Felix is straight

>Felix is straight
When did this meme start?


He is straight, but aren't.

Felix is straight, he likes Crusch but men who lust after him are gay

It's not gay if it looks like a girl.

Yes it is, say that again with a dick in your mouth

Is it a feminine dick?

It's a giant manly cock

Stop projecting your homoerotic fantasies on me.

I didn't project anything, I answered a question

>Felix is straight
[citation needed]

>inb4 nohomo it's just joke bro

>Implying teasing someone of your own gender makes you gay

You're probably from a country that thinks 2 friends holding hands is gay

>all these gross men wanting to fuck my husband

Sorry home of sexuals, but Felix is happily married and I give him cuddles and paizuri every night.



>marrying a catboy
Bad idea, desu. Now he'll knock you up with a whole litter instead of just one kid.

>my husband
Who said he's yours?

Is that supposed to be a turn off? Because it's not working, user. I want Felix to fill up my fertile womb with lots of kittens!

that is lewd as fuck

Is it wrong to imagine Crusch packing a big, fat futa cock that she uses to pound Felix' tight boyhole on a daily basis?

>he likes Crusch
He does?

That implies nothing.


Just because you like to look like a girl doesn't mean you can't like girls.

>Biting your male friend ear isn't gay

>Being this sexually oppressed


Why is there so little porn of effeminate guys who take advantage of their looks to pretend to be innocent/gay and then fuck girls?

I'm going to do it anyway.

Those boys are the best. My type of men.

It's not because gayness is a spectrum. Blowjobs and protected anal is ok since it's not technically sex and doesn't necessarily involve attraction.



Rorschach was right in the end, though.

Fuken saved

No. And are you from some fag country like Sweden and Canada?

Rorschach was always right
Is his penis barbed like a cats?

That implies nothing.


god i wish there was more of this. so hard to find.

Felix is bi at best.

no homosex here

>when the millenary event happens that you have the sauce for something
>but nobody wants it

You're both correct. Felix is a little slut who's secretly married to multiple women and follows his dick without thinking of the consequences.


Brazillian here.
Slapping your friends' butts isn't quite gay here, but biting their ears is still 100% faggot.

That explains it. It is well known monkeys in the wild display homosexual behaviour all the time.



I hate this fucking character with all my life, it's the most degenerate shit ever and a disgrace to anime. Fuck Re:Zero.

>those nipples
there is a god and he loves us

This is true.

If anything it's a meme that he likes men.

You don't watch a lot of anime, do you

You should go back to Sup Forums. I bet they miss you.

I've seen over 50 series, just because I watch anime doesn't mean I have to abandon my values.


Wow user, why do you hate him so much? Did he kill your family or something?

if it's wrong i don't want to be right

I don't actually like futa but I assume she pegs him on the nightly

I hate him because of what he stands for, he's the reason there are so many fucking autistic XD TRAPSSSS SO HOT MAN TRAPS ARE NOT GAY XD faggots flooding into the anime community recently

And you're purile.

Fair enough

degenerate to what?

>le Sup Forums boogeyman

ignore the fags then, you're not going to get anywhere waging a one man war on this thread that won't change anything except how defensive people will behave.

If you want to make Sup Forums great again post on /qa/ and ask for a new a rule or something forcing discussion of traps to only /cm/, just a thought. That's unless hiro doesn't really go on here anymore and you know, otherwise my bad. (haven't checked into Sup Forums for a while)

Embrace it, brah

But traps are not gay

>Cancer, the post
People like you are the reason that /jp/ is dead and full of idol shit.

Felix is a trap. He likes Crusch who is a reverse-trap. Nothing straighter in the world.

Unless you're a girl

Still lesbian since they look like girls.

>people like you

Then what would you do? And why aren't you a janitor?.

you know that the bare minimum in here is 300, fuck off

I don't think such a couple has ever happened outside of doujins or some EXTREMELY niche shoujo romance manga or something.

>still no sauce
Hang in there user

That seems hella butch though.


WHen Fate/Apo airs this summer these people will double in number

>Felix made people like traps

I'm so tired of normalfags jumping onto trends years later and pretending like they just began

Felix may be straight, but he won't be after I'm finished with him.

>He likes Crusch who is a reverse-trap.
Likes as a friend.

I think he might see her as a mother figure.

You sure about that? He seems pretty devoted.

What are you panning to do with him?

Ferri and Crusch-sama are family and Ferri is in love with her.

>One sided incestual love between a trap and reverse trap
This keeps getting weirder and weirder.

then they get anal raped into liking dick like they're supposed to

I just wanna gobble up his cute tiny little trap feet


Holding him down, groping his body, shoving my cock in his face and making him suck it, and eventually fucking him into submission.

I'll write another gay catpasta later

Straight traps are the best because it means breaking them in for the dick even sweeter in the end.

I don't give a fuck.

Where is the first? Just so I can avoid it, of course.

>tfw you will never rape Ferris' butt while he begs you to stop

I already spend every day imagining turning some cute "straight" boy into my cock sleeve, may as well read a story about it

Felix is not for raping!

He was literally made for raping.

Felix is a cute girl (female)


>we exist in a time where boys are better girls than real girls
Truly the greatest time to be alive

That's the point

>dresses like a girl
>talks like a girl
>purposely teases men
>admits to have given oral sex to several wealthy men as a child