Why are men becoming women?

Why are men becoming women?

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Because life is easier as a woman.

because we aren't allowed to express our sexuality honestly, that is, through rape


>implying they're not becoming mutilated men
baka desu senpai

vaginas are disgusting, i can't eat roast beef anymore

coz women forgot how to be women

I think there is something in the water supply in most cities. That and masculine behavior is being discourage.

Because like all things men can be better at being a woman then women can. Literally the only thing we need women for is making babies and in a decade or two we will probably have that figured out too.

>a visual feast
Fucking cringe. Holy shit this is getting out of hand.

They are not becoming women. You cant just wake up one morning and decide to be a woman. They are grown men dressing up as women, applying make up, and cutting their dicks off.



Western life is better as a woman otherwise being a woman is shit anywhere that's not a cuckold heaven

FPBP anyway


Literally me, beard and all.

All it needs is a pot belly and glasses and it will be a cartoon version of me, also delete one of the cats

better than you'll ever get, paddy

>honestly implying this is a bad thing for the most part

how sad

am i a soy boy Sup Forums?

Because Hans did not get the gas.

I like how the majority of it's white men who do this shit. Just can't compete with the BBC i guess.

This guy has a superior trap body but his face is all shitty

Fuck you, no amount of testosterone could make me disturb a little sleeping cat

r-selected reproductive strategy.

Limit resources and you get a K-strategy, designed to produce capable, fit offspring who survive the stresses. The strategy featuers agression/protectiveness, monogamy/fit-mate monopolization, two-parent rearing, later age at first intercourse (to get fittest lifelong mate), and loyalty to competitive in-group. Here, masculine men protect, as feminine women guide offspring away from dangers the male confronts. Think wolves.

Provide free resources, and you get an r-selected strategy. The instincts are conflict aversion, promiscuity, low-investment single mother rearing, earlier age at first intercourse, and no loyalty to any ingroup. Females get big and aggressive to provision and protect the offspring they rear alone, while males get smaller, more flashy, and more feminine to avoid conflict and mate prodigiously. The gial is simply ptoduce as many offspring as possible as fast as possibel to exploit the glut, and since every child has free food, there is no consideration of fitness. This produces bet-spreading, meaning you mate with as much strange as possible to produce as many offspring as possible. Think rabbits.

We are in a glut unlike anything history has ever seen, and many of our gnetically predispoised r-strategists are going hyper r, and reversing sexual dimorphism, and even sexual preference. Men ar eprefering more masculine traits, as women seek out the effete flashy boys.

There are so many tranny niggers and they end up getting killed by the niggers they tried to hook up with

It is because western society is collapsing. Eventually all the "transwomen" will be beheaded by roaming bands of brown people making it a pointless venture.

White people are the number 1 enemy of Jews.

Anyway they can poison you, corrupt you with drugs, made you eat soy, turning men into women and women into men, promote childlessness, they will do it until there's not a single white people on earth.


Where did you even find this

If I told you, you wouldn't believe me. So what's the point of this?

they are fags with fake tits


That image is old as tits

And white "men" wont do a single thing about it. Coming here made me empathize with you white folk, now i just pity you, and hopes your suffering ends soon.

try us

Whiteboys can't compete anymore, they're assuming their natural role.

Being a woman in the modern world is hard and they want extra challenge.

They can't get laid.
Also this

Because they are faggots.

Because women suck at being women so we take their jobs now

You need to kys fast

Because they can't accept the fact the they are failures as men so they pretend they were just women all along.

> Be White male = scum of the earth and constant target of liberal hate..
>See opportunity to escape the hate
> become a woman
It’s fucked up but that’s part of the process and the way these fuckers would be acting.

This is the guy. The fucking water does have chemicals anons.

A lack of Christianity


This the latest transformation

Are the black people holding onto the girls so they don't drown?

lack of soy
>tfw BAZINGA knows


*Why are men pretending to be women*

They embody the type of sexism they lambast the sane with. Putting on nail polish, and sporting a dress don’t make you a women - they make you a cross-dresser of suspect.

cause somethings causing a chemical imbalance in these poor fuckers head

If you have seen AGDQ live stream these days you can see why.

Mental illness, men feeling like they failed being men so they pretend themselves being women so they won't feel like failed men.

We are being replaced. And by we, I don't mean white people. I mean humans in general. They are building a world without humans, which is why automation is rapidly replacing the need for human workers. It's exactly why they're pushing for a 20k+/a year "free money", they know people will become lazy when getting these funds. We're dealing with trans-humanist billionaires who want a complete AI takeover.

Holy fuck

I was going to tell you to kill yourself but then I saw the flag and realized I probably don't have to

Kys, you don't know how shitty it is to be a woman.

it's the only way to avoid the #metoo rape accusations after you get a little bit of money saved.


This should be mandatory posting.

trap porn
no gf - no knowledge about being a man or what a real woman feels like
female hormones in tap water
le (((toxic masculinity))) meme
broken families - no father figure
etc. etc.


>army vet
i knew those guys were faggots

This. They NEVER pass. They're all dudes (blokes?) with wigs. The hormones give them saggy, disgusting man tits and that's all.

soy and similar chemicals
alex jones wasnt wrong about the frogs


Hormone poisoning additives in everything

Behavioral meds leeching into water supply



In a civilized country that thing wouldn't pass as (((woman))), let alone having an easier life.



The kikes have exploited our weaknesses perfectly. It didn't kick into overdrive until World War ||. Whites were "hard" before that and didn't take shit off negroes, sand niggers, gooks or women.

We did sort-of take shit from kikes, though. We've always had a problem with kikes and kike-worship (which I chalk up to naïveté)

speaking of this, I saw a wh*Te tranny in class today

Turns out that when you start indoctrinating kids
at 5 years old in school with the gay agenda,
start pushing the gay agenda in the media, fill
all the food with soy, put endocrine disrupting
fluoride in the water supply, all these things
have a feminizing effect on the male population.
Plus, this generation is a bunch of chronic
wankers which leads to low test, chronic
elevation of prolactin and oxytocin (the
feminizing cuddle hormone), down regulates
androgen receptor density in the brain, and
other feminizing effects. (((Who))) would have known.

that's not the point though, They saying its easier in cucked western nations specifically in areas dominated by leftism.


They coming after you guys already theres a lot of black trannies as well. Which is a lot given the percentage of niggers in western countries.

Not to mention how that one rapper sexually assaulted by a white tranny was shamed for not putting out for said white tranny.

Thats so much bullshit it would hurt my head if I werent shitfaced right now.

Only the truly mentally damaged can be conditioned by lesbian and cuck porn.

The way that text omits real world factors such as people being lazy and hooking up for money, sex not being that big of a deal past your hormone fueled teens and whole range of paranoid anxieties that you hopefully shed by your early twenties really makes it seem like the crazy ramblings of an angry unpopular kid.

It's a combination of environmental and social factors. Subconscious conditioning and hormones. It's not accidental.

Probably because you have never experienced any amount of testosterone.
>Is a man
>Has a cat

It's hard to laugh at this. I genuinely feel bad.


Jesus fucking Christ this is awful, where does this shit even happen, what is this from?

That's true, but thanks god not in my flag related country...for the moment.

They use to beat here that abominations.

as a hot trap I agree with what is said here about trap porn. But for me, i'm bisexual and gender fluid so I want to have sex w/ men anyways.

But don't disregard the extent of bisexuality among men. There's as many men bisexuals doing gay shit as there are women who do lesbian shit. If male bisexuality was culturally acceptable like it is for girls it would be the exact same level.

Trump claims transgender
Trump becomes first woman president

>that caption

Quads of truth and insightfulness.

Just pick the fucker up and move him a couple feet away the little cunt will be back to sleep in 30 seconds

There has never been a better time in human history to be a woman and a worse one to be a man.

>as a hot trap
>hot trap
the delusion of trannies

How is life easier as a woman? This board is full of sexist, CIS, straight white males.

The Eternal Italo.

What the Hell is that?

Why are american men becoming women*

What about the trout’s pregnancy? It’s short.

They aren't.

All this bullshit is a creation of the media.

There has always been a microscopically small amount of this -- but it is being pushed hard in the wake of the gay marriage thing.

Pets are good for families but I'll agree that keeping any sort of pet when you're a single adult is essentially just voluntarily cucking yourself for ~10 years.

Confederacy of Independent Systems


Bad Jew philosophies of the subject/ Not enough Heidegger

Yeah, lots of us are bisexual, but do you know the true reason we keep it in the closet?

Women are the ones that can't handle it. I've fucked and dated innumerable women and the general opinion is "yeah I support gays, love my gay friends, yeah I've experimented, but if I ever found out you did any gay shit? You would be dead to me and I would rat you out. You have never done anything with a dude...have you?"

>klinefelter syndrome

>republic of ireland
You literally come from a country which voted in sodomite marriage by referendum.

Is sheldon, dare I say it, /ourguy/?