it was bait and drumpftards fell for it by showing their true racist colours.
So lefty fake news is now "bait?" Maybe it was just another in the long line of things the left is using to keep their supporters in a constant state of rage so they can milk as many shekels as possible.
>an aide
Durbin confirmed it.
I hope it was real
It's great how they call Trump racist, but never say that he lied about those places
calling your enemy a racist isn't a victory, poor lil lib trash.
Victories in 2016: 0
Victories in 2017: 0
Victories in 2018: 0
feels bad bein you
obviously he didnt say hait is a shithole. he refered those countries as a shithole, so, they aren't fake news. drumpfs trying to hide the sun with a finger.
Graham confirmed Trump said it. Republicans are divesting themselves from Orange Cheeto Fat Dictator Small Hands Liar in Chief
Oh, that closet gay pedophile?
Seriously though, we can't let drumpf get those nuclear codes!
Durbin is deep state shill and will say anything to get a lick of Soros's circumcised kike cock
It's all a distraction from the (((ones))) who really control the USA.
Trump just gave 5 TBTF banks a Get out of Jail FREE card and all anyone is talking about is what he DIDN'T say.
And? Durbin is a Senator not an aide. So a Senator is confirming this, and OP is wrong.
Started by Obama
Senators can be bribed, fake news
>pretend trump said that a shithole country is a shithole
>a bunch of people on an notoriously racists and politically incorrect ugandan click poetry forum agree that said shithole country is a shithole
>this is representative of over 60 million Americans and subsequently proves trump is a racist because people who support him think haiti is a shitwhole
not the cleanest greentext but it's pretty much your logic
I wish it was real
It was genius. It being both obviously true and extremely non-PC at the same time.
>Every person with half a brain cell knows for a fact that Haiti is a shithole country
>Never actually said during the meeting
>Anti-white reporting mixed in with outrage clickbait shit
Master of marketing if true, galvanizing civilized people against the leftist and third world filth.
The MSM is shilling shitholegate because OKeefe broke how Twitter is censoring conservative Christians. It'll all blow over once the real story is forgotten. It's just damage control and as always, the useful idiots fell for it.
Leaf detected
Or paki brit
libtards were actually using that very excuse as to why these Haitians and Salvadorans should not be deported.
basically it derailed their talking points from days ago.