Is Fascism the only way to fix the west?
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Better National Socialism or even Strasserism,
Fascism is kinda of a dictatorship, can't even travel to other countries man
>Better National Socialism
>Fascism is kinda of a dictatorship
do you mutts even know what you're talking about
Moselys idea of fascism was alot less dictatorship than others. Natsoc, Fascism and Monarchism are the few ways I would recommend to save the west. My top problem solver would be a war, nothing gets people sorted better than life or death scenario.
I think fascism would be more ideal than monarchism since it requires the strongest and best to lead.
True, but if you have a long reigning monarchy then you kids who spend their entire lives learning and preparing to be a leader. While Monarchism obviously needs a good family to be the monarch, I would be happy to have Prince Philip (the queens husband) be the head of state. Cares massively about public health, no shits given, empire generation, served in the forces, hilarious and Traditional. Just read through this, fucking has me buckled -
Shame he couldn't have been in charge. We may not be in this current mess, in terms of the UK anyway.
No. Fascism failed in the last centry and its completely dead now. There are now real fascist anymore anyway
No, why would you bring civilisation back to less progress?
You're one of these people who browse here and /x/ and think there's all aliens in the government while the ''world is about to end''. Like gee, our world is at it's peak right now and has never been better, progressive, or democratic. This isn't some dystopia like something like pre 1940s USA, and Nazi Europe. Stop being so paranoid. We defeated all the Conservatives and Nazis long ago, and now we're on track for progress.
Literally compare quality of life now to some shitty depressing time in like 1953
Yes, it's gone way too far to be fixed any other way.
It failed because they lost a major war. Do you think the countries would not have prospered had that not happened?
Sadly, I have no hope for democracy anymore. Too many fuckwits and subhuman IQ migrants who have the same amount of political power as me. I pray for this:
Nah, we're fucked.
Fascism is awful and does not embrace Capitalism.
Pinochet’s style of governing would be much more preferable.
But truth be told, Minarchism is the only option left.
Nice flag
You can't fix something by replacing it's very core. And no, Fascism would work only for a set period of time as a form of recovery system, beyond that it becomes a hinderance.
I think i would rather live in 1953 than what the future has in stall for the west if current trends continue
>Better National Socialism
Too niche and outdated. It was a product of it's time not the other way around.
Borderline communism. You can pretty much call yourself a soft bolshevik of you agree with the idiocy that is Strasserism.
Hey, you too
Pretty good movie about Prince Charles becoming King once the Queen passes.
Look at the quality of life. Look at the lifespan. We also have more freedom, plus women can look after themselves with careers instead of being restricted
An America free of undesirables would be perfect. You don't need Nazi Germany to have a good country
Monarchic indo-european mysticism is the only way
We need less of a democracy and more of a representative democracy full of people who don't actually represent the interests of the people but of the continued existence of the country as a whole.
We also need racist exclusion of immigrants and a strong anti-immigration policy..
Too bad they are more miserable than ever before, ultimate freedom in most peoples cases is a death sentence.
I don't care how you call it as long as you give me
>minimal to none immigration from non european countries
>low taxation or at least make it adaptative
>High restrictions to foreign market chains
>Low unemployement
This. Monarchy is shit. Christian the 7th of Denmark went schitzo and his liberal doctor couped the entire danish government and instigated free press.
Luckily the danish people got so fed up with his liberal shit, so they hang him on the town square and re-instated our mad king.
To this day Denmarks monarchy has the longest running bloodline.
We need a country like the Terran confederacy where you have to spill blood to have any political sway. Nobody who refuses service to their country should have any say in how it is run, and military or volunteer service for a period of four years should be requirement for citizenship.
Some.dort of Heinlen-esque stratocracy might be pretty good.
Hate to say this, but whatever China is doing has been working pretty well...
*fix the world
Sure, technological and medical progress have occurred in the last 60 or so years, but how could that not also occur under a fascist government? Fascism doesn't necessarily mean a country of bootlickers, but one which has a clear direction of leadership. If you had a regime which guaranteed certain rights to it's citizens (much like the American constitution) there's no reason why it couldn't prosper. I just think Fascism would give countries a better sense of continuity and consistency, rather than the riff-raff, constant undermining and divisions that occur with democracy
>Being puppeted by both your oligarchy and a foreign power and depending completely on the same power to subsist is better than fascism.
Ive noticed that a viable way of saving the West would be to take some influences from the Eastern ways of life, namely the family-centered societies and the strong homogeny of its populations.
China is in a bubble right now. Growth for the sake of growth is never a sustainable model, and the Chinese have been doing nothing but that for the past two decades.
Politically, China does little to interest its people in long-term success, instead relying on foreign capital, foreign investment, and foreign intervention. The Chinese have a cultural problem where they are all about themselves and they say fuck everybody else. They have an authoritarian socialist government with a tight grip on power, which is good for some things but bad in many other ways. Essentially they are run by an echo chamber of yes men who are socialist party members elected by their inner circle.
The Chinese have capital, and they have one of the biggest markets in the world as far as consumerism goes. They desperately want what the United States has and that is to be a global superpower militarily and economically.
Fascism is the only way to fix the west.
>Grab bankers by the balls
>Politically Motivated Prices that stop monolopies from corporations
>We will no longer have Consumerism.
>Egalitarian fever will be dead and our economy will be brought back up again.
>Employment is the main focus.
So how come Scandinavian nations are the happiest? They're like gender equal pretty much. Now compare it to something a little more patriarchal like USA, UK, and Italy.
Sounds like the US, with less minorities.
Yeah, because nobody wants to live there. China is an authoritarian shithole.
Agreed. The nation and it's folk should always come first, a stable capitalist economy which serves the needs of the people instead of exploiting them would be ideal.
Radical Catholicism.
>diseased shitalian posts diseased shitalian
It hasn't worked for the last 37 years, why would it start to work now?
The amount of kikes in this thread is unbelievable,we live in the worse time in history,i fucking hate having to live in this age,fascism is the only solution,all i want is to gas the kikes and a race war.
At this point, yes. I'd consider it the same as when a Roman leader is given extraordinary power during times of crisis. I kn ow that such a proposal is a gamble but the other path is certain doom.
>rally behind some trump-esque megalomaniac that captures pol's hearts and turns the US into a fascist state
>he names his succesor
>brianna wu
looks like that shitty bf4 map
Hey are you that nationalist from Jersey that used to shit on antifa on Sup Forums?
>China is in a bubble right now.
People have been saying the same shit you've been saying for decades now.
Their expansion to Africa, Middle East and South America has me increasingly convinced that they they're never going to stop advancing.
Spain was better understanding fascism. Same with Chile.
Yes. The only real issue with facism is to pick which type you want lol.
Fascist here.
When capitalism is too strong it makes the pit between the higher class and lower class wider and deeper. When socialism is too strong it ultimately falls under it's own weight because there would be vastly stifled innovation due to a lack of competition.
Fascism hates the two because of those reasons, so it does the logical thing and combines them (duh). Business could be owned by the public but controlled by the government and taxed (for the betterment of the nation). If you don't want to pay the tax, or you're just being an asshole and not complying, you can be replaced by someone from the government. The government would never allow the gap between the lower and higher class to be too far at all, since it can control the prices. If the people controlling the prices actually understand economics, inflation would be impossible. With all the money going to the government, only a little bit would be going to the officials. The rest will be for healthcare, law enforcement, emergency services, and even housing.
Fascism is socialism and capitalism on crack, with a nice authoritarian touch so people can get jobs and so capitalists are put on a closer level to the lower class. They'll still get more income, obviously, but not a shit ton more like now.
It's pretty perfect.
It kinda just looks like a really inconvinient to use axe.
Kek and saved. Love Oswald Molsey if only Hitler would've waited or supported facism he would've won.
I mean, unless you look closely
China has been moving away from communism and practicing fascism more and more. It's also very racially aware and using long term soft cleansing for some groups. Also a lot of eugenics and genetic engineering research.
China values stability above all else though, and moves gradually. It's beaurocratic system is a solid model with some small tweaking.
I hate this meme, but Chinese literally aren't human.
I adore his speeches, it sends shivers down my spine. If only the government didn't lock him up, could of changed Britain and Europe for the better.
Damn, he was one of my favorite posters on Sup Forums, I don't think I've seen him since the battle of berkley
we need healthy capitalism. I dont know what that is yet, but we need to figure it out. everything else is fucking shit.
Yup, the more you learn about Chink-land the more you grow to hate it.
Capitalism Communism, never were the workers/people's party. Why can't normies face this fact?
>theres like 20 cars on the entire unit
Fascism (and National Socialism) are 'capitalistic' in the sense that they both allow for private property (unlike the various denominations of marxist 'socialism' which do not allow private property).
They are mixed market systems with profits/productivity coming second to the needs of the nation.
>Hitler rails against "marxist economics":
Not in the slightest. The only way to fix the west is a civil war for the restoration of the Republic of the United States of America to its absolute proper functioning order as outlined in the United States Constitution and the subsequently large volumes of literature directly from the founding fathers explaining every part and parcel.
This means 90% of all laws need to be erased. Most government departments would be erased. Taxes would be at an all time low. Welfare would disappear. Once there is no government handout system people will be forced to get their act together or die. The parasites who refuse to do so will die or possibly turn to crime but many of them will face the gun and deservedly so.
But how would you stop the next government undoing all those things you put in place. This is one of my gripes with democracy
This. Wars fix shit as much as they destroy shit.
By electing responsible local and state leaders which in turn elect responsible federal leaders. By also keeping the spirit of resisting tyranny alive. As long as the politicians fear a real possibility of another armed uprising against them on the grounds of resisting tyranny they will stay within the bounds of the Constitution. The more people become apathetic to politics the more politicians will gradually overstep their Constitutional power and if no ones looking, the more they can get away with.
>wanting to restore the system that has culminated in the failure of the modern day West
How about no?
absolute state of Sup Forums
The average man in the west in this modern age is far superior even in the dilapidated state that it is than the average man in any fascist system at any time in human history.
The majority of people in Germany during ww2 were scared shitless at being reported to the gestapo and feared imprisonment or worse. Get your nazi-loving brainlet head out of your ass, man.
neck yourself commie
>The average man in the west is superior to the average man in any fascist system
Go back to goybook.
I suppose if you had a strong national identity it would work. Although it could also be exploited and subverted by the you know who's. I just think having a one party government (with a strong leader) would just make things much easier to make real significant change. It would also ensure
that those changes are protected. If that regime granted rights such as the 2nd amendment to its people it would also balance the power between state and the people to prevent them from taking things too far
State capitalism, yeah
I'm speaking in terms of the European countries btw
Semi-constitutional catholic/orthodox monarchy would be better
The axe isn't a facist symbol, we have that shit everywhere in France.
>The average man in the west in this modern age is far superior even in the dilapidated state that it is than the average man in any fascist system at any time in human history.
>Facts directly contradict your belief system
>"He MUST be wrong!"
(((You))) need to leave.
Have a better idea fake Austrian?
>The average man in the west in this modern age is far superior than the average man in any fascist system at any time in human history.
If by "facts", you mean "baseless assertions".
we gotta stick together
If it would return the west to it's former glory i would be all for it
who cares if it works or not? every country is different, it also depends on the people in charge. The important bit is to secure Aryans (and other whites) then every political system can be tried, until one that fits perfectly is found. The main thing however is getting rid of the jewish menace