What went wrong?

What went wrong?


I loved it but it was definitely forgettable. I can't put my finger on exactly why though.

The season ended before sensei could get the succ.

Literally nothing happened in the anime.

Nothing, it was faithful adaptation.

Too bad scans are dead now

Monster girls who aren't really monster girls

The succubus was a plain nerd without even a hint of attractiveness.

Seriously, how is this thing a succubus?

Boring long ass monologues about the nature of demi humans and meme scientific explanations.

dullahan and everything related to her

Nothing since the source material is completely unredeemable anyways

It should have had Sakie and Takahashi attempt a relationship.

Nothing. It was quite okay. 7/10.

>choosing old hags over cute vampires

It was boring.

Dumbpire a shit

It felt like nothing happened in it, and it aired in the same season as Kobayashi's dragon meme

needed a battle tournament arc

That's one factor. I think they missed the point by making them as human as they possibly could. They're more like X-men.

>I think they missed the point by making them as human as they possibly could
But that WAS the point.

Not enough dumpire

Nothing, it was relaxing and heartwarming

>sexxing your students

Not professional desu.

Part of the appeal of monstergirls is their otherness. Different bodies, personality quirks, of ways of thinking, etc, while still being cute girls. Why take something that is liked for being exotic and remove those elements? It shouldn't really have billed itself as a monstergirl show.

Not enough best girl, too much worst girl dull(ahan)

Blame retarded translators. Title says Demi girls not monster girls

I don't get why they translated the title as "Interviews with Monster Girls", when "Interviews with Demi-Humans" would have been closer to the Japanese title, more accurate and there would have been less of those expectations that it would be anything like Monster Mususme or similar things.

We didn't see Machi's sweat mode.

It was... bland. You know, Gab and Satania weren't wearing your usual uniform, Gab was a slob, and Satania tried to be original. Just like in Kiniro Mosaic, Karen had BRITISH uniform, while Alice had pink-coloured one. Even Aya and Shinobu don't wear the same thing. In Demi-chan, everyone gets the same boring shit. While vampire-chan (i forgot her name, DUH) should also aim for some originality, because she is full of energy, eh? Maybe they are monster girls, but in the end, these girls are just your usual boring teenagers. These characters are flat. Snowgirl is literally only laughs-at-bad-puns-girl without any traits. Dullahan is painfully normal. Succub teacher is a good character, teacher is good character, but main cast sucks in character development.
>slice of life
That's not an argument, you can make slice of life with interesting characters, like in Non Non Biyori. Slice of life doesn't have to be boring.

A1-Pictures faces

Except it wasn't a monstergirl show, it was a show about girls that happen to be monsters in some way,

Coming to understand how the other side lives is not a recipe for success in Sup Forums.



>implying it's not true

Kind of the point. The message of them being like regular girls is dampen if they're already mostly regular girls with some gimmick that comes up sometimes.

I didn't watch the anime and am only here to see if it was worth a go, but if it's anything like the manga, I wouldn't be surprised. Maybe one or two traits were memorable, but most of the characters are forgettable.

What do you mean what went wrong?

It was a great show.

>manga sales got boosted

What you're doing right now is calling kobayashi a shitty lesbian harem anime. The translators fucked up with the title, and misrepresented what the show was about, the show isnt about mosntergirls, its about girls that have monster features and going through their daily lives. If you went in expecting monster musume, thats on you.

>what went wrong

Hmm... probably too short. Would be great to have 20+ or 2nd Season.

Love Hikari...

Then why not just make the girls human and just be crippled or something then?

But they are crippled, one is decapitated by a wormhole, one lacks iron intake, and the other is cold blooded/

Turns out, some stories like to use metaphors and similes. Huh.

What are you getting at?

This was just a generic as fuck harem in a thinly-veiled disguise.

Characters look like they were turned into monster girls as a really late afterthought.

Just stick the head back on the dullahan and you literally got generic moeshit show #65829313

You fags are too retarded to admit this

>What went wrong?

12 episodes weren't enough to really get into each character's unique problems and traits, and the viewers were teased with a possibility of sensi and satou hooking up, but never did.

overall great anime.

>Butthurt over Dullahan.

Succubus doesnt mean your attractive in the first place. The effect she has is arousing.