Racism started off as a meme actually. A "well my skin color is better" and turned into violence as history went on. I was born and raised in England, im a Pakistani. There were guys who'd do this thing called "slashing Pakistanis" where they would find us and slash us with knives. It was a rural area and the cops were douchebags as well so nothing happened. My family had to immigrate to America where that didn't happen. Does Sup Forums now see the purpose behind hate speech legislation? It's not to protect "muh feelings" it's so people don't get physically hurt. VIDEO RELATED
Does Sup Forums Realize that the Racism Here is Dangerous?
you have to go back
>im a Pakistani
Opinion thrown right into the trash.
Don't forget to report slide threads, bait threads, and off-topic threads.
>My family had to immigrate to America where that didn't happen.
Or you could have gone back to the wonderful nation of Pakistan, where they slash you with knives in a non-racist manner.
Whine all you want, you know you left your shithole because it was far worse.
Enjoy your ban for racism
So how welcome are British people in Pakistan?
"slashing Pakistanis" kek you mean paki bashing? Used to be great fun before everyone got all uppity about it, I'd do it again too
>Racism started off as a meme actually.
Is this something you got from CNN?
Kys you filthy slippery slope mudslime poo in the loo. If hate speech is illegal, it's only a matter of time until anything and everything becomes hate speech. Read a book sometime.
Multiculturalism is the cause of a lot of blood shed. There should have been more "slashers." There should have been state sponsored gangs of roaming slashers scaring you away. If they had done a better job driving your kind out decades ago, they wouldn't have trucks of peace running them over today.
Fuck off, pakinigger. Maybe if you lot didn't try to fuck little girls all the time, Brits wouldn't give you a bit of the old slashy-stabby.
Go back to your shithole, shitholer.
Get the fuck out of my country you shitskin
And right-wingers wonder why they are losing. Leftists look for solutions while right-wingers just whine whine whine. I'm going to call republicans and anyone on the right "whiners" from now on
How about YOU read a book
Multiculturalism is the solution because it makes people less hateful and more tolerant
You deserve to be physically hurt
if racism is the only thing worrying you about Sup Forums then you havent lurked long enough. also thought police are not respected here
why do you link it to the speech?
i don't know particularly why people would slash pakistanis, and i find it hilariously autistic that they call it 'Slashing Pakistanis', but the speech had content.
there was a reasoning behind it that you want to suppress, something that someone feels Pakistanis do or did that Pakistanis can't or won't own up to.
This other party could immediately say that its dangerous to let Pakistanis talk about being slashed, because that would only encourage them to further participate in the violent or dangerous behavior fir which they're being slashed
censorship ends reasoning. its political scorched earth. it leads to counter-censorship until the only effective political method available is subversion since reasoning is banned and the conclusions are all decided in advance.
there's worse things than violence
>> Multiculturalism
Made me only more racist.
So fuck off with ur cultural marxism and go to cotton field
Tolerant of what? Of increased Murder, rape, and robbery? Of a general lower standard of living? Of a religion and society that is incredibly oppressive and intolerant?
Enjoy ban for racism
How about accepting diversity?
Yet right-wingers want thought police like 1984
Multiculturalism decreases crime and actually works.
You don't need a law for something people can't control like feelings.
You need proper integration into society.
If he'd fucked little boys he'd fit right into British society
I hope someone hurts your feelings in america so you will go back to whatever sand dune your parents crawled out of
It doesn't regulate feelings it regulates speech
Racism isn't dangerous if the other races get the fuck out of our countries and stay the fuck away from us.
You're no longer in England. Seems pretty effective
No, it doesn't.
>buying into left v right meme
you are like little babby
Why would you immigrate to a racist country? Besides Sup Forums never killed anyone