Daily dose of redpills

Daily dose of redpills
>God created universe in 6 days
>earth is ~6000 years old
>d*rwin's theory of evolution is a lie
>punishment for a single sin is death
>every man is a sinner and deserves eternal death, except for Jesus Christ who is the only man to live His life without a single sin.
>salvation is a free gift from God for every person who ask for it.
>purgatory doesn't exist.
>all christians are children of God, no matter what their ehtnicity is
>christians are spiritually jewish
>faggotry is blasphemy against God
>catholics are devils' worshippers
>racemixing is allowed if both people are Christians and from the same country. Nation mixing, however, is not.
>atheism is mental illness
>Hitler did everything wrong

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How about you fuck off and take your superstition to or anywhere else

What's bothering you user? You can tell me, I'm here to help you.


On what day were Adam and Eve expelled from the garden of eden?

>God created universe in 6 days
Is a day to God a day to us? Is it 24 hours? Was that established before the Earth started spinning? Or is it something far greater, perhaps?

Please dont call your fairytales redpill you low IQ polak

2 Peter 3:8
>But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

Prove it

Answer this my Satanist:


Right on!

Wrong answer. It is literal in the bible.
Go and search.

christians are autists who need imaginary friends to excuse their stupidity

at least the rest of us know we’re autists and embrace it


>>salvation is a free gift from God for every person who ask for it.
>asking for salvation
>gaining salvation
No sweetie. God predestines some for salvation and others for damnation.
>Christians are spiritually Jewish
Another no sweetie here. Remember what St. Stephen said in Acts. The Jews have an ongoing pattern of rejecting God and his prophets.

>Hitler did everything wrong
No ruler does everything right, however Hitler generally did his duty as an instrument of God's wrath as outlined in Romans 13
>They are God's servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer.

How about you stop shitposting and clean my fucking toilet Piotr?

It's more about morality that derives as a dogma and works to not make you live like a savage and be a dick.

Christians are to most reasonable people on this planet. Stop being blind fool. Also prove it that God is imaginary creation


>>christians are spiritually jewish
>>faggotry is blasphemy against God

Can't quite buy into these two. While Christians are the spiritual descendants of Abraham, that doesn't make me Jewish. It makes me a new creation in Christ, the same as if a Jew had been saved.

And homosexuals are an abomination before God, not a blasphemy.

>God predestines some for salvation and others for damnation
Show me the lines, on which you base this opinion. Various verses prove that you get saved literally only by asking for it.

The bible is silent on that. Day 8, minimum.

Yes, God can tell time without a sun.

I do not believe that it is. If you could show me, I'd appreciate it.


>No sweetie. God predestines some for salvation and others for damnation.

Go home, Calvin, you're drunk.

He's going to give you verses to where God prepared places for the saved, and for the damned, before he made the world.

He is confusing God's foreknowledge with hard predestination, which is common among lost people.

God chose me because he saw in the future that I would choose him. knowing I would choose Him, he made a place for me in heaven.

If God makes a place for someone in hell, it is because God knows that person is going to live their entire lives lost, rejecting him, and wanting nothing to do with him.

The proof verse for this is in one of Peter's epistles; It is not God's will that any should perish, but all come to a saving knowledge of Christ Jesus.

Was Mary a sinner as well though?

Of course. Romans 3:23 says that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, not that all (except Mary) have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.

But Abraham was a Jew? And God literally chosen Jews as His people. It's not written anywhere in Bible that Jews can't go to heaven, Pharisees can't enter His kingdom. In the end times Jews will convert to Christianity en masse.

Yes. Everyone is a sinner.

>God created universe in 6 days
probably in an instant, probably creates infinite timelines nonstop
>earth is ~6000 years old
ugh no
>d*rwin's theory of evolution is a lie
evolution is real, look at africans and monkeys, same race
>punishment for a single sin is death
god doesn't care about morals
>every man is a sinner and deserves eternal death, except for Jesus Christ who is the only man to live His life without a single sin.
listening to schizo jew lol
>salvation is a free gift from God for every person who ask for it.
pay the fee first goy
>purgatory doesn't exist.
who cares
>all christians are children of God, no matter what their ehtnicity is
good goy
>christians are spiritually jewish
>faggotry is blasphemy against God
OP is a faggot
>catholics are devils' worshippers
>racemixing is allowed if both people are Christians and from the same country. Nation mixing, however, is not.
good goy, (((blanda up)))!
>atheism is mental illness
mental illness is what (((we))) say it is
>Hitler did everything wrong

also when you put your baby teeth under your pillow, the toothfairy will come and give you a lil bit of cash

Kind of hard to say, as he did not belong to any of the 12 tribes of Israel, and he did not pass over the River Jordan.

He is the father of the Jews, though, as in Hebrew the word father also includes grandfather, great grandfather, father in law, step father, etc.

Romans 9 read it all
> What then shall we say? Is God unjust? Not at all! 15 For he says to Moses,

“I will have mercy on whom I have mercy,
and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.”[f]

16 It does not, therefore, depend on human desire or effort, but on God’s mercy. 17 For Scripture says to Pharaoh: “I raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.”[g] 18 Therefore God has mercy on whom he wants to have mercy, and he hardens whom he wants to harden.

19 One of you will say to me: “Then why does God still blame us? For who is able to resist his will?” 20 But who are you, a human being, to talk back to God? “Shall what is formed say to the one who formed it, ‘Why did you make me like this?’”[h] 21 Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for special purposes and some for common use?

22 What if God, although choosing to show his wrath and make his power known, bore with great patience the objects of his wrath—prepared for destruction?

Most Jews will end up in hell, as most Gentiles will end up in hell. Being in God's chosen people is not a pass to heaven, as the Jews would want you to believe.

So I'm a "christian"

And the whole god made the universe in 6,000 years old thing got me thinking. . .could it be possible that the scripture *AND* the sources that say its a million billion whatever be true too?

Now I know what you're thinking
>Those numbers are vastly different from each other!
Well tj "henry" yoshi, hear me out:
2 Peter 3:8 - But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.

What if, since the bible is written by God, we are going by God time and not our time?

2,190,000 days are in 6000 years.
If every day was a thousand years, it'd be:
2,190,000,000 years.

. . .that's pretty darn close to the 4.5 bill people say it is all things considered. Maybe there was a mistake, or a fluke, and it's really about 2 billion.

That's just my 2 cents, I like to try to find a middle ground because we shouldn't be wasting our time arguing who's right when neither side is giving any ground.

I didn't say all Jews will go to haven. Only the Christian ones.

The Pharoah had hardened his own heart 7 times against God's people. God merely gave him the power to keep that conviction, as 7 is the number of completion or perfection in the bible. Perfectly hardened against God/Completely hardened against God.

Just as if you rebel against God, and reject God, God will give you the same power to hold to your convictions, and enter into the condemnation you apparently desire.

>God chose me because he saw in the future that I would choose him. knowing I would choose Him, he made a place for me in heaven.
Wrong. God knows that you will choose against him frequently (perhaps even constantly). Thus he has taken the matter entirely out of your hands.

youtube.com/watch?v=CJlqsdezhhk hmmmmmmmmm

>God created universe in 6 DAYS
>He created sun and other heavenly bodies on 3th day
>really makes me think

Never try to reconcile the holy with the profane. Adam was made on Day 6, and lived through Day 7, which was declared good by God.

The longer you make your days, the more ridiculously old Adam has to be.

The 6000 year estimate was calculated using the creation week, the genealogical chart of Jesus back to Adam, and the time from Jesus to us. There's nothing science can ever do to ever prove anything properly in the bible is wrong. All it can do is lie, steal, and kill.

Oh, and my theory of evolution and creationism going hand in hand:
Humans were created by God.

Niggers evolved from monkeys.

Racist? Yes. Logical? Perhaps.

If they're Christians, they're not Jews.

What rubbish, and what a contradiction to the Great Commission.

Go home Calvin, you make no sense.

That God can tell time without a sun?

Who do you think set the orbits?

>Just as if you rebel against God, and reject God, God will give you the same power to hold to your convictions, and enter into the condemnation you apparently desire.
That would be retarded, sir. God doesn't need to give you power to hold to your sinfulness. You're totally depraved and will always be able to sin without any help from God.
Lrn to fucking monergism already

I gotta go to work. Go in peace

Racist? Yes.
Correct? No.

I'm a born again Christian, again with the power given to me by God. That power is given to all who believe, and call upon the name of Christ Jesus to become sons of God.

I mean, he lived through day 7 'cause he didn't become mortal cause he didn't eat the apple.

You really shouldn't go to work fall down drunk, Calvin.

So you have a 3,000 year Adam before Eve is created.


>Believing in a nonsensical story about literal magic and fictitious harry potterisms.

>Not believing the truth, and having a worldview with no upside.

Whew m8

So you're saying niggers didn't come from monkeys?


Did monkeys come from niggers? It'd. . . explain a lot actually. Why hasn't anyone thought of this before?

>What rubbish, and what a contradiction to the Great Commission.
Where did I say that you don't have to go forth and baptize?

Do that. But realize that God is ready to send a bunch of people to Hell because that's what they deserve. And that God is also ready to send a bunch of people to Heaven despite the fact that they deserve to go to Hell. God's will is all powerful.

Monkeys come from monkeys.
Kittens come from cats.
Puppies come from dogs.

It's always been this way.

God will do whatever you choose to have him do.

>Saying the truth is what you read in a book with the most cop out answers imaginable.

>Believing you need something to give you an upside to life because you can't make one yourself.

Filthy fucking christkike

This has been the "modernist" approach for a long time, but I don't buy it. When we really get down to the nitty gritty, there is almost no evidence that the earth/universe is "billions of years old". The creation narrative is talking about 6 literal days, because otherwise farmers and crops and animals couldn't rely on the seasons and days to live their lives.

But the idea that the world is billions of years old is still stronger than evolution. Evolution is just utter fantasy and religion when you get down to the nitty gritty again.

So we all devils now?
captcha: bishop vinass


Sure, but he allegedly created the night-day cycle before he created the Sun.

Aha this man already tried to think and combine

This one is a lazy student.

>There was light before stars

You're free to live without hope. You're not capable of telling me it's smart.

>Implying you need faith to have hope.

Jumping to conclusions. I can tell how smart you are.

is there porn of this girl

Chicks dig older men.
I mean, in quantum physics casualty can work backwards, which means what you do in the present can affect the past.

An omnipotent deity living outside the confines of the universe(which means they live outside time itself) is less of a stretch.

Also, most people who support communist are atheist. Let that sink it fedoralord.

Most of it has nonsensical assumptions about the constant speed of light, ignoring the inflation of space itself. None of their equations work, and they still do not know what light is.

They still insist that light is comprised of particles called photons that travel through mediums at a given speed.

It's rubbish.

Red pill is that the Red pill is no different than the blue pill. The red pill is just Jewish controlled opposition. The repill is a lie to make use believe we seen the truth, but it just their narrative to move us aside from causing real damage

Correct. In the Hebrew, you get the sense of the flow of the void being the night and the day; the separation of the light and the darkness.


I asked you to show me your biblical reference for what Day Adam fell from grace.

You did not because you cannot.

Oh le-"God of the gaps" Argument.

>Also, most people who support communist are atheist.

Oh, you mean they believe nobody should have to struggle for shelter for food? Interesting. You'd think Christians would support that.

Of course. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

See the tie in?

No, the State becomes god, which is idolatry, which Christians do not support especially as every single instance of this leads to millions of murders.

You're blinded by yourself. Not everyone needs to believe what you believe to be content. Hope and faith are different things also.

You sound extremely retarded and young.

Yeah and it's interesting that the Bible contains tidbits of information that's now settled science, such as the fact that the universe came into existence at a certain point and isn't eternal. There's also evidence that the speed of light has not been constant when the Bible talks about how God "dragged out the stars across the heavens" or something, can't remember the exact wording.

>The state will solve hunger and shelter issues, but this is idolatry so we can't have that.

The state of you people...


*Tounge clicking*

They are related to each other in a way that you cannot have one without the other.

Jesus is Satan's son. Yahweh is satan
I'm sorry you kike loving pieces of shit will never get to heaven ever. Follow your ancestors religion not the one of only 1000 years. Return to your glorious blood religion. Jesus was a Jew.

It makes no difference how you want to twist words. The core issue is you believe people absolutely need what you have. It's immoral and reducing humans to machines.

>Yeah and it's interesting that the Bible contains tidbits of information that's now settled science

Fucking implyng Romans, Greeks, and even Germanics weren't way ahead of your desert cult.

B-but these are all blue pills!

Ah, we have another atheist that isn't properly educated on what they believe. Cute. First off mate, you don't put a empty line between the green text and your reply text. You look like a complete newfag.

Anyways, if we go by what the atheist idea of how the universe was created, IE the big bang, there was light before stars there aswell.

So, yeah. Just keep lurking and maybe you'll learn something.
>Jumping to conclusions. I can tell how smart you are.

inb4 this fag never responds because atheists hate acknowledging their shortcomings. Which is also why they rarely breed.

Spread out the heavens as a tent. Also, that there were uncountable numbers of stars, each with a unique "glory" or light. Science for many centuries said there were a thousand stars, 1017 stars, 1021 stars, etc.

Science has always been wrong, and in its arrogance, it will always continue to be wrong. It just takes the next gen scientists to point it out.

And I allow you only to know what you can achieve.

People absolutely need to have what I have if they want to avoid being cast into hell and instead be adopted into the family of God to live in heaven with the living God, yes.

I wish that for all of you.

There is no Pagan religion that's older than 1000 years, especially not in Europe. All of the Pagan religions went through changes/revolutions every 400 years. Nordic religion went through 3-4 stages were Gods were swapped/replaced between the years 100 AD to 1100 AD. It's stupid.

So free will doesn't exist? What sort of Christian are you?

I already achieved my point. The bible is silent on the matter, and that point stands.

>Paganism is the same as gaytheism

I guess he's a Calvinist. They don't believe in free will.

with a dick in mouth, your post is understandable.
> fuck you

>supports communism
>mocks others for thinking there is an afterlife

Paganism is more edgy version of atheism. You can't refute this.

He mentioned a Saint with the St. title.
He must be from the old churches.

And you can't explain why.