Twin Angel BREAK

Subs in 1 hour.

Also, Life Goals.

it's coming.

I want to fuck the hedgehog.

This guy gets it.





Best boy got paired with best girl, what a time to be alive.


Adsoluting Blerght
because that count as het in my book

Stiches of best girl in that cute ass dress when?


>they took literally Sup Forums and made it into a character
The absolute madmen.

I'm not into traps
I'm not into traps
I'm not into traps

Cute couple.

I guess this is going to be my favorite show with the deadest threads of the season.

I'm just sleepy.

He's a genius, just like all of us.

Things can be a lot deader.

It's strange, Sup Forums loves traps yet only anime this season with trap in cast has dead threads

Picked the fuck up

I was all ready to drop this until this episode.

Now I'm watching the whole season.

Really hope they didn't just write him out of the story.

I don't get it
Is this true?

For some people, nothing in the universe would make that happen.

Wait, so she's going to hypnotize Misty Knight with a coin on a string?
Is this a Looney Tunes short from the 70's?

This anime might be getting good

Most people just like memetic traps, the one here is pure hearted.


I want to have children with that meganekko.

Wait, did the bad guy in one of the earlier episodes or am I remembering wrong?


> they aren't overly lewd or a joke
am I even watching anime



he'll get killed

This is not the kind of gay i wanted out of this show.


>best girl is a boy
Why is this allowed?

>trap is also gay
Why does this always happen? Why is straight trap so rare?

Why did he wait a week before sending his pigeon and what did he do with it during that time?

He needed to train the pidgeon
He was raped by the blonde woman

Hmm that would explain a lot of things for me

Traps have a natural lust for dick.

because most wouldn't crossdress in their daily life prob, esp in japan

I'm naturally lust for trap dicks.

This episode was goddamn hilarious, holy shit.


So how long do you think it'll take before BIRRY realizes he's dating a boy.

When he takes his virginity.

I hope this guy will be a recurring character, he was fantastic.

He was using his regeneration powers to heal from falling in the molten steel.

Me too.

>says this
>to a woman dressed a bug, ie a lower life form

As much as I'm disappointed by nearly everything in this show (last episode was quite decent though) from animation to script to direction to being a much more blatant pachinko ad than the original, certain scenes are pure gold.

It was almost uncanny how much better this episode was than the last 3. It felt like a completely different show.

It was pretty funny how neither Mary or Veil gave a shit about what Billy was saying. They knew he was just being a salty virgin nerd.

I guess I'm moving this show to my yaoi folder, can't be helped.

There are all kind of gays in this school.

I watched the first episode of this and it was really boring, but I skipped to this one and it was kinda funny. I don't know if I feel like watching what I skipped or continue watching it though.

My sides we're all over the place

And immediately after watching this episode I resumed to my marathon of Penguin Musume and the next episode was...

I think japanimation is trying to tell me something today.

How can this silly show be so good?

It's not. It's a trap.

yeah not good, great

>they even brought the sheep lady, baa

I hope they'll at least say that she's her sister or something

On a slightly related note, Mirai Millenium fucking where, you British Malaysian Chinese robot doll building millionaire

This episode is not representative of the quality of the whole
2 and 3 were as weak as 1. 4 has been an outlier so far.


Well that's a shame

I thought 2 was good.

You're right about 3 though, I can't even remember what happened in that one besides the Misty Knight bit.

3 was the obligatory team building 'lets learn to work together' episode punctuated by the porcupine having a misunderstanding.

>They knew he was just being a salty virgin nerd.
Well, it doesn't take a genius.

...was I the only one who liked 3 the most so far? I mean this ep had some funny stuff, but I nearly slept through the first half of it. And third had the old good tsundere Kurumi antics and heartwarming ending.

It was rather standard and predictable. It wasn't bad, but I don't think it was as good as the others.

Excellent episode. Billy is the man this show needed.

Probably the most useful reaction image of the season.

I hope he'll tone down his autistic screeching. It was pretty annoying.

He can't dial down his autism.

Best episode so far, I hope we get more BillyxTrap shipping and/or antics.

He's happy now with his girlfriend (male), no reason to screech anymore.

Can't wait.

Because it's silly. Silly shows are the best.

Can I skip to episode 4 without watching the first 3 episodes ?

if you know how magical girl shows work, then probably yeah

You'll miss out on some of the plot.

Fuck off Mugino.

I just want to watch boipussy

He does appear in the first episode for a bit to hammer in how much of a guy he's not.

This line made me burst into laughter. Best episode so far.

The episode isn't about boipussy, it's just about /r9k/ incarnate chasing skirt. The fact that the skirt he catches ends up hiding a cock is just the episode's end gag.

Is it bad I want to fuck this 331 year old lady?

How did Hiyama-oniisan survive falling to molten metal?

Same way he survived getting blasted into space inside a capsule which exploded violently.

From Megami

might actually be the most autistic anime character I've ever seen. huge accomplishment.

I want to purify that sexy nurse