Oh shit
Corbyn says Trump should face jail time for hate soercg
Good for him.
Who the fuck is this guy?
The UK's number 1 commie.
Oh wow, how will Trump recover
Unsurprising considering the UK is a literal dystopia
Hate?...He asked one question using a derogatory adjective, describing a geographical place?
The HATE within the Democrat party, encouraging nonskilled immigrants to invade our country, go on welfare on the American taxpayer's dime and vote for more SHITHOLE CITIES like the democrats run in places like Detroit and Chicago.
Comrade Corbyn. Lead premier ofthe Peoples Republic of Britainstan
Hah. This won't gain any traction. Most in the US don't take anything UK people say seriously.
I thought we made it clear that we don't really give a shit what Britain thinks anymore way back in 1776? Of course we love all our UK fags and brothers in the UK now, but Corbyn can clean his ears out with Achmed's AK 47 for all we care.
Hang the commies
fucking commiecuck
Corbyn should face the executioner bc he's a traitor to his nation and people..
Tell Corbyn to get blown up by a Muslim.
that's nice. he needs a good smile. not a very meme in the making here.
no charisma, nothing like Farage. Step it up, Bongs.
I say corbyn should face a firing squad for being a traitorous pinko mong
Hate isn't illegal, no matter how much you lefty fucks wish it was.
Nobody cares about you britain fuck off.
why do teaniggers think their opinions on America matter?
communist lexicon
We have free speech though.
Please tell me if I click the "see Hurikan in action" link it just shows old WWII footage.
For hating what? Unintelligible.
Jeremy Corbin and his deputy leader John McDonald are unrepentant communists.
18 months ago John McDonald, whilst addressing the House of Commons, pulled Chairman Mao's Little Red Book (the Chinese version of The Communist Manifesto) from his jacket pocket, quoted it to the house and then threw the book on the central table informing the ruling Conservative Party that they should learn from it.
If that's not blatant I don't know what is.
Checked and correct
They do it so they can call the anger they provoke 'hate'.
some user told me that hurricane in German is zyklon, so it may just be WWII footage
As a Stalin Democrat, this makes me hard as fuck.
Like, holy holy SHIT the average disgusted white retard who will vote for us next time has no fucking clue what's coming.
The same thing is happening in America. Whiteness and capitalism are being not-so-quietly purged from the Democratic Party. We allow 'just enough' old white people to be the public face a little while longer so we can get ALLLLL the votes.
Like, oh my fucking nonexistent God.
Donald Dumbfuck is a goddamn gift that won't stop giving. He's going to make retard white voters stay home by the millions in November. A few more will turn out thinking when they vote (D), they're voting for the party Obama, Clinton, or Jimmy fucking Carter.
Surprise, sweetie! The ruthless Red faction that is DONE playing fucking games is in the cockpit, and soon we'll pay everyone back for electing the shitshow you did in '16.
Whites and conservacucks will not even know what hit them.
Because after we get ourselves a Big Blue Congress, after we have a (D) President in 2020, you will never ever EVER have a free election of freeze peach again. The hate speech laws are coming to neck you.
ah the Immigrants favourite faggot needs dem votes
not before we sneakily kill youre most prominent motherfuckers, its already going down