Saitama VS Yamcha
The beta male loses.
who the fuck cares about your weeb trash faggot,
yamcha wins
But if both of them looses, who is become winning?
Are they fighting during a filler DBZ episode?
can you english better?
If you wish it super satan
Saitama wins easily
>the guy who always wins vs the guy who always loses.
Maybe yamcha, just for the joke, like the mosquito
Yamcha forces Saitama into making a suicide attack, granting Yamcha the win.
Reminder that Roshi is stronger than Boros.
depends on which yamcha we're talking about here
Vanilla Toriyama post-Z yamcha who plays baseball fulltime
Toei Filler Yamcha who trained under king kai
or ISEKAI OTAKU Yamcha who basically is Human Goku?
every Yamucha except vanila has this in the bag
What if Yamcha was the manager of a local supermarket?
yamucha is the genos of dbz
Who will become winning Sup Forums?
Saitama takes a dive for the sake of restoring faith in the efforts of basically alright guys.
Yamcha trips walking up to the ring and breaks his neck. The fight never begins.
You don't like his englishing?
>weeb trash
>on an anime board
they get beat up by power-man before they have a chance at beating eachother up
Easy, yamcha wins...
Well he dies to the first fake punch,
then Saitama spirals into guilt ridden suicide,
then 5 years later Yamcha's friends remember to wish him back.
what could Saitama do to kill himself?
>nobody has posted THAT PIC yet
That doesn't even make sense. Saitama is powerman's 4th reincarnation.
Ask Yamcha that.
Punch himself.
Yamcha ez.
I don't recall Yamcha destroying any planets.
I don't recall Saitama destroying any planets either.
Saitama could kill daishinkan let alone Yamaha.
Yamcha might be a cuck jobber but he's not beta.
>>Barely even tries to punch Boros's planet buster to oblivion
I mean if you want to get technical, I guess he can't.
Yamcha (Cell Games)>>>>>>Saitama>=Yamcha (post-Kaio training)
Saitama is universe-busting.
yes, we're all weebs here, but some fellow weebs are trash, like you and OP
Dunno why people bring One Punch Cuck to power contests because he is gag tier strong like Bobobo or Arale
But that's wrong.
1) They question his abilities from the start
2) The One punch man universe makes sense, except for him
3) The wholepoint of the series is really figuring out why he's so strong
4) The only way to figure it out is to see what enemies can actually fight against him which is why boss battles will never be lower in scale than the last.
5) A possible God was already shown in a possible different dimension hinting at future battles and their scale
Santama is a parody character. Not a gag one. He makes fun of stupid asspulls like "super saiyan" and all that stuff.
>Vegeta got sloppy seconds
>Yamcha banged a ton of hot chicks while dating Bulma
>somehow people still consider him the cuck
Fist fight saitama wins, udon eating contest yamcha wins.
literally who
How is super saiyan an asspull?
I always remember this escene, these were the first boobs I see.
>hurr durr we get hurt and get 10000 times stronger literally
>there is an ancient rumor that the race you happen to be in goku, has something called a super saiyan
>gets shit clobbered by frieza, super saiyan makes him 10000000000000000000 times stronger to beat him.
>some scientist fuck made two teenagers stronger than a super saiyan
>dragonball super
The only thing DB has is fight choreography and character design. Its plot is nothing but vehicle for the fights.
The great yamcha can do anything
None of those things explain how super saiyan is a asspull.
Saitama could take on Zeno and get back in time for the supermarket sale.
Are we going to have a fucking problem?
I don't think you understand what an asspull is.
>An Asspull is a moment when the writers pull something out of thin air in a less-than-graceful narrative development
Super saiyan fits the bill. Frieza was literally too strong so Toriyama just said "fuck it".
Thanks doc
>Yamcha challenges Saitama to a fight
>"Hold on, let me just..."
>Saitama rolls his shoulders back to ease up his neckmuscles
>The soft gust of wind caused by this motion knocks Yamcha out, he doubles over into "the position"
Yamcha is the greater person.
Wasn't there a mini crossover or something where Vegeta meets Saitama? might have been a fan thing.
At least Yamcha still has hair.
It was a fan thing, but it's almost certainly how a real encounter between Saitama and Vegeta would turn out. The logic behind it is simple: Saitama isn't allowed to lose, Vegeta isn't allowed to die (permanently at least).
Maybe to an extent, but it's not the best example of an asspull. SSJ received a fair bit of foreshadowing with multiple characters mentioning it way before it actually happened. I know Toriyama making shit up as he goes is a meme at this point, but he clearly planned the SSJ transformation beforehand while he was doing Namek saga.
so contrarian we can't even admit to a simple question
We didn't even know Freeza was too strong, he only showed his complete power after goku turned ssj1 in three first place. SSJ wasn't even out of thin air, it was being foreshadowed for a long time.
What's happening in this picture?
Lol blad guy can't even touch yamcha
Yamcha win
Only half.
Who cares
Nappa mentioned the possibility of Gohan being a Super Saiyan way back into the Raditz arc
It wouldn't have destroyed the entire planet, it would have only wiped out the surface.