Sounds like she is speaking in some number code
What did she mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Nobody gives a fuck
Speaking in nigger
doesn't everybody know she has jungle fever by now
just another dumb thot hopping on the train of whatever seems popular as dictated by jews.
That is one of the dumbest things I've ever read, like wow, have fun hating women, maybe a man will sleep with you and your deep observations
Roastie detected
Niggas are falling in love with her and pissing the niggers the fuck off. Pretty funny.
How is it dumb exactly ? And are you a roastie by chance ?
Nobody cares. Not politics and not a blog you unmitigated faggot
What a beautiful angel i know she is still bit virgine down there
21 Savage also is the name of a American rapper.
This is how you know she's low quality trash. She supported abortion probably because she had one and doesn't want to seem like a hypocrite. Her old tweets expose she is a thot. I've never found her arguments to have an intellectual capacity at all.
Nice redpill.
How about coming out with an argument you worthless cunt.
Young white woman that likes music meant for africanus criminalus? Shocking.
Rap music is the last implicit stand of masculinity in western culture. Anyone who disagrees is a soyboy. Deep bass and drums stimulate the part of the brain responsible for producing endorphins. Look at any ancient Nordic war music and you'll find they have these same rhythmic drumming.
>Tomi Lahren
Had to check who she was because I didn't recognize her. She legit looks like the most generic blonde girl I've ever seen
Dumb coal burner
>But muh alt-right women
White women are whores. I don't know why you white guys give these e sluts attention
Really? Post some of them, I don’t feel like going that far down her timeline
It's evolutionary psychology for women to be shameless attention whores
That's why I like my local women
Why even bring attention to that moron? She's the epitome of controlled opposition.
You mean a bottle blonde. Her hair is naturally very dark.
Why would I care about this attentionwhore?
she's in the 21 btc club, sage
>doesn't know
Maybe sex with a modern female is thoroughly not enjoyable or worth the time/effort
Once Sup Forums got laid, you lost all arguments about sex leading to happiness
The question everyone on Sup Forums should ask in every single thread is why do faggot OP's always post random nobodies from twatter and better yet, how exactly did faggots like OP even come across them when not a single person gives a shit or cares about them in the first place
>Not spotting these alt lite thots from 3 years away
Judge Jeanine was a single strong woman who told liberals to eat dicks on Fox News. The rest got fired for bad talking promiscuity etc
The day I accepted the fact that women don't find me sexually appealing is the day I realized my potential. I'm not a millionaire (yet) but I'm getting there. Now that I'm a day trader and make decent bank and have smart investments (including crypto) women look at me differently but guess what, I'm not looking at them. If I need to bust, I ring up one of my favorite eastern euro escorts and relieve myself.
It's time to wake up, reject western women...embrace your potential my brethren.
Women can only sell their looks. Tomi would have nothing without them.
>day trader
How hard is it to make money trading?
I just fuck an easy one if shes nice and apologize and tell her why if I have to break it off
You have to be quick, if not you will drown.
sink or swim as they say lol
>going to hookers
>keeping the degenerate hookup culture alive
first kill all people paying for whores and settling for used up sluts. then kill all used up women.
always kill a traitor before the enemy (a.k.a. you)
Telling women they aren't worth a relationship on day 1 is a great way to save time/money/energy and do whatever you want while looking for a non-trash woman.
Just let the bitches reject you and laugh with a thank you. The ones who get the joke will be down for a fun night and the uptight losers who are fake as fuck get triggered into acting superior
Flexing on her supporters
Tomi lahren has a black boyfriend. Even the most "conservative" women mudshark on the side. even lauren southern. Hahaha
THIS. Quit shitting up the board with these holes.
Cringe. Never post her again. Btw Twitter's video compression algorithm is causing it to skip the number seven in that video.
How am I a traitor brother? I feel nothing but love for you and you give me so much hate. This world the jew has created for us gives most of us no other options, we must adhere to the rules they have created or else we will drown. You need to accept the fact that we are all fallen, you mind as well become successful and enjoy the fruits of your labor brother.
It's ALWAYS a fucking leaf.
To answer the question, all fitlets are insecure, trying to make up for low self esteem by improving their outward appearance and project these insecurities by trying to laugh at others.
Tits or GTFO cunt.
stupid nigger slut
Aww angry lil white boy.