It's not abuse if it's reversed.
>Had sex with
The kid was 13... the word you are looking for is RAPE
I was going to say it wasn't nice at all considering how she looks and her size.. but fuckin' digits confirm it was indeed nice.
Not so nice...
Top jej, the 56% is not a meme
>dat ass
That's a coalburner if I've ever seen one. Get your shit together, Alabama
would plow
Lil nigga is luck as hell
Another fine addition to www.burnthecoal.com
Yeah, that makeup removing app is mandatory
Who the fuck in their 30's still has skin this shitty?
Oh shut up you faggot. Any 13yr old would love to ride that roasties fat ass.
Meth addicts. Imagine how fat she would be without it.
Yo what the fuck, where are milfs like that here. We only got teachers fucking eachother here. I missed out, there were at least 4 teachers I would have fucked the shit out of, even then.
He must of been hung like a horse to get thru all those rolls of fat.
He must have had a big dick because her ass is huge.
Perfectly OK since she raped a boy. Boys don't matter.
Lucky bastard
I fucking hate those stupid pink camo jackets "country" women wear
t. soyboy
My great great grandfather was 12 when he married his 19 year old wife
I really don’t give a fuck what males do sexually
There's a reason she's bent over that car. To hide her huge gut. That roastie is a pig IRL desu
Meth, it's secreted through the pores and then people pick at it.
Naw, I've met 300lb+ tweakers.
Apparently you don't know how pussys work...
Look them badonka-donk
anyone remember this gem?
degenerate idiot... you are saying 13 being raped is okay... go away you kike...
Lol more cushion for push'in
I actually jacked it to her and I usually just jack it to porn
Got a weak spot for milfs. If her husband is alive and still married. That's even better.
druggies that itch so bad that they pick apart their skin
Dude, that kid was lucky.
She didn't wanted to fuck with an actual man, so she fucked with a boy.
Nah man, worse, it was burning the coal.
Women are evil cunts. I read somewhere that alot of women are used in sex trafficking circles because women come off as far more trustworthy and we look at them with an heir of "they could never do that". They are cunts.
Also looj at Serial Killers. Most of them had sever mother issues due to abuse and neglect. You can see tgis also with niggers. The father isnt in the picture and they are afraid of thwir mothers well into adult hood. Why? Because they were extremely abusive in yheir youth.
Absolutely disgusting. Would not touch this lady with a ten foot pole.
I wouldn't. She looks disgusting.
Lucky little bastard
One heck of a facial cumshot.
That kid should cut back on the pineapple.
Tfw my 40yo neighbor wife used to have sex with me and suck my dick when her husband wasn't in the house, I was ≈14 yo...
This is the reason I'm only attracted to Milfs
I really hate how hunting camo has become just another fashion pattern for women down here. Realtree + pink is neither aesthetically pleasing not logical.
Hunting camo is only actually fashion to suburban kids and women. They see actual hunters and rednecks wearing camo around everywhere and try to mimick it, because they come to assosciate with salt of earth, self sufficient people and want to appear that way themselves, but they don't ask themselves why hunter wear camo outside of hunting. It's because they're poor, basically. If you live in the South, investing in lots of expensive winter clothes isn't worth it since it's not that cold except for a few weeks every year. So you just reuse your hunting winter wear, since it's durable and actually worth investing money in.
People wearing hunting camo for fashion is the same as people who pay extra for ripped and worn jeans. Surplus, hunting, worn, etc clothes are one of the few badges of honor that poor people have. If you choose to wear it as a non poor person, you are highlighting that you want credit for the struggle of being poor even though you paid extra just to look like that. It's trashier when you do it than when the rednecks do it.
I've gotten pretty good at spotting coal burners. Knew it
You can just tell America's white trash are descended from the old British colonial stock by how ugly and unruly they are; the scum of Britain went to America (along with many good people), so it's no wonder as to why they are just like chavs in the UK if they had guns and lived in swamps rather than council estates.
She doesn't look too bad you queer. Higher fat % is caused by estrogen and progesterone and prolactin in women. Women who are thin are deficient in female hormones
there are many more I found on some br forum
Same shame she had a nice ass but 13 year old coal? Degenerate. Throw her to the wolves. Anyone have a GUI updated for burnthecoal.com?
Because Ingram is a really British name
Stop projecting
This thread is proof that Sup Forums is now a Pajeet board.
Literally the only thing I wanted when I was 13 was to plow the shit out of a fat assed older slut like this.
What's so special about it?
Ingram is a British name, you stooge.
Dammit sauce me!
the south is retarded just like the shithole they came from
america is a dutch colony
Something like that happened to me. I don't consider it rape and I actually enjoyed it, but on the other hand it gave me a MILF fetish
This fat pig is considered hot now? Wow.
best off trying to find the pol threads about it in the archive and checking them for links
Retard women with low testosterone and high estrogen are fat. The lower their testosterone the fatter they get. If you are hetero you will prefer fatter women
It's the pajeets taking over
Two types of people went to America from Britain: the retarded rejects who we wanted gone (who are now Southern rednecks) and the innovative intelligent colonist type (traditional WASP elite).
What's a good term to search with?
Rationalizing your low standards I see
I think it's niggers 2bh. They love white whales
Never heard of it
Sounds more German if anything
Sounds very English to me.
A quick Google search always does the trick.
sounds scandinavian
Ingrid is a typical Danish name for women
Top fucking kek
guess where the smart ones lived
the place that you didn't die of malaria in
Northeast. Clearly not the South, although it's unfair to generalise Southerners as retarded.
Funny how in England all the retards are up North and the smarties are in the South.
southern england was dominated by the germans
I think you mean your gran dad was 19 when he married a 12 year old
Stop watching porn!
So it's a surname of German origin. Still, it's definitely not just some common english first name or even surname as you pass it off to be. Maybe it's common for you if you live in the north east? Which just comes back to what I said earlier, why are you so self loathing and projecting?
No it wasn't, the most germanic regions in the country are Yorkshire and the east midlands. The east of england is the side that was dominated by germans and scandinavians the most
Actually, that's false. Southern England has a lower average percentage of Anglo-Saxon DNA than Northern England. The North, with a lower IQ, also has a higher frequency of blondes.
Also, most English people of note (scientists, philosophers, leaders) were of native Celtic phenotypes like this fine hero here.
It fucking pisses me off when these people get caught. The ungrateful bastards running around tell everyone “yooooo I got laid I fucked a milf” and before anyone knows it she gets caught and put in jail for 10 years. Fucking why? It doesn’t harm the kid in any way unless he really didn’t like it. If I fucked milfs when I was in high school it would’ve fucking boosted my self esteem so much that I would be having a fucking life rn and not browsing Sup Forums of all godforsaken places. If it was up to me, the kids should get thrown in jail just because their ungrateful little bastards.
they left because it sucked
Cromwell was a good goy: olivercromwell.org
>the retarded rejects
You mean the Irish?
No, they mainly got shipped off because England didn't want them. England only started to remotely suck in the mid 20th Century.
Are you some sort of German American?