain of the parent and leads to massive legal problems governing consent and personal ownership.
>trite platitude about "playing god,"
It's not trite at all. You don't have any legal right to dictate another person's phenotype, and absolutely not an ethical one.
Because how am i suppose to compete with a designer baby when im 90 IQ?
Also they won't get a partner since they'll be competing against superior beings
That's what he did, this site is on google. ENJOY BAN
I know the pain. I am way more attractive than most people so i never really fit in in the normal sense. I did male modelling which is a good job but when you're a literal 10/10 with most people being 5/10 you're like way different.
Imagine blowing couple mil on your Original Offspring do not steal and it dies by acidentally falling down stairs
>dictate another person's phenotype
Ban plastic surgery then kek but anyway I'm pretty sure we are talking about an embryo if not an egg cell therefore no worries about the person part, reddit.
Bogdababbies will make normies obsolete desu
>Why is the West against this?
The same reason I don't unwrap my presents before December 25th, though I'm more than capable of peeking without anyone finding out and without damaging the gift.
And in case this is too cryptic, I mean that I have every intention on receiving the gift with love, regardless of what it is. That's kind of the point; receiving with love and faith.
Exactly this. And its unhealthy to presume ideals. It could make genetic diversity into a monoculture susceptible to disease. Also the few people who can't afford it will look like freaks. Balding big nose manlets go from 3% of society to literally .01% of society. It will be the equivalent of seeing someone who is seriously disfigured and bigotry will increase exponentially for the bottom .01%
>Why is the West against this?
fear of change.
Also why the fuck would people engineer superbabies only to see themselves become obsolete as a result. That's just a whole other level of JUST.
bible freaks
>the laymen know, shut it down!
#1 the skin color question. #2 I'm afraid well find out smarter is more suicidal or something.
I used to think that designer babies would be great until I read that study that examined which traits from the big 5 parents want to see in their children. Now I think designer babies are gonna ruin humanity, or what's left of it anyway.
If it's prohibitively expensive there's the risk that the wealthy will produce runaway superbabies leaving the rest of us in the dust. Below even a fairly high cost threshold there's a solid case for subsidizing it for all expectant parents, though.
Because ”muh values”. I actually want china to take over partly because of this.
>guarantee your children preforms well
What we know now is that childrens DO learn, regardless of whether they have been pumped full of caffeien or full of transhumanist garbige. The facts are the less human you are, the less human rights you get and designer babies are going to be non-human in that their genes are selected from non-natural human gene pool. They dont deserge the same rights.
You dictate another person's genome every time you reproduce, you fuckwit. Maybe you think it's a totally random roll of the dice when you have children, which would give you some peace of mind about your white wife and black son, but it doesn't work that way. Your child will only receive genes that you and your partner have, and the phenes will be expressed accordingly. What difference does it make whether you select specific genes for your child, or whether you allow them to receive one of two possible genes? If anything, it is far more ethical to hand-pick the superior genes, if you have a shred of care about the well-being of your offspring.
Considering how european states hand out surgeries costing 100 000 e even now, them giving out enchancements is not a stretch.
Paste article?
And if you believe that criminality and dysfunction are mostly genetic, then paying $100K to CRISPR each baby saves a lot in prison, welfare, and damage costs.
because muh discrimination ahainst poorfag non-designer babies
see: gattaca
Exactly. The only issue is that certain genes can carry unforseen consequences. For example if you minmax creativity you might accidentally cause schizophrenia.
how would you determine what genes relate to "Creativity" its a separate thing to intelligence though you do need to be intelligent to filter out shit ideas.
we don't even have a way to measure creativity besides pointing to people who are self evidently creative or not.
Some highly designed brain test that gives a much more detailed view than iq perhaps?
but how can you present the data.
P.S. i would use IVF and genetic screening if i wanted a kid
The best part is, designer babies in Gattaca were so cheap that the only ones having genetically inferior children subject to easily preventable hereditary diseases, were religious fanatics and the homeless. It was paradise compared to what we have now, but for some reason the theme was "genetic engineering is bad because muh discrimination".
I'm 5'7. I'm muscular, but not ripped. I'm mentally competent but not a genius. What the fuck is gunna happen if I'm surrounded by 6'5 Aryan Chad's and 5'10 Aryan Stacie's.
Now, if I was a leader, I could use these genetic specimens for a private army. But I mean damnit, I'm gunna have to have so much will power to beat these superhumans I would literally have to be willing to die to achieve anything.
Because only the rich kikes will be able to afford it.
i could dump £15K to do this and still have money to spare.
problem is i would need to make sure i can actually provide a future for the child so they can actually benefit from their higher IQ/better health
(if Pre-Conception the process didn't fuck up)
once i have saved more money perhaps and i still have inheritance in the future that could pay for the child's future
A lot of people fear this technology will only be available to the rich.
Because designers are corrupt and they will design them to benefit their own interest
I don’t actually know the exact details of how they did that measurement. There is however an article about bipolar and creativity on psychology today, and schizophrenia has been ascociated with high academic skills.
because it means characteristics aren't unique anymore. that's the whole allure of the features most people want to have genetically engineered into their child, if they're prevalent they're not unique, that's why people who come from countries with 99% shitskins fawn over white beauty.
Because it will destroy the wonderfu weaponized autism of generation Alpha when it starts to be born and because I don't want the kids of the future to compete against me with me having no chance.
Intent, brainlet. When you select the exact phenotype someone else will express, their body is no longer their own.
If someone doesn't like the color of their eyes, that was just how they developed. But if someone doesn't like the color of their eyes, and you made them that way at the genetic level with no possibility of consent? What if they sue the living fuck out of you?
There's essentially no difference between choosing a baby's skin color for them and just giving them a full body tattoo of that color as soon as they're born.
Because some of us have read Brave New World. TL:CR? They grow a race of slave people too thick to rebel.
It's never going to be a best case scenario m8s.
Wait. You 'believe' in eugenics, and you're under 5' 10? And you 'believe' that you 'should' be allowed to mate? Why? Because you're mentally competent, but admittedly not a genius. (That much was clear.) Surely you have a lot to offer my race, right? We should let you in our club, huh?
How is this a bad thing?
it is hard to relay that info.
How does the doctor explain what the genes do that effects the formation of the brain and the way it functions?
sure a high IQ is likely is reassuring and lower likelihood of depression is too!
But conceptually complicated things such as Attentiveness, creativity and determination.
How do you describe such things let alone measure
They also grow a race of overhumans. Also what’s wrong with engineering a slave race?
Frankly I don’t know. There are some methods though which you’ll have to check out.
Wow. The free market will literally end up saving the white race.
Because they know all the shitskins beside blacks would want their babies to be white.
Just look at asians. Theyre all obsesed to look as white as possible.
Hell, i would like to have a blond blue eyed baby despite being a slav subhuman
>why no I.Q. based eugenics
'Cause godtards need inbreeding and low I.Q.'s for recruitment, and because the the likes of Kike Penitence run amerimuttania
this sounds like a black mirror episode, never thought about that
>They grow a race of slave people too thick to rebel.
What purpose would they serve that could not be fulfilled by machines besides voting for labour/Democrat?
unless you are skynet useing humans or apes to extract coal/fuel from the earth
(as robots with moving parts clog up and are costly to maintain) potential making humans cheaper
Creation of partners/spouses for MGTOWs who cant get laid maybe but if you have the money for that you dont need to clone a wife.
>When you select the exact phenotype someone else will express, their body is no longer their own.
And when you let random chance pick one of only two possibilities that you deliberately set up, it's suddenly all them? If that's the logic, then the elections in North Korea are completely free and democratic, when there's Local Party Member A or Local Party Member B to choose from...
If you are white, and your wife is white, you are already choosing the color of your baby's skin. This should be a very easy concept to understand, I don't see why you're struggling with it so much.
some laws to prevent "Abuse" of genetic engineering would be reasonable.
Banning the Intentional creation of persons who are disabled/retarded.
Some people have intentionally ordered a dwarf to be created so his naturally born brother could have a suitable donor if he needed a transplant.
i doubt this person will enjoy being a dwarf and its likely that if given the choice he wouldn't be.
We need to draw the line somewhere but we risk limiting the amount of research/scientific discovery by adding a regulatory burden there.
Still Intentionally causing suffering/advisability should be illegal
> Why is the West against this?
I don't know. I for one would give my kids every single gene correlated to high IQ.
Well yeah, this kind of thing make sense, because it's intentionally causing harm. But genetic engineering is typically used in the context of improving, not destroying, the future of a child, and they want to prohibit that too.
>Why is two possibilities different from one possibility?
It seems you're the one struggling with it. The DNA of the parents establishes the parameters of what a person can be, which is very different than literally choosing their genome for them. It's the reason why you can have siblings of a different sex than you without being clones of each other.
Besides the fact that recessive genes exist and can be expressed later even if both parents express dominant ones.
How about instead of skin color, look at height and facial features, which have a much wider variance. If you purposefully decided someone should be tall, and they didn't want to be, what kind of lawsuits would you be facing? It would be legal chaos.
I was in GATE. Top 2% intelligence is nowhere near the top .0001% that actually wields power
>and they want to prohibit that too.
>We need to draw the line somewhere but we risk limiting the amount of research/scientific discovery by adding a regulatory burden there.
it has potential to prevent idiocracy,
but lets be honest our culture ensures this will be used by "Progressives"
The typical regressive leftist doesn't have the cash to throw around but some do, i can guarantee Virtue signaling Hollywood wankers would create some fucking abominations!
Average user though?
I think benevolent use is likely
I don't understand how fascists constantly show support for eugenics yet hate the idea of polygamy/taking care of another man's child.
If you truly want the best for humanity, then it follows that you should let your wife be impregnated by a genius Chad, instead of giving every 5'7 brainlet a breeding ticket, which is dysgenic.
You can't both have a master race child and a child that is fully yours, eugenics requires sacrifices. And I sincerely doubt that everyone supporting eugenics is a Chad.
>If you purposefully decided someone should be tall.
We have breeds of lab rats purposefully bred to be susceptible to cancer.
With common sense we can draw the line between intentionally harmful and accidents.
But you are going to need a stronger case than "im too big" unless it is taken to an extreme such as knowingly damaging the piece of brain that stops you gaining height when you reach that certain age
Okay. You choose the sex of your child. They feel violated, become transgender and kill themselves. Are you liable then for murder?
>your child
You really think you'll be the one allowed to design your baby first?
Imagine if hillary got to genetically engineer her unholy shitspawn to be perfect. Imagine if all the elites got to do this (and they would) before anyone in public did.
You now have a bunch of "naturally" superior people with all the elites money, connections, hubris, and apathy toward the lower class. Being a normal human would likely be considered lower class by this same group of people.
Now you're asking "why is this not okay?" It's simple- you wouldn't be able to trust the people that own the technology to use it in your best interests.
only if i knowingly made them likely to desire a sex change
>then it follows that you should let your wife be impregnated by a genius Chad.
that's a tough choice i guess there is the compromise of having your genes mixed with other peoples genes or adding a token amount of your own DNA to an otherwise unrelated baby.
Basically the child has more than 2 parents providing the genes.
you can also take steps to ensure the baby aesthetically looks like they would be related to you or develops a similar personality(non environmental factors)
i have an IQ of 120 according to a propper test i took when i was 16 (7 year ago) should probably get a retest to get a more current figure
lets say i have a child who will look like me and have the same attitude but i add genes to bump their IQ up to 200 or more they'd be just like me only smarter.
i would prefer they not have the same or lower
>engineer her unholy shitspawn to be perfect
Can we trust they aren't being denied autonomy by their creators limiting their capacity to resits orders.
imagine Prime Directive 4
Fucking yes I would want to be a GMO superhuman
>wahhhh I'm hotter and smarter than everyone
Who gives a fuck? I'm already white and hotter and smarter than most of the disgusting mongrels I come into contact with on a daily basis, and I would still rather be what I am than among the fat, brown degenerate hordes
A person above average capacity to learn, process and retain information with mental characteristics likely to produce a personality with determination and work ethic will have much more potential working than on welfare.
That can do better and if you were a good parent they will want to provide for you in your old age(You told the doctor to make them that way)
or you could have a fucked up broken person who requires round the clock care and will die before you do.
Which would the normal person chose if they just spent all that money to select the child's genes?
Because you'll basically create a new caste system.
You'll have the 180 IQ superhumans that get ripped bodies by doing nothing at the top and they and their offspring will stay at the top.
Do you really want a world like that?
I agree that genetic engineering will be a big part of humanity's future. But right now, under those conditions, we're not ready for it.
we've been playing god with medicine for centuries (at the very least). this will restore the natural order of things
Good goy let us design your children. We PROMISE to let them be able to think independently!
because people in the west arent fuck heads
and dont need to recreate our genetics such as people from shithole countries
I see no problem with that. The real problem is the modern idea that we should do everything we can to save every single person, no matter the long term cost to the species.