pic ~kinda~ related
Why are Nigerians so smart?
Other urls found in this thread:
>google Nigerian average iQ
They are indeed very smart jamal
Because they live in a shit hole
I was just reading this, looks like if they have a proper education they do better than all other ethnic groups
Not gonna lie, I'm getting kind of hard from that pic.
Well gee, I guess we better import 2 million more next year.
Buckle up, you’re in for a ride...
it looks so disgusting, ill stick to my own species...
Maybe they understand and can perform abstract thinking because of their exposure to more complex languages than their other African kin.
stop lying about niggeria en.unesco.org
Her arms seems really long. It's almost like she doesn't have to reach down to scratch her knee.
That one killed it, thanks user. Jungle fever nearly broke out.
Here you have an explanatory picture.
Dumb Igbos.
Gotcha back boi
Because they are showered with university scholarships and in the US, attending university = smart.
Americans, especially white males, are afforded nowhere near the the same opportunities.
Why is the fattest, grossest one always the naked one?
It can be explained by evulutionary biologists.
like in the white race man are smarter on average then their female counterpart.
The same goes for the common negros too, but imagine if the man is already a retard with an iQ of 79 where does that put the female of his race?
Exactly..// extremely close to iqs measured by animals.
this is going to sound like bait but nigerians and their offspring are the best performing immigrant group in terms of sat scores and education in the usa. the ones here are extremely smart and most are entrepeneurs. a nigerian user statistic posted in a thread one time and btfo of everyone. guy was a neurosurgeon and was debating like ten people at once in impeccable english and perfect grammar. convinced me.
Better question, *why* is there always a naked one?
Oh god lel what is this?
>Because they are showered with university scholarships and in the US, attending university
they actually have the highest sat scores of any immigrant group, even asians. you're going to have to see past your racism on this one, the ones here are very intelligent, that's just a fact.
A nigger never won a debate against a white person.
When coachbuilders design a bus, they know this happens.
Think about that.
>street pole bending
Is she really that heavy?
How are a tiny minority of Nigerians who happen to be smart enough to get out of their third world shithole representative of the nation as a whole?
Because they are all princes and go to private school.
The OP nigress only tricks you into thinking it is attractive by adding white beauty characteristics.
>straightened hair
>lip stain
>eye makeup
>small features
you can say what you want and i'll try to find the thread. guy obviously had debated this topic before, but he proved every user wrong and produced study after study refuting every point made against him. he btfo of every user that challenged him and in perfect english and grammar.
>proofs plz
If true, they're still disproportionately exceedingly rare even for Nigerians and they're the exception that proves the rule.
Yes please do. I'm always up for a well spoken user on this bar fight of aboard.
you're going to have to re-read my comment. i qualified it pretty well.
Honestly even like this she is repulsive.
The existence of outliers does not refute the existence of the mean.
All people deserve to be judged individually, but it is falacy to deny that racial groups are not different.
I found a webm from that thread you just invented, my dear Melanine enriched friend.
What a heated debate this was, African intellect knows no boundaries indeed!
Nigeria has some very smart subpopulations, otherwise they wouldn't outperform white Brit and Chinese kids at all levels of schooling
But if she has white features, isn't that still make her attractive? OP girl is hot af to me.
Lip discs aren't Nigerian dumbfuck
i don't think you read my comment carefully. the ones here in the usa. i don't have data for the ones in nigeria.
So are Ashkenazi jews, and they consistently outperform other ethnicities. Why is it so painful a pill to swallow that there are some very smart African ethnicities?
You’re just the same you dumb Bantu nigger, but I didn’t expect you to have any knowledge about African history
you can't read and you're passing judgement on who is and isn't smart? you sound like a fucking moron. re-read my post.
They're not. The Nigerian immigrants to the United States are Simply the best of the best of the best.
post a pic of your hand, faggot. i'll do the same. and don't forget the timestamp. i have a feeling you're the nigger here.
god DAMN I would colonize the fuck outta her
You've just proven that lip disks aren't Nigerian.
I challenge any of you to show me one video of any equivalent crime happening in Norway.
Oil rich nation can afford nurture it's brightest minds.
Those minds then realize they are in a shithole part of the world and have the tools to make a better life in the west.
The west gets predominantly educated Nigerians immigrants.
Nigeria is still full of niggers, it's just so large a pool of niggers that the exceptional ones are more numerous.
Maybe in a few years, norway's big on muslim immigration right?
SOME nigerians are smart. Some of ALL populations are really smart. Economically, it's called Intellectual Capital and it's what gets you innovation and enterprise.
For Nigeria, their intellectual capital has gone untapped for...ever. Let's go with forever.
What we're seeing now is the creme of the crop rising to the surface and using bits of junk and half understood science to make things they desperately need.
It's kinda cool to watch. I'd love to invest in them now while the market's young but I don't have the capital to do that.
>Why are Nigerians so smart?
maybe they know de wey...
Would unironically kill him stone dead for killing our peeps, and for the indians....
>Apache lives matter
This post gets a (you)
Damn, you are on stupid German bastard.
Black people will take over you country while u keep shit posting on an anime board. Literally do me a favor and off yourself.
You are legit filled with autism.
US Nigerians are pretty well spoken but I can't say they're really smart. They'd make a better politician than an engineer.
As for Ashkenazi jews, the ones I've seen, even if they're not bright, have an innate aptitude for common sense that's much better than the average goy.
It's all anecdotal for me. I'm welcome to change my viewpoint if the data, quantitative or qualitative, can make a strong case for it.
Meanwhile, in the Sup Forums of the Alternative Universe.
Blackier than you, Johnny.
You prefaced your post with "this will sound like bait" so I gave you the benefit of the doubt. Now that you have continued to shill for niggers you have proven yourself wrong.
Everyone here on Sup Forums knows that the nigger race is irredeemable, but that doesn't mean that individuals can't achieve and be recognized for it. I don't deny that in this case there is a point, that immigrants from Nigeria are generally good immigrants. What I'm saying is that these are the cream of the crop that the country has to offer. If the sample that made it to the US was truly indicative of the population as a whole, then their home country wouldn't be a shithole.
Pal just cause you’re incapable to see that what we’re doing is what needs to be done with the Jewish elite.
Eccelorationism is one hell of a drug.
In the past 73 years since the war our 3rd largest political group is right wing. Do you understand the significance?
You have no idea about soulutions all you do is bitch about the JQ, step the fuck back when people smarter then you will end the JQ not just masturbate to old pictures and living his live in nostalgia
I arrived from Bahia about 10 hours ago after spending two weeks there.
The black girls there are really hot, regardless of what type you like, but most of them are butterfaces.
tfw no sticc black gf to fug
>T.typical mestizzo subhuman post
Well, that explains why all the scams come from Nigeria.
>Now that you have continued to shill for niggers you have proven yourself wrong.
you sound too moronic to be real. it's objectively true that nigerians are the highest performing immigrant group in the usa, academically. it's very simple, prove that statement wrong. everything else is just a showcase of your ignorance and profound stupidity.
Stop being such an idiot.
Your furhrer Hitler was a weak bitch.
You are mking it seem like Jews are all powerful..always talking about them as having super powers.
Germany will be majority black and muslim in the future...and that is ok. Just take it.
You are literally handpicking shitty vids of punishments and acting like thats related to a whole race....Stop coming with shitty pseudo-science memes bitch.
Improve your own life before talking down on other people.....get off your fat ass.
How do you recognise a foundation myth? It fulfils three functions. 1)It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society). 2)It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power). 3)It determines what is held sacred in that society. For modern Westerners the story of WWII has become their foundation myth. It fulfils all three functions. 1)We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII. 2)Ultimate evil is Nazis. Ultimate good is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on. 3)The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust. The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative. Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction. Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the personification of evil, holds the centre point of the WWII story. Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity. Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned. > Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.
careful you're upsetting his doublethink
It’s about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world’s population, yet look at all they control from the world’s finances to the media that brainwashes us. In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort. The truth about immigration, by the numbers: >youtube.com
i have my pic ready to go, time stamped 2:30 pm.
post yours, nigger.
post full video please
Is that her natural hair?
post pic of your forearm, nigger.
post it based burger
The nigger started the fight, the superior man just ended it.
i knew you were a nigger. prove me wrong, faggot.
>inb4 He's suntanned
>posts pic of the tits instead
It's mainly the Igbo, despite being more intelligent they couldn't dominate the region because Africa is not an intellectually selective environment.
I literally conceded that point to you while you claimed I couldn't read. You're clinging to it and you think it means something that it does not. Ad Hominem is all anyone shilling for niggers ever has.
What is this and where can I eat it?
>heavy perm
>inconsistent hair strand thickness
>lots of styling product
>photo op
it's a danish, you can get em at fancy donut shops
nigerian runs a gas station near me. i bought a redbull one day. it was $2.78. i gave him $2.75 they have a penny cup on the counter that people donate pennies to in case you need a few pennies. i was about to reach for 3 when he actually gave me 3 cents change. i was just floored. i threw the 3 pennies in the penny cup and walked out.
so where are we now? even?
Nigerians are the most based Africans. I've never had a bad experience with them. Great Christians.
Once, I had a college roommate who told me about his Grandfather, who was constructing a hotel, when suddenly, a gang took it over. They refused to leave so he sneaked in some explosives and detonated the building while they partied. He rebuilt, and ANOTHER stupid gang took it. This one, he had built so that he could easily blow it up. Another idiot gang down.
Apparently, to this day, no gang dares mess with his properties.
of course, I've only dealt with great examples, professors, small business owners and hard workers.
I'm sure there's nigga examples too. But Nigerians are pretty based.
Look at you insecure little subhuman, you got triggered by my Germanic superiority and went out to write the fucking date on a piece of paper and posed for a picure you uploaded (you left the meta data in it) to prove what?
Look at you insecure little bitch can’t take the heat because your mama got fucked by a nigger, you should probably kill her in her sleep and your ugly wide nosed hairy selfie too you subhuman little shit
>user delivers
I'm definitely buying one, and by one I mean one dozen.
Thanks burgerbro.
They are not smart, white people are stupid because they believe in Nigerians giving them millions of dollars for nothing
still no pic, nigger.
It's called a danish (see filename) and you can eat it wherever you like.
Nigerians are the dumbest most insufferable cunts I've ever had the displeasure of meeting. EVERY single one of them is loud and obnoxious and rude. It's amazing how one country can produce people that are all the same.
Fuck them.
>there's ded
>and then there's this
That video was probably the longest two minutes I've experienced this month.
They name a pastry after a people? Danish eating danish. It fits so well.
>Hurr jews can't be that powerful
Jews control most of the worlds economy and media so yes they are very powerful.
The rothschilds and their mates have done very well off the back of the white mans taxes and wars the past 320 years
>Germany will be majority black and muslim and that is ok
How is that ok? Do you think niggers or muslims would be happy to have whites be the majority in their home countries? What the fuck
Why are OPs such massive faggots? Sage definitely related you worthless ass licker