Why are Japanese women so based?

Why are Japanese women so based?

>wants random potentially dangerous stranger to protect them

Oh God, this is dangerously naive...

just checked, this posting is gone

either fake or old and gay


For her, or the Australian English teacher?

>get to use a qtpie as a chingchangfuckdoll for free
where do I sign up?

Ok but can you also protec her tho

This is how every Japanese horror movie starts.

all the Misatos I know of are drunken slobs

>you can use for short time for trip


I rub a few out to that film desu

>Potentially dangerous

I'm already on the way my man. You were too slow to beat up on that nip puss and end up indebted to the Yakuza pimp who set the ad up.

It's true; that's what happened to Jake Adelstein

i can protek and respek

This is hot

sounds like a trap to me.

is there an option to become a stay-at-home husband?
i'm tired of working desu

How is that in any way based?

Where can I find jap qt gf?

How many anons just purchased plane tickets?

Oh my god, she's just... so innocent.

Wild guess: Japan.

>a literal craigslist ad
hope you're okay with getting robbed at gun point

She is gonna get fucked by a black


I'm could spare a kidney if the price is right.

>i can be your hero baby

do you not want qt jp trap gf?


It is a good idea but I heard many bad things about Japanese work culture. Maybe some date site for meeting in Europe trip?


I've seen Audition.

No way would I go near this.

that would be gay

This is how the Yakuza gets fresh kidneys from dumb boomers on vacation

she said native English-speaker you goof

>from april 2016

The English teacher who is going to inevitably harvested for organs.

>where's my kidney?

Kekd i\for real

She gon get that BWC

post yfw the english teacher in japan shitposting here regularly gets the room

Fuck me I'm an english teacher now.

>people actually think this is real
are you people fucking kidding me?

Would actually be down for such a gig, working security and while teaching English would be a fun side job.

Shut the fuck up you dumb hysterical feminist cunt WHO TOLD YOU TO COME HERE
That's it I'm buying more ammo


This may surprise you, but I'm not actually Enrique Iglesias.

Lucky for you. His hairpiece is so obvious.

Sure thing Enrique, By the way, can I get an autograph?

whites are the only truly "dangerous" race
See: 1700s, 1800s, 1900s etc.

Nip work culture only applies to Nips. Your white gaijin skin protects you from 90 hours workweeks.

It's called conditioner.
Sure, but it's definitely a fake.

>inb4 some naive idiot takes up her offer and ends up having his kidneys harvested.

I'll treasure this forever, Enrique.

Y-you too.

Wtf that’s an amazing deal. Brb moving to Tokyo.

>Wants an English teacher.
>Already has higher English literacy in advertisement than most burger posters.
Of course it's fake.


How do I get cupboards like that?

Wow, so rude you’d say this. The us in the USA been speak English at high level longer than you aus cunts have been a state.

>the us in the USA
>been speak English at high level
5.6/10 bait

>thinking this is real

so rude you'd say this

so rude you'd say this

so rude you'd say this

When she's scared I'll slip it right in her box.

This is you I take it?

na nani!?

wait, did he tie their underwear together? that's hilarious

That is just so Japan.

Yeah he tied 'em up real good. Though I don't know if that happened in Japan or China. This one was china though.

> just checked, this posting is gone
> april 2016
turbo autism


That's a Korean infiltrator my friend.

>falling for the oldest Yakuza trick in the book

> advertising that you want to ride the cock carousel
No wonder Japan has the highest female age at marriage and first child in the world

If you can't show EVEN ONE article proving organs have EVER been involuntarily harvested in Japan, you must commit suicide immediately

so how do we know this girl wasn't luring tourists to kill viciously kill them

>Bust your nut in some azn qt
>She tells you that we are going to be together forever and slits your throat
Doesn't sound that bad to be honest family.

atleast he gets to reproduce unlike 99% of you faggots here

dude she's Japanese... you know there'd be all kinds of freaky shit before she gets to the freaky shit. And that's IF she doesn't eat your soul or whatever yurei do

It's true, she should be asking for 3 niggers to move in and teach her kikongo.

who would win, the purity of the white race, or one japanese qt?

cant read post says for April 2016 but looking for a way to teach English, do you burgers have to wake up and try to be this dumb or is it natuaral occurance?

mostly was just counterpointing the notion that her ad was possibly naive, however, your posts have really intensified my thinking

It says she wants to be a foreign exchange student in 2016...

meh, same shit happened to me when my friends got lost on a pacific island with this qt 3.14 black chick.

But then she'd get Wolbachia.

God, watching natural selection at work is amazing.

What website is this from?

Yeah, the 58yo perv who responds first will end up, at best, broke, beaten and anally raped when they finally come to washed up on a North Korean beach. So, yeah, pretty "based".

>Implying you wouldn't do the same
That asshat didn't hold the elevator and as a result got kamikaze'd by a chink on a rascal.

i bet she invited a nigger. she'd never invite fucking weeaboo losers. kek

no, it's not
they'd have fallend through a hole at the top of the escalator

looks like craigslist.

This is how fat westerners end up owing money to the yakuza

if you want to learn some broke ass english i'm here babe
you'll swear like a truck driver in french in no time too

Maybe. Problem?

no thanks I don’t care enough

>kamikaze'd by a chink on a rascal
fucking lol