Are the Star Wars Prequels Sup Forums approved?
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Disney raping Star Wars doesn't make three boring and poorly written movies good...
Kinda Sodomites tbqh.
whats the prequels, there is only 3 star wars movies
I'll fucking rape you, you fucking ignorant degenerate.
They were OK and clearly do not deserve all the hate they received, especially compared to new retarded movies.
lucas tried to add more dimensions in pretty dumb universe and byslo fans did not liked it.
Anyone stupid enough to not know that the CIS is arguably one of the best fictional political factions ever created is a stupid cunt and doesn't deserve to call themselves redpilled
Good concepts with poor execution because no one had the balls to tell Lucas "no" during the writing and filming
t. Catholic Priest
They’re fucking Citizen Kane compared to what came after it.
>Jedi can't love because then they will hate
>Instead they need to constantly fight their sexual urges and stress themselves out
What the fuck did the Jedi mean by this?
thjose r da best ones dude
To me the whole good of star wars was how imaginative it was and how the interesting plot flowed fast.
The garbage in the OP throws it all out of the window, with uninteresting shit happening and one new element every 30 minutes.
It doesn't have much to offer about politics, I'd say logh is the politics "DLC" for star wars, and that is very approved.
He tailored Phantom to what all the neck beards had been begging for for decades and when he does it they shit all over him
He did everything they asked for and more and they did nothing but hate him for it
I like to imagine that those cunts that hate the prequels are the same fuckers who jack off to Fallout new vegas
Disney white slavers BTFO
Jedi order was literally a bunch of backwards child kidnapping cultists with stupid beliefs that held them back
They're organization only got fixed when Luke came about
I don't like sand
He got an awesome plot twist with Jar Jar and instead they had to add Duku in the last moment. He listened to the fans, thing is fans should not be listened in the first place.
If a creator let's his fanbase actively influence his decisions the only result he will get is shit.
What's wrong with new Vegas?
The prequels were about how a self made victim(palpatine) used the invented victimization(my planet is attacked, by my secret allies) so i will use that to gain power(becomes emperor).
>He did everything they asked for
No one asked for this. Ever.
Who the fuck asked for Jar-Jar?
Oh u agree fanbases are cancerous, but what made the original Star Wars so good was the experienced editors coming in, saying Lucas had a good story but shitty execution, and then heavily editing the film and making the cultural gem that it became
These movies have gotten shit on recently to try to boost the new Disney movies. The prequels feel like Star Wars the way it was meant to be. The Pod Racing scene is still better than anything Disney has done.
they're at least by Lucas, but they're abysmal compared to the first 2.
I agree*
I like New Vegas -_-
Seriously all the hate they received is absurd. It was a good tone for a decade to call them shit.
I still have thrills from that awesome duel from Phantom menace, and practically have nothing to remember from the new ones.
Start of revenge of the sith, that space battle jeez so good
Only with Rifftrax.
>The prequels feel like Star Wars the way it was meant to be.
Unlike those other movies made in the 70s and 80s...
Better than the raping of the Jews of Disney.
Somebody needs to revive Walt Disney so he can gas the kikes in his company
Bretty gud
Imagine having such normie-tier taste
It's the generic scum like you that have ruined art and entertainment completely
>I like to imagine that those cunts that hate the prequels are the same fuckers who jack off to Fallout new vegas
way to perfectly top it off, you drooling normaltrash
wow, you have trash taste
1) nobody asked for the prequels you mong, lucas already did a bit of the 3d meddling, a stylistic prelude to the prequels, with the special editions and thw star wars dorks hated him for it; the prequels are embarrassing trash, and if you werent a 4 year old when you watched them on dvd you wouldnt defend them
2) new vegas is the best of the 3d fo's and it isnt even close, it has major flaws but fo3 is worse, and fo4 is pure dogshit
The point of being a jedi is submitting yourself to the force (God).
If you fall in love, it means you're liable to pursue your own desires over the will of the force. Thus if you choose yourself over god, you're a sith.
Pseudo-intillectual outlook of stoicism which while childish in it's approach is understandable because anyone with the ability to just pick someone up with their mind and throw them through the air at 100mph should have extremely rigorous self control lessons.
Karpyshn created Revan literally to show a way to coast a middle ground without being a pussy it a slave to your urges.
Lucas did a pretty good job with Jinn
They got better over time. Revenge isn't even that bad. The scenes with Anakin and Palpatine are great, the scenes with Obi-Wan and Anakin are pretty good, the opening battle is a lot of fun, it's got some good emotional moments and stakes to it.
> The prequels feel like Star Wars the way it was meant to be.
So shitty and badly written ? I guess I understand now why the fans are always unsatisfied
>The people who hate bad movie probably also love great video games!
>Anakin chimps out and kills a bunch of sandniggers
He's /ourguy/.
You dare insult new vegas profligate?
>>Sup Forums
darth vader, genocidal maniac, is /ourguy/
breaking fucking news lads
>and making the cultural gem that it became
To be honest i never liked them that much. I love prequels more. I understand that then it first came in theaters it was a bomb, but i seen them in 2000s and honestly they were pretty dull and boring. And oh boy, without the prequels they are outright dumb. Typical hero ascension story, bipolar characters, half of the second movie is one big filler and they barely even good at battle scenes compared to prequels.
Daily reminder that Alderaan voted Hillary Clinton
It's nowhere near as good as everyone likes to pretend it is and it has just as many problems as 3 does. But because muh black isle it's supposed to be sent from the heavens and it isn't.
Clearly you never spent time on star wars boards in the 90's
New Veas is good, it's not the best thing since sliced bread
Anyways the prequels were good and they had their flaws, they're no worse than the original trilogy. In all truthfulness Jedi was only good up until Luke left Jabba and empire was honestly shit filler who everyone only likes because of much faja bullshit which was actually added at the end of production because some jerkoff had a shit idea
New Hope however is kino
Well they are essentially a monastic military order.
>Clearly you never spent time on star wars boards in the 90's
Produce a single archived screencap or webpage of someone demanding a character like Jar-Jar in the new Star Wars.
The prequels are the best in the series, the old republic era is still more interesting tho
>typical hero ascension story
Boy Star Wars is what brought back the Greek hero story the mainstream American film, before that it was all rags to riches and cowboy flicks in films
The movies also pioneered almost all modern special effects and sound design with what it did with surround sound in theaters
Don't get what you mean by bipolar characters since they were pretty three dimensional
But you seem to like battle scenes the most which then I can understand why you'd prefer the prequels because the action in those were great it just had weak dialogue and characters
Kill yourself, you're proving you're an ignorant faggot shit talking the prequels despite the CIS existing
You've got reading to do retard
Why isn't it as good?
*vertibird idles in the distance*
I loved the CIS and the droids were the coolest army
I can't believe were at a point were the prequels look so good in comparison. They are pretty bad but atleast have a coherent universe where actions have consequences, and aren't just obvious jewish cultural propaganda about how white aryan men should give up
I'd recommend watching redlettermedias review of the movies instead of the movies
They are fucking terrible.
Anything that's not part of the OT is pure fanfiction.
Yes, including the EU with the force clouds and the Sith horocruxes, fuck that shit.
>they're no worse than the ot
this is why everybody in this thread thinks you are retarded
I like the prequels AND new vegas. You bethesdrones are the worst
>Phantom Menace is a movie in which nothing happens.
>Attack of the clones is a movie in which nothing happens.
>Revenge of the Sith is a movie in which there is no time to explain anything.
Truly the work of a master storyteller.
This is true. The prequels were subpar compared to the originals, but at least they felt like star wars. The new shit is emotionless poorly veiled propaganda. It is an insult to the star wars brand.
Natalie Portman bodysuits are
>Huehue normie u rooined art
Hang yourself neck beard faggot, you're the reason both industries have gone to shit with your inability to be contempt or enjoy yourself you jaded fuck
CIS were created through palpatines manipulation
The prequel is good
you are literally autistic if you think the lore of a part of the prequels makes up for how shit the movies are
Yes, they had the perfect amount of Diversity
I agree that the prequels aren't great, but they're hardly fanfiction when they were written by the same guy who made the originals. The EU and the disney crap is all fanfiction though.
They're not great or anything but they're competent, entertaining, and original star wars stories that are actually part of the greater artistic vision of their creator.
The sequels are completely devoid of any artistic integrity whatsoever. We've gotten to the point where the prequels are elevated by comparison.
Are you a giant faggot who loves fat cocks in his ass?
Not politics saged. Nobody wearing a thinking cap would ever give these threads any reply without properly saging first.
The 3rd movie is god tier. Epic fight scenes. I would rank the 3rd movie as being on par with the original movies.
The first 2 were average, but still better than the shitty disney bullshit we have today
nah the people who hate the prequels are the people that hate new vegas and wank to 3. New Vegas is the best fallout game hands down
To put it in another words original films were about the characters in sci-fi setting. Everyone loved them and their story is good. But they practically had no universe in it.
Prequels concentrate more on the developments around the characters in their universe. They explain the actual setup in the universe and do it pretty good.
And i do not think actor playing was that bad.
I liked the acting of Cristensen and i liked even more the acting of Evan McGregor.
That's the shit fan attitude i was talking about.
>The 3rd movie is god tier. Epic fight scenes
but muh half-second loop of spinning lightsabers!
I just wish that the 3rd movie had more Grievous and a bit of the story between him and Windu. Or that Grievous was introduced in ep2 and built upon there.
The first and second were okay, but definitely watchable for any sci-fi fan, the third was fucking awesome.
Seemed like a good idea at the time
This, the character development was pretty weak in the prequels
also i think that the mods on Sup Forums are deleting star wars thread for some reason... probably because they all go play out like a Sup Forums thread
The only good thing the prequels are good for are the memes. The terribly shitty writing deserves the backlash they got. The only way to watch them and not feel total disgust is to treat Sheev as the main character in all of them.
Better than the first three
Granted, but do you honestly think Hollywood would ever make a movie as good as Revenge of the Sith ever again? Forget about the original trilogy, those are lost forever. It's the fact that Hollywood can't even live up to prequels that used to be considered the lowest Star Wars could ever go, and they managed to go lower.
revenge of the sith is literally the best star wars movie, prove me wrong
protip: you can't
Jarjar was added specifically because of Kenner who got a bunch of dirty Jews to talk Lucas into signing in with and is the reason nothing ever came close to being as good as new hope
Plenty of reasons, it's a lot like KOTOR 2. A great game but by no means perfect
Should look into the EU CIS shit, don't waste your time with anything from those shitarded kids animated shoes in cartoon Network though
And unlike you faggots I actually saw the original when they came out, the prequels are good pretty much to the same level as Jedi and empire but because you've done nothing but heard how terrible they are it's automatically what you believe. No different than those who say WOW is or ever was good when it was never anything but a steaming pile of garbage
>Nothing happens
What an elaborate breakdown of your point of view, not surprised though bongs are shit at film in general
Go back and look at anything that isn't the skintight white outfit in clones and you'll see she ain't as great as you remember
>Granted, but do you honestly think Hollywood would ever make a movie as good as Revenge of the Sith ever again?
Hollywood? No. They'll never let another Lucas happen in the first place.
It is fanfiction because you need someone to tell Lucas when his ideas are trash, and to keep telling him they are trash until he comes up with something good, which is how the OT came to be.
The prequels are what happens when you let Lucas loose.
Gee. I wonder why?
>is the biggest piece of kike entertainment Sup Forums approved
nah senpai
Nah they had the idea for years but were too afraid of the consequences
Palpy gave them the push they needed
>Phantom Menace is a movie in which nothing happens.
Except for the start of an galaxy-spanning war and the main character of the story winning his freedom in a chariot race and establishing himself where he needs to be to carry the plot forward, along with the rest of the ensemble.
>I saw the ot in theaters
>tge prequels are basically equivalent to empire
you realize I only think you arw even more retarded than I could have imagines due to this, right?
I agree with this guy. The prequels don't deserve all the shit they get. Jar-jar and "I hate sand" man are pretty cringe but other than they were entertaining as fuck and did what they we're supposed to do, especially episode three, show us the rise and fall of Darth Vader.
Phantom Menace was so wizard, I don’t care what anyone says.
These three are the shittiest movies of them all
>someone to tell Lucas when his ideas are trash
The only thing I enjoyed about these movies is Palpatine’s arc. The rest is garbage.
Women ruin everything.
All three are excellent movies. I enjoyed them. Most jedi's were good-looking white christians with swords, and it's what they were intended to be, the movie was well-cast. McGregor was a better and more likeable lead, that Hamill. Christensen was decent, didn't deserve all the negativity.
It were the last non-jewish Star Wars, the last canon ones. You should enjoy them.