Why did Rhodesia become Zimbabwe?

Why did Rhodesia become Zimbabwe?

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today lets talk about

Because muh colonies always break away from you dumbfuck teen.

The Eternal Anglo empowered the black communist takeover

they dead

Bump for actual discussion

Jews, NWO.

Bump for actual depression.


americans too

Listening to this racist guy and reading up on it, I can't actually figure out how it happened. It's like it was just taken by Blacks and renamed for no good reason and then ruined.


Because ((("""we"""))) pump'n'dumped most of southern africa, realised it was shitting out too many unwanted little shits and tried to cut and run- then refused to help the good men we stranded out there when several aids ridden chickens came home to roost. Refused to help them come back home, refused military aid for them to stay there and worst of all refused to let the international community or our own business do deals with them that might have allowed them to have their sovereignty even still.
Our ((("""government"""))) only cares about itself, all the last 100 years of war have been self preservation efforts undertaken by the most despicable and enormous money laundering cartel the world has ever seen.

that is the first post u fgt

The International Jew.

Our masters won't allow us to view that one.


>be Rhodesia
>be thriving African country, even blacks are doing well without any apartheid
>whites running the show
>Mugabe and other communist niggers get mad and try to overthrow the government
>get BTFO by Ian Smith's military
>UK can't force Smith to let niggers run shit because Rhodesia is independent
>UN has to force Ian Smith to step down and let niggers run things
>everything immediately goes to shit

lol fucking burgers blame "libruls" for everything
it was communism that fucked Rhodesia, nothing to do with liberalism. They are literally antithetical to one another

The fucking UK government betrayed them

England abandoning Rhodesia had nothing to do with anything right?

Zimbabwe was Rhodesia
Now it's Zimbabwe, not Rhodesia
Been a long time gone, Oh Rhodesia
Now it's nigger delight on a whitey fright

So, Take me back to Rhodesia
No, you can't go back to Rhodesia
Been a long time gone, Oh Rhodesia
Why did Rhodesia get the trigger?
That's nobody's business but the niggers

I think I'm getting it...

>British colony creates Rhodesia
>Africans move in when it gets good
>Eventually Africans greatly outnumber whites
>Vote Black nationalist government in
>Destruction of white culture and people
>Renaming of the country from Rhodesia to Zimbabwe and the capital is renamed from Salisbury to Harare


It became Zambia as well


>was communism that fucked Rhodesia, nothing to do with liberalism.

Chick lean shooters can't hit niggers.

communism is militant liberalism

communism is militant LEFTISM

Don't confuse liberal and left. The leftists are not liberal. Liberalism doesn't care if you shoot up heroine and die. Leftism thinks it's up to the government to re-educate druggies after spending millions of dollars for their medical care.

>Liberalism doesn't care if you shoot up heroine and die
this definition is irrelevant these days

Majority rule happened because the White Rhodesian were less than half the population massive amounts of weaponry was dished out by the soviet union(and the west) to destroy them

They were also embargoed which made them less able to get the funds to defend themselves.

They could have survived if they were just fighting the local communists but not with almost every other nation at the same time backing their opponents.

Other countries however...

Black supremacy.

If they were just fighting the local niggers without outside interference there wouldn't have been a war in the first place

They were betrayed by conservative party and their kike lords. The jews went after south Africa next. The jews will try to destroy any possible oppoistion to their complete world domination