This man is more American than shithole Trump will EVER be

This man is more American than shithole Trump will EVER be

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This is what happens when they send their best.

If his country isn't a shithole then why did he leave it to come here.

Wow this settles it, someone rip up the constitution. I don't want to hear about it anymore after seeing this crying minority.


Neat, you found the singular exception. Sounds like the one guy that a merit based approach would allow in.

What an ugly ape

Sounds like a sleeper agent if you ask me.

so why isn't he a high ranking official in the haitian army?

This triggers the retarded right. Be careful, OP.



Remember to SAGE

All Slide And irrelevant Threads

Whoa there, donkey. "shithole" is a racial slur. Check your privilege.

No, that nigger is Haitian, and comes from a shithole.

That guy is probably awesome. I'm glad he's in the USA as it appears he wants to be here, likes the country, and wants to assimilate.

If his home country wasn't a shithole, he probably would have stayed there and not wanted to assimilate into a new society.


*puts hands out for repurashuns*

Shithole COUNTRY. COUNTRY. Not PEOPLE. A COUNTRY isn't a fucking Race.

If I see one more fucking comment about how calling a COUNTRY shit is racist I will kill myself.

He doesn't no de wei

Why has Sup Forums become so bluepilled? I don't know if these are trolls but the amount of threads like these is astonishing. Sup Forums reads like an antifa chat - very dissapointing.

wait so is he haitian or american? I thought their whole point is that these people are americans. this man should be ready to lead americans into battle against haitians potentially.

There are always exceptions that are a credit to their race. Doesn't mean we burn the constitution every time there's a statistical outlier.

This slide is retarded.

Shit bait.

A brown person cried, pack it up guys, we're fucking finished.

Niggers are retarded. Deal with it.


Isn't this academy a liberal circlejerk now ?

I bet he is glad he escaped that shithole.

>tfw fried chicked and water melon shortage.

Ironic though, because he is sworn to serve Trump and is probably proud to do i.t if that quote is really from him.
haha i put something in the .options though

uh oh, Sup Forums isn't going to like this OP

>signed america
Yeah South America, with the rest of the shithole countries.

>Why has Sup Forums become so bluepilled?

Sup Forums is 90% shills now. All the Spencer cock suckers, the constant slide threads, all the semi-ironic-but-not-really Sup Forums BTFO posts. The reposts of reposts of reposts. It's fucking shit. Seriously go through the catalog. Good luck finding more than 5 actual threads discussing politics. This place is dead because it became popular.

Against what race is shithole racist?

>someone cried

Oh what a hero!

Let's be real San Domingo was beautiful when it was run by the French it was their most valuable colony made up 40% of Europes sugar and 60% of all coffee sold in Europe the whole reason the place is a shit hole is bc of the nigger infestation....

>One accomplished nigger excuses the destructive behavior and society destroying lifestyles of the other 10,000


Truly powerful

I guess this means we should take EVERY last shitholer in instead of their best

he's American first and Haitian second, the reason why he believes so strongly in the american way of life is obviously because Haiti is a shit hole.

> muh AMERICAN way of live, muh VALUES
> America is a shithole compared to Europe

choose one.

Reclaim Hispaniola when??purge the nogs make them pay for the women and children their ancestors slaughtered.Then set up the Ethno state???whos down?

>nigger leading Americans
>"preserve their way of life"
What a sick joke.

>41 replies and no pic_related

Because even niggers aren't going to defend a shithole.

>Haitian on welfare
Bravo ?



>if you're WHITE then FUCK YOU


Because it's a shithole country?

(((Diversity))) has ruined West Point. Dumb minorities and women are propped up, allowed to fail classes over and over, then take fake classes in the summer to "pass" courses they can't comprehend.

Citizen of shithole Kekistan is mad.

Fighting for America and not a shithole. Exactly.

>West Point
Isn't that where all the commies are?

Maybe the nigger should have stayed in his country and made it better rather than run away from the problem. I have no pity for these morons, all of them are pathetic cowards who look for the easy way out.

>signed America
These nigger loving kikes don’t speak for me.


Shithole countries are the rule, but their are exceptions of people from said countries.

But Haïti is a shithole because of the way it’s run...

He lackin'

Is anyone else pissed about how they turned it into a race issue? The outrage was expected but it's fucking annoying I've seen people talking about white privilege after this...


Typical US
>Support shit corrupt government
>Get rid of democratic leader
complain it;s a shithole

If you love Haití so much why don't you go live there and eat mud cookies made next to an open sewer. You're probably the type of honky who likes to tell everyone you care soo much about black people but then act like you're about to shit yourself the second you see a black dude walking towards you on the sidewalk. Go virtue signal somewhere else.

When I was in the Army we had a Haitian Supply Clerk that wrecked his on purpose to get out of his note and collect insurance. The idiot told like 5 people he was going to do it, and 5 sworn statements later he was arrested on fraud, and discharged because he went to jail.

tl;dr Im pretty sure all Haitians are retarded and have no place in the Military