Dems are now being forced to lie through their teeth and say that Haiti, an objective shithole, isn't a shithole

>Dems are now being forced to lie through their teeth and say that Haiti, an objective shithole, isn't a shithole

is Drumpf some kind of hidden genious?

Other urls found in this thread: denies shithole/trump denies shithole?hl=en&gl=US&ned=us

No he is a racist. Haiti has problems, but no country is a shithole.

The Earth would be better off if Haiti were totally enveloped by the ocean, and it's entire Negro population drowned.

first of all, nobody is saying that Haiti ISNT a shit hole, the basis for the media attention and "outrage" is the fact that the President said it (it looks bad on the international stage)
Secondly, nobody gives a shit what the Democrats say about anything, they're not 'forced' to do anything.
so. Third. No. he is not a "Genius"

You are wrong. Puerto Rico is a shithole.

t. Puerto Rican

If this is just a 7d gambit to show the world how she contributed to the shitholing, then yes

Puerto Rico is not a country

Don't be a pedantic idiot.

Of course Democrats know Haiti is a shithole, but The President of the United States should not call those countries shitholes. It's just common decency. Trump is slowly destroying what little respect America has left.

Everybody will hate America by 2020

2018 is just warming up. Strap in lads.


I always find this shit hilarious because none of these fucking faggot Baizou faggots even live around niggers. They all live in secluded, majority white liberal safe havens but then try to tell everybody to live in filth.

And still zero fucks will be given

its not about whether it is a shithole or not, its about not talking shit on immigrants' countries who do contribute to society

It’s still a massive shithole. It was a massive shithole before hurricane gibsmedat got them billions of dollars for millions of dollars worth of damage.

If you’re an immigrant and you come to America it’s because your country was a shithole.

>Hur dur Trump is making people lose respect for America.
Fuck off, your about 3 presidents to late for that argument. Clinton fucked everything that moved. Bush makes up bullshit to bomb sand people. Obama was a limp wrist faggot with a tranny wife who got caught spying on our "allies". Even China snuffed him on his last visit.

look at this kid

>immigrants' countries who do contribute to society

Contributions such as filth, disease, or pestilence?

No country? How about Iran where the punishment for homosexuality is death?

nigger, your family is immigrants who contribute to society.

That’s a good thing.

>we have to accept migrants because we are so privileged and their countries arent!
>wtf they arent shitholes, they put more people through College! USA is the shithole!
>blah blah they are fine in *these categories*
>argument in favor of migrants destroyed willingly by the same lying tongues who support it
This really was 7d chess.

>contribute to society
Meme harder shill

yes, white European immigrants


my family never ate mud cookies

The world has always hated us aquafresh...we thrive on that shit

See for yourself

>maybe if we tell lies enough times people will believe it

Can someone provide a link or source to the president saying that? I guess a source on record with a name and title would do. Once that has happened let's discuss the implications of that statement.

Since it can't happen I would say that IF it was said and not able to be sourced and it DID leak to the media for them to disseminate and advertise THEN yes our president is a genius as he has forced the issue of bringing immigrants from nations that add nothing of value to the American way of life without directly saying it.

He has played the media into furthering his agenda without being on the record as saying it. Genius, and a stable genius at that.

Oi, back to shareblue with you

then it will be Mission Accomplished

It is well that the entire world is against us. It wouldn't be fair otherwise.

they just got done saying we can't deport them to their shithole countries the day before.

talk about whiplash. how stupid are they?

Your a retard dems will not lie they will use the politically correct term which are legacies of the Madison era presidency your retarded fuck, "impoverished" "underdeveloped"

oh no what will america do when a bunch of shitholes hate it?

slide nigger slide. Learn to fucking google you dump cunt.

ITV news, after reporting this, had a segment on how President Trump has "even visited" Belgium, but not us.

>Red Jew media using UKIP meme

its ok to be a shithole
shithole countries matter

Its Baizuo.
白, bái, white
左, zuǒ, left

is there a clip where trump says shithole comment? all i get is reports from liberal media.

>Posting for free

I bet shareblue hasn't even come up with a new playbook and yet here you are running your mouth. Get a fucking grip grip you retard.


He's making the entire React-To-Trump industry go even closer to North Korea levels of narrative.

"That country isn't a shithole, here, lets go to the one picturesque part that's not a shithole and do a 5-minute segment about they're just like us."

Someone post the bourdain segment where a bunch of Haitians start fighting over free food

Lol wut?

define shithole, nigger.

they've presented no proof that Trump even said it.
This entire exercise is a real-life slide of the fact that Twitter shadow-bans conservatives as per Veritas video.
Fake News to change the news-cycle to something meaningless.

Have a (You)

What looks bad is that someone leaked this. If no one had, no one would be the wiser about it.

>It's just common decency
We are long past common decency. Common decency determined that it's okay for gay 9 year olds to advertise for sex shops.

We are done with common decency. We call spades what they are now, because you are too dissonant to understand otherwise.

think about it.. the only source is a illinois democrat..personally i think that dem looks like a pedo... i got an eye for it. sort of like how it's easy to spot a jew.

fake news awards in 6 days..

It was a leaked conversation.

The US keeps these countries economically in debt. America is at fault.

They also never once answered his question.

Why are we taking people from shitholes over objectively better candidates?

Hati has a being a shithole problem...


What do niggers think when they see all this trash?

This. Also they genocided the white civilians there after they won against the French forces. Everyone forgets that but the French weren't stopping a slave rebellion, they were positioned to defend the white civilians. These people charged canons and gunfire to eviscerate, burn, stone, and rape white kids. Most of the remaining white population are descended from whites they left alive to keep raping. Why should we do a god damn thing to help them? These people are as savage as a humanoid can be and they literally eat dirt, they pull up and eat the crops, salt and oil fields where missionaries plant crops, then eat the seeds and dirt.

They are exactly what you expect if you went and grabbed some hunter gatherer cave men and tried to teach them to grow crops. There is no sense of long term planning at all. We have to hold their hand every step of the way.

My old highschool was a christian private school and they did Hati mission trips beringing stuff and planting crops. They always destroyed it. The soil id fertile, it used to be forrests, but they salt it and pour oil on it to prepare mud cookies anywhere that doesn't have grass i.e. fields where you churn and prepare the dirt, they turn into mud cookie things. They fucking always destroyed the land.

The school stopped doing mission trips there because a second girl got raped and people finally got really mad that the school was putting kids in danger.

Fucking Christ cucks. They aren't human, stop expecting them to learn or react how we do. Without our constant assistance they would have already gone extinct.


He always controls the flow of conversation. Everyone always reacts to him, rather than the other way around. That’s why he won the primaries, that’s why he won the election, and that’s why he’s doing great as a president. He becomes stronger the more he is attacked.

we should appreciate their culture and let them in to enrich us.

Fuck off. Even I admit my country is a shithole. People need to face the truth so they could strive and make their lives better.

The mindeset of most leftists where they ignore the problems and pretend everything about shutworlders is just peachy for the sake of PC is what’s going to bring destruction to the civilized world.

Liberal Democrat here. Tbqhwy family I agree completely that Haiti is objectively a shithole. That doesn't make it any more appropriate for the POTUS to say on the job. Go ahead and meme on me but you know this was wildly unprofessional and un-statesmanlike (is that a word?). It's okay to find humor in this but you shouldn't confuse that with reality.

Do you idiots not realize the problem of the President calling other countries "shitholes"?

No matter the state of the countries that's not how a leader should act, ffs.

Oderint dum metuant

How the fuck did they lose to a bunch of niggers?

You have no idea what you're talking about.

That pisses me off.

Also, I love how they try to guilt the west about plastic in the ocean. I doub't much of that plastic is from any western country.

Fuck off, eurohaitian.

great counter argument, m8

He made the much more important move of jumping publicly on the grenade, to kill the Great Lie, and re-normalize truth. That’s why we’re actually happy.

We already knew Haiti was a shit hole and so did the leftists, but the Great Lie needed to be challenged and denounced, and for the POTUS himself to do it for everyone, you couldn’t ask for better circumstances. We needed to normalize the right and honest question, “why do we need hordes of third world non-white immigrants?” Oh, but God forbid we now miss out on the Great wealth and culture of Haiti.

>Even China snuffed him on his last visit.
Snubbed, although I wouldn't have shed many tears if your original statement was correct.


>Great Lie
Great Lie, as a proper noun? What's this?

The job of the president is to put America first. Calling shitholes shitholes is fine. No one really cares about this in America aside from the media wankers and liberalfags. get a straight answer from Haitians, Salvadorans, and Africans and they will readily admit their countries are shitholes and that's why they left.

>Haitians contributing anything to society
nigger they can't even contribute to their own society

imagine how nice this place would be if it was inhabited by white people

t. stalwart neocon

It's a leaked conversation, if he had gotten out on a public platform and said that I could see your point. Also

That's a 10/10 Wojak, friendo.

There's literally no evidence he actually said shithole.

As of yesterday evening, they weren't denying it.

It’s a throwback to the gist of social thought that permeated the Soviet Union in under Stalin.
>the engineers failed to fulfill the five year plan in the two years allotted to complete it
>it was then found out that they were fascist wreckers in the employ of the west

go live there then faggot

>that's not how a leader should act
Yes, we know how leaders should act. Thank you for showing us the light Sven.

all your haitian immigrants went through New York into Quebec last year because Trump was gonna crack down on illegals.

It was during a private meeting with other political leaders. They are shitholes. I see no problem with him calling them shitholes instead of the politically correct "failed state."

>if you don't deny something it means you did it

I didn't say this, but normally the White House is quick to deny shit like that so I think it SUGGESTS that he probably said it. None of the individuals present have said any different, either.

It would be paradise. Notice that the only decent Caribbean Islands are those inhabited by whites or those that used white money to develop tourist destinations for other whites.


He's explicitly denied it since it came out yesterday. Are you retarded? denies shithole/trump denies shithole?hl=en&gl=US&ned=us

No you see Mr. Puerto Rico the white liberals know what’s best for you and they know more about your homelands than you do. Don’t you understand this by now?

He brought up a good point on liberal “philanthropy” in the third world.

Yeah, he fucked up by letting democrats in the meeting but he isn't wrong.

It's amusing to see their shifting narrative.

>"we need to give emigrants from these countries sanctuary because their home countries aren't safe"
>Trump calls those countries shitholes
>"those are wonderful countries, I can believe racist blumpf said they were shitholes"

The Clinton's screwed them over pretty good tho

I haven't watched the news yet today, m8. As of yesterday evening they were reporting that he had not denied it. My bad.