> Make jokes in VR game about Ugandan culture
> Liberal SJWs massively overreact to meme, call it racist, say it needs to be banned
> Ugandans who made the movie love the memes and share them
Could this turn young people away from SJWs?
> Make jokes in VR game about Ugandan culture
> Liberal SJWs massively overreact to meme, call it racist, say it needs to be banned
> Ugandans who made the movie love the memes and share them
Could this turn young people away from SJWs?
This meme is so goddamn stupid... I love it. At least it's better than those damn tide pods.
can i get the quick rundown on this
you'd be better not getting one...
Talk with an African accent over voice chats in game, and make clicking and spitting noises too.
Ugandan secret service psyops to make 1st worlders accept more refugees.
I'm pretty sure those ugandans are self aware enough. But then again self awareness isn't an sjw's strongest quality
Ugandan warriors embark on a quest to find de queen to show dem de wey.
Shit, forgot to get rid of the meme flag...
VR Chat users with fat Knuckles avatars running around in groups acting like literal niggers towards other users (Uganda accents, tongue clicking, etc.) and it goes viral.
Are you actually retarded?
Ar u da commanda?
The only true rundown:
>someone made a disfigured knuckles player model for VRChat
>some people thought it was funny and started using it
>they rip off Forsen's memes, bastardize them and shout it all the time like morons while also making autistic noises
>le reddit immediately catches on and spreads it like a cancerous plague
tldr it's mindless normie garbage
idk but the movie is fucking hilarious
he has an EU flag so yes
Is Ugandan Knuckles a viral advert for black panther?
I hate everything did an video on it
you don't kno de whey
I initially thought this was funny until plebbits karma culture turned it ito a reposting circlejerk killing the joke in reccord time
yes guys please make the devs ban this shit meme from vrchat too like they did with pepe, I already saw knuckles with KKK hoods, just get on it already
I make dis for you. It should da wei
If this gets moved to /bant/, i'm gonna shit my soul.
>Redpill millions of young people
He's called PewDiePie and it's already happened.
His fanbase are already redpilled as all fuck, they already are fully and completely aware of the absolute state of the mainstream media, sad lying millennial femmunist faggots and their bullshit lifestyles.
Black Panther is a steaming pile of doo doo compared to Ugandan Knuckles and his crew
action starts at 8:18 if you wanna skip to the good parts
Nah it's a pisstake of it, perfect timing if you ask me
>pewdiepie's fanbase is redpilled
This is the biggest bullshit i have ever heard of since the proposal of allowing women to vote.
you are not de queen
It started when the WallStreet Journal published the fake article on him, i assume you know of that?
Since then, the gloves have come off - his fanbase didn't budge one bit. All it did was show just how corrupt and retarded "old people" mainstream media is.
It fucked their integrity more than anything we've done in years.
This. 'Its PICKLE RIIIIIIIICK!' tier. Still it triggers sjw cunts so theres no reason why we shouldnt co opt it. Sup Forums are masters of memeromancy after all.
Yes, Uganda!!!
Meme magic is best magic!!!
No it can't, its retarded and has no meaning at all, are you mentally challenged.
That article didn't redpill them, it just showed how much of a scumbag Wall Street Journal was for overreacting to a shitty joke because "muh SJW policy".
Let's not forget that this was also the cause of the Adpocalypse.
>still believes in "meme magic"
>still posts MAGA Momiji
Back to /reddit/, you inbred retard!
We need de commander
dis da town wapist
neva freeze
You're thinking with far too much autism, think meta. Think broad.
PewDiePie, when it happened, did videos on WSJ regarding what happened whilst also mentioning previous times MSM had talked shit about him. His fans are well aware that none of them can be trusted. The META of MSM is questionable - his fans aren't autistic enough to think "oh it's just the WSJ because that's what it is this time".
Gen Z already hates SJWs but this certainly will keep them on the winning team.
TFW I can never beat this kind of comedy gold. It has this constant shitty 4th wall breaking English narration, like it is descriptive text for autists but also made by retards.
Like half way through:
>You are watching Who Killed Captain Alexah
>And the first Vee gee in Englisha
> EEVah
>Dis is how we enjoy movies in Ugaaanda?
>And Now, Captain Alex the Musical
>This music is good...
>What de heck?
>Bam bam bam bam
>Dis ez serious
>Everybody in Uganda knows Kung Fu!
My god, it's beautiful. This... this is the one awesomely bad movie to rule them all. People will be talking about it in >100 years from now like Charlie Chaplin. This is history right here.
>normies are being openly racist and taking the piss out of leftists
>implying this isn't a win condition for Sup Forums
BOW to your commanDAA!!
This is correct
Its gwa you stupid retard.
this is so stupid. literally every kid has at one point in their life (at least American kids have) made a racist joke that trumps this shitty meme. look at the bathroom stall or desk of your nearest elementary to high school. im gonna bet about 25% will be covered in some kind of racist shit.
Shithole country makes shithole meme, leftists gobble it up like the cock they love. So pretty much meta of the past decade.
[X] Normie
[] Not a normie
really, honestly, very powerful. wow.
what part of making fun of niggers do you not get faggot?
Year 2 Chaos meme of Trumps presidency
you saw it here first folks
meme magick is real
Think again, burger brains.
If the goal was to make fun of niggers, why didn't they use nigger avatars?
Hahaha my theory was right
Only Scandinavianfags watch forsen
Fuck, used to watch this guy back in 2014 until I got banned for spamming bullshit
Guy is the most boring streamer who cannot make a coherent sentene without saying "uh". Hell, it's the chat that makes the stream less boring but the guy completely fried his brain with all that alcohol and snus.
because that would not have gone mainstream
reaching normies is a fine fine art
So original
I was utterly BTFO
How will i ever recover?
ᵏᶦˡˡ ʸᵒᵘʳˢᵉˡᶠ, ᵇᵃˢᵗᵃʳᵈ
So what you are saying is that the jews were trying to hit Youtube where it hurt the most a.k.a their money cow a.k.a Pewdiepie so they could turn them into their pets?
Weaponized meme
gib little litters please
this is better
I actually wished this was actually normie-tier and half the people I met were clucking
man I want a VR HMD so badly now
peck, fefe?
Not quite. Youtube doesn't actually make any money at all for Google - it operates at a net loss each year.
They hit PewDiePie because of his influence - he's the most popular youtuber and has been for a while - nobody can touch him. He as an individual single human being has a broader reach of influence than any MSM enterprise AS an enterprise (that is to say, a construction of many many people working).
That seriously scares them. They're this conglomerate superstructure of individual humans working towards something, and this upstart youtuber has a wider influence circle than all of them together.
WSJ's article, as are all the articles and attacks towards PewDiePie before them were BIDS to knock him off his perch; to wrangle back control of the next generation.
But it isn't working.
And it it isn't working.
And it still isn't working. Each and every time they try something, it only disgusts and upsets the people they're trying to brainwash even further from their circle of influence.
YouTube itself doesn't really like PewDiePie; they would much rather have a more sanitised and politically correct YouTube, because they want it to make a profit; their long-term goal (and the reason they're willingly paying to run it at a net loss each year) is because they're making the gamble that YouTube will eventually replace Television (cable/network TV).
Bruh, he barely gets 3 mil views per video. STFU.
Can't tell if deliberate irony or not.
I think the media going full bore against Pewdiepie for making jokes was the best redpill.
that's more viewers than any US cable channel gets in a day
t. underaged low-iqganger
Nice quads
>Liberal SJWs massively overreact to meme, call it racist, say it needs to be banned
Did this happen?
KEK speaks.
>VR chat is where weebs have avatars of anime girls or master chef
>Some of them get a tiny red sonic character as an avatar and repeat the same lines over and over again in a Ugandan accent
Its dumb as hell but like its hard to not love.
But his audience is all or mostly kids
Even with the numbers they’re just spastic kids and spastic emo girls
>YouTube itself doesn't really like PewDiePie; they would much rather have a more sanitised and politically correct YouTube
a year ago pewds dared to suggest that one of the reasons youtube didn't particularly like him is because he's white
ahaha i'm late to this one. did gen Z start doing it?
Dude that's exactly the potential,because this shit is normie-tier enraging SJWs It's gonna be mainstream
The saltmines will be glorious
Those spastic kids are the future, gen z is going to be full redpilled
Pigin memes for purple envelop
Yeah, many twitter SJWs went nuts, as well as some news articles.
Show me day wey
its also better than 70% of hollywood movies
This is the only true run down.
>***Shithole country makes absolute action genre kinograph
They didn't make the meme. some pricks just played some sound bites of the movie "Who Killed Captain Alex?" on VRchat.
Lets pray to Allag that it will !
and was he wrong?
cuz YouTube is a bunch of fucking SJW itself...
>but filming dead people is ok
Dunno, a bunch of lads having Ugandan Discussions in VR seems a bit gay to me.
Gamergate bugaboo 2