Just listen to the study bros, stop taking care of yourself if you’re white

Just listen to the study bros, stop taking care of yourself if you’re white

(((Someone))) is scared about white people getting healthy. Next story: the hidden heart benefits of donuts

We already know blacks are superior physically. Thats why they dominate sports, the Olympics and the bedroom.
Nothing really new here jew

alright enough is enough

wtf I love exercising now

Fortunately i'm a big fat slob!

Waiting on the next study that finally admits genetic differences between whites and blacks, but only when it comes to "Exercise and diet are bad for the whites! It only helps the blacks!!"


i do 1 hour of fitness a week and i already have developed level 5 cardiac autism

If you seriously havent been preparing for the upcoming race war then you deserve whats coming

Dont they realize this will work like reverse psychology?

>maybe if I call him a Jew then they'll think I'm one of them

I would love to hear about what methodology they used for this study.

I noticed something like that.

During my college years I was walking and biking from housing to the campus, after class I would drive to the liquor store and buy some high cholesterol meat sticks and beer.

As soon as I bit into the Fat Freddy and downed some beer I could practically feel the plaque being broken down and pumped through my heart. It was a good feeling.

Remember to drink more and eat fatty foods.

Lmao please kill yourself kike fuck

anyone who unironically believes health or science articles in the daily mail is a fucking moron

Absolutely retarded. It's definitely not that the people who workout 7,5 hours a week are more likely to be dirty bulking and shit like that

You can afford to eat like shit if you workout 7,5 hours a week, you won't get fat but it's not good eating that much sugar and cholesterol.

I don't think it is the exercise that is unhealthy, but the supplements and drugs people take to get "swole"

>the whity is a heartlet

>didnt apply to black men

how even?!
black men are at an increased risk of having hypertension and heart disease WITHOUT exercise as it is! This article is stupid.
as a man of color with increasingly elevated blood pressure, i exercise hard so i can stay /fit/. White bros, dont listen to the bullshit. Disregard the liberal media and be the men you're supposed to be. Eat right, get fit, fuck society.

>The elites trying THIS hard to keep you lazy, smoking pot, and single.

>exercise gives you heart disease
>university of Chicago

Holy shit, they're not even attempting to hide it anymore!

There is no way that's real

ok nevermind, it is.

Jesus christ

I thought race was a social construct???

>race is only skin deep
>exercising has different physical effects on different races

are they even trying

Google it, it's real.

Even if that's real I'd rather die looking jacked rather than like a pasty weak little soy boy who couldn't press a toothpick overhead and has t-levels lower than that of an 80 year old man.

It's also pretty much settled that higher testosterone levels are correlated with a shortened lifespan. It's one of the reason women on average live longer than men. Who wants to grow old anyway? Living your last few years as a cripple with Alzheimer's is worse than death.

>higher testosterone levels are correlated with a shortened lifespan.

"exercise" is for retards
do some manual labor and produce something besides vanity with your sweat

is impossible for it to be true, the human body has gone trough thousand of years of evolution being finely tuned towards survival and physical exertion is at the core of it.

Yeah my first thought was what my heart does on preworkouts. I have dealt with a coke habit, and those fucking preworkouts are 10x as intense as run of the mill street level coke, it's insane.

Even if true the Jew is at work here.
Ide rather spend the time I'm alive in good shape and capable of being active than living longer and a slob in a VR headset.

fuck off and die namefag

If you are not an Olympic athlete and you doing over 7.5 hours of exercise a week you are severely over-training.

I mean, if that’s true then it could just be black people don’t experience an elevation because their plaque levels are already that high.

Probably took a lot of fat people who worked out for tbe first time and had heart attacks and people using roids and added them to the white list, then used only healthy black people or even used unhelathy ones but who died of aids or gunshots so tbeir cause of death wasn't heaet attack

Are you retarded? A week has 7 days which means that you are working out a little more than 1 hour a day. How can you get health problems from that?

Go back to Africa you smelly nigger we're not your fucking bros

Why do people want to live so much anyway?
I see people older than 80 that don't know where they are most of the time, piss theirselves, just stare at walls while sitting on a chair...

Enjoying 75, even 65, years of good health is much better than being a sack of shit for 100. No disrespect for old people by the way. I took care of the commander of my unit when he left the army and he reached 90yo like a mad man.

desu 7+ hours of weight training exercise per week is pretty excessive unless you're a professional athlete.

It really depends on the type of exercise. If you jog for 2 hours a day literally nothing will happen to you. If you deadlift heavy for 30min every day you will overtrain

That a little more than an hour everyday at the gym. They recommend that people get at least an hour of exercise a day. A dedicated body builder will go to the gym every other day for 2 hours leaving ~6 hours total of gym time.

I really don’t see the problem here.

I can't give you an exact source, I read it once in a book about evolutionary biology/psychology (I have lots) but if you google "testosterone lifespan" you will find a wealth of information.

An hour a day is not overtraining. Overtraining really is a meme, especially in the bodybuilding community. The human body can take a lot of punishment. If you're doing heavy squats or deadlifts 3 times per week you need to take it easy on the other days though, or take the occasional week off. I noticed this myself. Even that is because of CNS concerns though and not overtraining. One hour of cardio per day or doing a bro split won't do shit with regards to overtraining.

An hour and a half at 6 days a week is doable. But only when you're young, I pulled that schedule from 18 to 21. These days that would tax me until I get sick.


>by middle age

shieet most black males are dead by then

>"testosterone lifespan" you will find a wealth of information.
Uhm no I'm finding that the opposite is true. There is no legitimate source that says that higher testosterone as quoted directly by you makes you live less longer, what is true however is that an abundance of testosterone does that but so does a lack of testosterone. You talking pure quack

this is just retarded and you know it

>DOUBLE the risk
>86% more
I hate these meaningless statistics

looks like a daily mail headline desu, which means low-tier clickbait.

That picture always bothered me. They're like "it's the look of hate" or some such, because he found out the photographer was a Jew. It just looks like he was focusing on the paper in front of him, and glanced up.

Lmao, I haven't lifted a finger in my life for sports while my dad and sis who did sports like crazy have all sorts of fucked up issues with their knees
fuck football
fuck volleyball
fuck basketball
sports are for niggers
if you do any of that shit get off the computer and go enjoy your subhuman games you pavement apes


Even if this was true it would be due to all the trendy supplements people take. "Muh preworkout", "Muh protein"

and then they say germans get brainwashed


Fuck off retard

>people lie about the things that happened in WWII
you think?
I mean, REALLY?

Not reading the article, but why specifically is it lethal for white men and not a latino, asian, or black?

Oh look it's a retard from /k/.

Isn't the Daily Mail a tabloid? Like The Guardian and Sun and The Inquirer?

Nice bait, faggot.

That's how I look when I realize I'm being kiked

Not an argument

I have yet to see a single argument from any of you low test fags

How's that phone treating you?

compared to..?

I guess you should just believe what you want to believe these days.

>run for 40 minutes everyday
>work out 3 times a week

I mean come on

>jogging two hours a day does nothing to you

There is no way this is true. I got stress fractures in both my right and left shins from my running. The most i ever did was an hour per day, most days were 30 minutes.

>[Oy Vey'ing intensifies]



>Tfw when I workout 2 hours a day and work at constructions.
If it wasnt for my guitar practise I would have reached lean 9p kgs.

I'll prove them wrong!

>tfw 0 hours of exercise a day
I'm safe.

What is poverty?

Implying they're exercising the whole time. 90% of the time people spend in the gym is touching other guy's chests, posing in front of mirrors or hitting on girls.

>as a man of color with increasingly elevated blood pressure, i exercise hard so i can stay /fit/. White bros, dont listen to the bullshit. Disregard the liberal media and be the men you're supposed to be. Eat right, get fit, fuck society.
With you man. The way I see it is this article and many others like it are nothing but intentional divisionary propaganda, designed to split us up into as many tribal groups as possible.


He was concentrating on that report and the photographer blasted a particularly nasty fart.

that's why they are all starving in Africa and have renowned cities known around the globe for their wonders yes, so superior they drink piss from cows.
they squander everything given to them

Welp. I cycle to work 5 times a week, 15 minutes each way, that's 2.5 hours. I lift weights twice a week for an hour, that's 4.5 total. And I do BJJ practice 2-3 times a week, 1.5 hour sessions. That's between 7.5 to 9 hours of exercise a week. I guess I'm fucked.

Lol no, not really.

Uh yeah that's usually what too much means. Like I drank too much water and died, or I ate too much Tylenol and damaged my liver.

>tfw when nofap, black coffee, bourbon, and cigarettes
>tfw getting ripped by doing nothing
>abs, more muscle tone, getting taller

Idk how you do this gym shit bros

>only 7.5 hours a week
are you even trying to make it?

Men have higher testosterone than women. Men take more risks and engage in behavior that could likely result in death. Probably something like that anyway.

Who the fuck does 7.5 hours of exercise a week anyways? That's averaging more than a hour a day. I'm reminded of that south park episode where ads disguise themselves as news for clicks.

Look here you lazy slovenly faggot:
It would be difficult for me NOT to do 7 hours a week.

RRROOOOONG post, sorry