Sup Forums is smart people pretending to be stupid and reddit is stupid people pretending to be smart

Sup Forums is smart people pretending to be stupid and reddit is stupid people pretending to be smart.

Is trump Dumb or smart?

Other urls found in this thread:

smart enough to live in the media’s heads rent free

Smart to recognize shithole countriess as such.

>A source briefed on the conversation
>A source familiar with the briefing of the conversation
Wow no shit he actually didn't say that?!?!

Drumpf is smupid, or perhaps start, we can't be sure, but our top scientists are working round the clock to answer this question

dumb and dumber or smart pretending to be dumb?

The only "proof" anyone has of him saying it is CNNs "anonymous, unnamed source".

I want PROOF that he said it or I don't believe it.

Senator Durbin just came out and said he did use shithole more than once and he was in the room.

Trump let it play out for a day then denied it


we win because you're talking yourself in circles

the uk is a shithole btw

>say inflammatory thing
>media won't stop talking about inflammatory thing
>realize how stupid it's making them look
>say you never said inflammatory thing
>media won't stop talking about inflammatory thing again

Also its the anniversary of the haiti earthquake.

After which Hillary turned it into a giant shithole

l-lol we're not smart pff haha
*the goyim know, shut it down*

Sup Forums pretended to be stupid.
Now it undoubtedly fits reddit's description.


I hope this is true

Is this a Sup Forums topic on politics no.
Is the poster from Shareblue yes.
Is this thread a slide thread yes.
Will it be SAGED?

He's a God Emperor, which is something altogether different.

Unless you think you can accidentally be as successful as he's been in his life he must be capable of being smart and professional when it counts.

Tell us more about shills, Kekistani.

He never said he did in the first place. MSM fools did.

>Is trump Dumb or smart?

he's selfish, and his children are retarded.

Trump is smart if he wasn’t he would t be as succefull as he is, that doesn’t make him a genius but he is clearly not an idiot.

I would assume he is above average

(((WaPo Exclusive)))

>according to (((two people briefed on the meeting))).

>The comments left lawmakers taken aback, (((according to people familiar with their reactions))).

>Sup Forums

get a load of this libtard JIDF SRS shill

praise kek xD

The sourcing on that story was garbage and WaPo should feel bad about publishing it.

I think he's pretty smart. But boy does he jog that noggin in weird directions.

Anything to distract from the Russia investigations I guess.

“Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” Trump said, according to the newspaper, which cited “several people briefed on the meeting.”

3rd hand people. People that were told about something that was said told people who then reported it.

>Trump is smart if he wasn’t he would t be as succefull as he is

Let me stop you right there and prove you wrong.
Rich = Smart

>t. shitlet country

Not sure about Trump ? but, MY BRAIN IS BIGGER THAN MOST !!!

A Democrat senator. Which means he has a conflict of interest.

Reddit and Sup Forums are indistinguishable at this point. It's the same people and a heavy bot presence

>Trusting the word of a Democrat from Illinois ever
Dick Durbin is a corrupt cunt, like most of the top politicians that come out of this state. There's a clear agenda for him to make these claims, and it's not the first time he's played tattle-tale with his "first-hand accounts" of mean things GOP leaders have said.

Breaking news: Senator Lindsay Graham indirectly acknowledging that Trump said these words, and that Graham scolded Trump for what he said.

Trump cucked by closet homosexual Lindsay Graham .. not once but twice.

Suck it, Trump cultists

Democrats bringing all of the women Trump groped, sexually harassed, and who sued Trump, to the State of the Union.

Someone is going to shout "you lie" at him, mid-speech. Bank on it.

How badly is this going to trigger Trump's Alzheimer's? Especially given how late in the day it is.

I wouldn't know I've never been to Reddit but it sounds like you have faggot :^)

>>Sup Forums

Nah, Sup Forums isn't smart.

I'm smart.

I've been using Sup Forums for my own ends.

I'm sure you'd use the same excuse even if it was a republican.

>Sup Forums is smart people
good one

Even so, would he be wrong?

>I've never been to Reddit
Why not?

As if it isn't all coordinated by (((them))).

i predict he's been recording every meeting and he personally leaked the shithole comment to set them up for the fake news award

sweden versus trump like literally who cares?

a fucking ahmed!

It's not a conflict of interest to confirm what was said in a meeting especially when it is something extremely controversial. If they are lying then is easily proved by trump to ask everyone who was in the room to make a statement on weather he said it on not, but he won't because he did say it.

11 days in to the new year and easy D has them calling themselves shitholers and niggers on international broadcast media.

> i predict he's been recording every meeting and he personally leaked the shithole comment to set them up for the fake news award

This might be a possibility if Senator Lindsay Graham hadn't just literally come out 20 minutes ago and said "yep, the fucker said it, I heard him say it, and I told him not to say that kind of shit"

Lurk moar, Aussie

So, a known liar says Trump said it.

My almonds are activated by this...

>rural and suburban retards

ok buddy

He's not just rich he's the president of the United States. That wasn't luck.

>ask everyone who was in the room to make a statement on weather
We already know what the Dems will forecast.

.. and also Lindsay Graham

>crybaby faggot that puts foreigner's interests above citizens
Nice meme flag, shitholer. Gonna act shitholier than thou some more?


I already said "Dems", naming Graham specifically would be redundant. Graham is as much a Republican as North Korea is Democratic.

comic is good commentary on how the media overnight decided 'shit' is an acceptable word to display/vocalize on tv/paper. Reminds me of South Park 10 years ago. Media is playing to our emotions that because they say a word thats normally unacceptable it makes what Trump 'said' that much worse