Still banging porn stars at 70 like a young buck.
Did he shithole her?
>According to people familiar
This shit again?!
>according to people familiar with the matter
Sounds credible
why is this bad?
Sliding James O'keefe twitter story hard I see.
Bigly if true
is WSJ fake news now?
and it was all consensual and reported during election week
WSJ are fucking hacks copying 2 year old story
The fucking porn star denied it herself, in the article.
Either you didn’t read it (in which case you’re a moron)
Or you a godamn shill.
Which is it?
Don't care.
None of my biniss. People know the Donald wasn't running for Pope... everyone knows what he's about,
Party of family values.
Poor Melania.
And yet the evangelicals still voted for him.
>this will increase the alpha black male vote in 2020
>everything is a slide against dumb shit only poltards care about
>The fucking porn star denied it herself, in the article.
That doesn't matter, user, people (((familiar with the matter))) said it happened.
Do you think she wants to be sued by Trump? She’s under NDA. Are you retarded?
The point of the article is that she was paid $130k to deny it. I don't see why people are treating this as a bad thing. It only makes Trump more BASED imo.
Proof or gtfo
What do our resident christcucks and anti-degeneracy sperglords have to say about this?
>everyone knows what he's about
Family values™
MAGA chuds want this thread to go away
yes, when they put out things from nonexistent sources, yes
allegedly I fucked Obama's daughter
>allegedly I fucked Obama's daughter
Can confirm, it's true, I saw them do it.
Now if we were talking about Ivanka, this would be a mainstream news story.
>implying anyone on Sup Forums actually gives a fuck about family values
>according to people familiar with his thinking
>according to people familiar with their reactions
>according to people familiar with "the matter"
Only when “family values” means kicking out the fags, the dykes, and the trannies
Sometimes it's smart to pay more.
lol an NDA it's prostitution. if it were true, she couldn't be sued for saying so.
The only time Trump pays his employees
I would arrange to get my money back from that stupid whore who can't keep her shit hole shut
Source: ASS
wow yeah i mean where is a porn star going to get $130k, hmm
>implying niggers get to stay
This. Stopped reading right there. That's the FAKE NEWS giveaway line.
it always has been, weren't you around when they sperged out over pewdiepie making some harmless joke?
>trump bangs porn slut
>pays her 130k not to blab about t before the election
>she says “ok”
Wow this is important lol
NDAs have nothing to do with whether something is true. They just make it so you can’t talk about it.
>implying anyone should care about a shit like this
If trump keeps doing what he’s been doing I don’t care if he fucks gay Haitians in the Oval Office
>a shit
Evening, tovarishch, hope you’re enjoying a fine vodka
>implying Trump would even need to pay for sex
Remember, when you're rich, they let you (aka, consent to) grab their pussy.
He wasn't paying her to have sex. He was paying her not to go to the press.
apparently he should have paid the lawyer to keep quiet too
His lawsuit after the release of the Fusion GPS transcript showed how easily baited Cohen is
Like Trump would care.
I don’t know man, if this was true it would have leaked during the presidential campaign
Hell, like *I* would care. The idea that politicians should be paragons of moral virtue is utterly retarded. Trump could screw a man for all I care.
more democratic FUD
>according to people familiar with the matter
Okay, fake news it is.
Which one did he fuck.
I need to know if he has patrician or plebeian taste.
Jews jewing again I see, what's new?
Damn. I wish I could make $130k for writing my name on a piece of paper.
>paying for roastie puss like a beta
>pewdiepie is a nahtziiiii
>pay 15 a month for a subscription goy
>actual evidence for Trumps sexual encounters
"Fake news!"
>no evidence for Bill Clinton's sexual encounters
"Liberal scumbag!", "typical lib"
Like it matters.
Whatever his taste is everybody here will just say it is patrician like the good little mind slaves they are.
Is this a reasonable loophole for prostitution? How is this not a common thing?
>I want to stick benis in vag. Just two consensual adults here, okay? But also, I don't want anyone knowing we fugged so I'll only do it if you agree not to tell anyone. I'll compensate you $200 for your media silence.
Fake news. This fake story has been going on for 2 years now. She sis considering suing news outlets for this story.
paying for a girl's time is not illegal. Paying for sex is illegal. If two consenting adults have sex during this time, then that's just a coincidence. It's not illegal.
still doesn't beat Washington who banged and impregnated his black slaves.
Trump on the $2 bill when
The penalty for breaking that NDA must be YUGE.
This is what you say if you want to avoid a police sting operation: "Hey, I'll pay $200 to take pictures of you naked."
If she agrees, then she's not an undercover agent. if she disagrees, then get the fuck out. Once she strips, then you can hand her an envelope of money and start fucking.
There is so solid evidence that Bill Clinton raped anybody. Is that fake news too?
>he thinks professional nude models are just hookers
Washington and Jefferson were playboys. I bet they made the other slaves as they fucked the women. Even Franklin was a wild boy. He was definitely a milf hunter.
Obviously, you hire a hooker. When she asks what you want, you say nude pictures. A hooker is going to say yes because it's easy money. An undercover agent is not going to take off her clothes (usually she's wired or the room is bugged). The undercover agent never has sex with the customer. This is how you can tell if the hooker is a cop or not.
I get stuff like that, but a deal like this would allow you to lay out exactly what you want sexually in advance.
Literally my first thought when i saw this
Hey guys Trump an user 6 dollars to deny sucking his dick
>wtf I did not suck his dick
Haha see look he's denying it like he was paid to
I won't believe it until 17 intelligence agencies suspect it and it's been verified by FactCheck, PolitiFact and Snopes first.
>Sup Forums is one person
oh user