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'Thanks, but no thanks' - Norwegians reject Trump's immigration offer
what's to expect? it's socially unacceptable to support Trump here.
Are you saying the US is a shithole?
much of it is
wow they asked all of Norwegians that fast? and no shit. i wouldn't want to come here with all of the shitholes we have here. we need deportations, not importations.
Aren't there more Norwegians living in the United States than Norway? Also nobody was offering anyone anything so what's to reject anyway?
Wait. Why dont haitians and africans just migrate to norway? No country should be better than the next.
The places with lots of niggers, just like those shithole countries, yeah.
Mostly the places inhabited by the people who make other countries into shit holes. I'm not saying you don't know that but the double speak on this issue is incredible. Norwegians saying the US has too many shithole qualities, due to the amount of blacks and browns living here (whether people admit it or not), is in a literal sense justifying Trump's statement while superficially rejecting it.
“Of course people from #Norway would love to move to a country where people are far more likely to be shot" /s
Who is doing the shooting, those that descend from shit hole countries. Norwegian dumbasses will learn the hard way.
>How dare you call a country filled with crime and poverty a shithole!
>"Lol we don't want to migrate to America, too much crime and poverty."
Leftist doublespeak is incredible
Implying soywegian spergs could ever survive in the US of A
The even funnier part is how one dimensional this entire discussion is. The US is a big place with a lot of different environments, both politically and literally. You can move to the snowy 99.99% white north like Minnesota or live in Los Angeles where blighted hell holes are situated a block away from million dollar houses.
Norway has healthcare and adults in government
Mixed up two M states.
That and centralized government is scale dependent. The larger a country is the more decentralized it needs to be. And even in small successful states like Singapore with a high IQ population, they recognize the anti-democratic tendencies intrinsic to multi-ethnic societies.
Smart decision.
Why would someone move from a 90% white country to a 56%
Must be easy to have the moral high ground when you live in an ethnostate.
Norway is full of cucks, this is widely known, and unsurprising.
>a few tweets represent the opinion an entire nation
I was gonna say..
Norwegians are arrogant subhuman filth. They should be gassed desu
This. Ivory tower cucks
>only sourcing a few tweets
How the fuck does this qualify as news? It may as well be a pop sugar article.
Yes, that's the idea. Who needs immigration laws when people don't want to come anymore? He's a genius.
I would accept it, occupied by spics will probably be better than occupied by mudslims
Bring back Brevik.
This trick is so played out. They did the same thing after the election, finding some TOTALLY RANDOM European who says "Trump is a dumbdumb and a bad!"
Then you look the person up and they'll be a Socialist Party member.
The media writing anti-trump articles? No way!
Lots of Norwegians emigrate to the US and generally do very well.
Pic related is what happens when you allow Norwegians into your country
Norwegians are filthy creatures