Daily dose of redpills continued
>God created universe in 6 days
>earth is ~6000 years old
>d*rwin's theory of evolution is a lie
>punishment for a single sin is death
>every man is a sinner and deserves eternal death, except for Jesus Christ who is the only man to live His life without a single sin.
>salvation is a free gift from God for every person who ask for it.
>purgatory doesn't exist.
>all christians are children of God, no matter what their ehtnicity is
>christians are spiritually jewish
>faggotry is blasphemy against God
>catholics are devils' worshippers
>racemixing is allowed if both people are Christians and from the same country. Nation mixing, however, is not.
>atheism is mental illness
>Hitler did everything wrong
Daily dose of redpills continued
Other urls found in this thread:
>worshipping a Jew supremacist deity
Christfags are truely cucks.
>Hitler did everything wrong
If only...
christians gave jews there power.
When will sharts stop instrumentalizing Satan all the time.
Everything is Satan for them.
That how you become Satan yourself.
Why would you waste your time knowing that no one in those thread thakes your bullshit seriously? Also
t. Autism
only you? well if you don't seek the truth why are you even here hm? You want to be lied to go watch CNN or some fox news tv programming by some fucking KIKES.
Actually, the commandment not to lend at interest is given by Moses to the Israelites, so the idea that the Jews could magically loan to gentiles is false. Charlemagne was a heretical Jew puppet.
Jews have been despised in Europe for all of their presence here and for various reasons. Foremost for murdering Jesus Christ and creating a religion based on blaspheming Him and worshiping Satan. But also for their predatory lending practices.
I don't need to seek the truth anymore, because I already know the truth.
The truth that Yahweh is a jew supremacist who doesnt care about you?
>hating something what supposedly doesn't exist this much
>Jewish war God
>tells us to love our enemies, then proceeds to save humanity from their sins and curses the Jews for murdering his son
Oops, your narrative fell apart pretty quickly lol
desu I hate jews therefore I hate christianity. I also want to save my white brothers from worshiping a fucking kike.
>reating a religion based on blaspheming Him and worshiping Satan
And where is that religion?
>implying Kikesus existed
t. batshit insane delusion
Jewish war god
You are full of crap. If my english was better, I would write an elaborate on how you are so stupid.
hmmm poland really fucking lvoes the EU
>Be gentile
>See jew war god
>Make up lies about it being a nice gentile lover so you can spread your cuck religion across Europe with no issues.
Not an argument. Also
>"Are you ready to give your heart, mind and soul to Jesus Christ for the restoration of our Christian culture in the western world, user?"
kys christcuck
yes i am Jamal
A real christian woman wouldnt dress like that whore. Such a cuck religion it cant even control its women.
The jews are God's chosen people you Christ cuck
Blaming satan on everything is baby christian behaviour , satan only does gods job like in job
>Christians are God's chosen people
>only salvation can come from jews
Acts 10:34-35
>Covered shoulders
>Skirt covering knees
>Chest covered
She only needs a head covering while praying according to Ephesians.
>And where is that religion?
It's called Judaism
Impossible. The Bible says that "he who hath not the Son, the same hath not the Father". The Jews are worshiping Satan. That's why Jesus says that "ye are of your father the devil" and in Revelation calls them the "synagogue of Satan".
Quickly, save your narrative with some meme image, comon!!
>race mixing is okay as long as they are christian
The jewble literally doesnt even say that christshit.
>She only needs a head covering while praying according to Ephesians.
Corinthians says that her hair IS her covering, so no need for that.
God doesn't exist
The Bible was made by jews and you still claim they dont worship Yahweh. Yahweh is LITERALLY THEIR GOD.
Nope looks like a whore
Race mixing or even nation mixing is not Biblical according to Leviticus 21:14.. most Christians just don't wanna accept that fact because they want to be politically correct.
Religion is bluepilled as fuck, what the hell are you talking about.
Um i'm sorry honey but thats bullshit also that fucking scripture lol not even related
Do you have some material on your school of thought.
I asked last thread but it's gone.
>The Bible was made by jews
Wrong, it was made by God.
>28As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, they are beloved for the fathers' sakes. 29For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance. 30For as ye in times past have not believed God, yet have now obtained mercy through their unbelief: 31Even so have these also now not believed, that through your mercy they also may obtain mercy. 32For God hath concluded them all in unbelief, that he might have mercy upon all.
the jews are our enemies but they are beloved to the father
No it was made by jews thats why it fellates jews so much. You worship a fucking jew.
Wchich relligion?
Considering we as Christians are a priesthood of believers, Leviticus is just as applicable today as at any time in history. "All Scripture is profitable for doctrine". You're just grasping after straws to fit your pagan narrative.
oh boy here he is posting anti-pagan shit again figures you'd start. Christcucks HATE it when whites want to go back to there blood religion. NOT WORSHIPING A JEW? BAD YOU ARE GOING TO HELL! Don't want non-whites? DOn't want to import foreign cultures? HEY LETS IMPORT OUR FUCKING RELIGION.
This is what i posted
>How do i give material? you read the bible and you take what you read for truth , maybe it will take months to understand the true meaning of a verse, i was agnostic at first about a lot of stuff, but slowly god granted me the truth and i know now 100 % truth about the most important doctrine..
>The most important thing is that the bible is supernatural , thats why you have 2000 denominations , thats why you have crusaders killing muslims and eating them while jesus was a man of peace
I already told your stupid christfag ass that THE OLD TESTAMENT IS LITERALLY JEW FANFICTION NONE OF IT HAPPENED!
Exodus 31: 15 Six days may work be done but on the seventh is the Sabbath of complete rest, holy to the Lord. Whoever does any work on the Sabbath day will surely be put to death. What an all loving God this is! I totally believe this religion made by the Jews to make them look like the holy victim's. Have fun worshipping your Jew savior, and remember! NO WORKING ON SUNDAY OR YOU WILL BE PUT DOWN GOYIM!1!
Yeah, I "hate it" when whites worship Satanic demons that will land them a ticket straight to hell. I want whites saved and going to heaven. You're not making sense at this point, calm down.
>gods are mixed race
In the old Europe this cuck would have his skull massaged with an axe from a viking for saying this.
yes because for thousands upon thousands of years somehow we were worshiping fucking demons until a jew came along and saved us all. Please fuck off you kike fuck.
Didnt happen either try again retard.
Okay, you're saying that God give NOT give Moses the law at mount Sinai? Then you might as well leave this thread if you're not interested in going to heaven.
Read the first 3 lines and stopped. Religious cucks really are retarded.
Its actually saturday the church changed the day .. praise jesus all sins are forgiven
Moses never fucking existed retard its a jew fable to explain to their kids why they should act moral towards other jews. Egyptians have no record of kike slaves in their history either.
Jesus abolished sabbath
That's right. For "thousands and thousands of years", most people around the world that were scattered after the Tower of Babel worshiped Satanic creatures and followed weird pagan cults. That's just a fact. There is no coherent pagan religion because it's all made-up nonsense.
Tell me why you worship a Jew user, does he feel good inside you?
hahaha you are fucking insane gb2/x/
Jesus finished the carnal ordinances you absolute moron.
only the last line is even half true - the rest is obviously trash
I hoped for sources.
Like links and books.
I'm disapointed now. You seem in the end still be just a self enlighted dude.
>As a thorn goeth into the hand of a drunkard, so is a parable in the mouth of a fool.
>paganism is about peace and love guy :)
No paganism was nothing more than European tribal savage religions they are anything but peaceful in message. Nords used their gods to justify their batshit insanity centuries ago they even had a warrior afterlife thats how violent they were. All these Odinist modern cucks claiming Odinism being some faith about peace need to be axed in the head.
>tower of babel
>old testament
gb2/x/ you pro-race mixing nigger lover
When you break the law you will probably do it again to die is to save your soul because nothing gets added to the sins
as paul would put it
1 Corinthians 5:5
>To deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.
False. The Bible is crystal clear that it happened.
Even jews admitted old testament was bullshit they made up.
Keep touting your unbiblical narratives that some Jew Kekistani taught you at the Republican convention.
Jews are liars, so I wouldn't trust their words on what the Old Testament says or doesn't say. When you create an entire religion based on denying your own Savior, that's fucked up. "Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ".
>Keep touting your unbiblical narratives
the only unbiblical narratives that are being said here are from you kiddo.
>>punishment for a single sin is death
I always kek at this one
If jews are liars then you shouldnt be following the christian religion you fucking tard.
Really? Is that why I can defend my positions biblically whereas you outright deny biblical authority?
The bible is their book you retard so if they say its fake then its fake.
>your own savior
Jews worship the big guy Yahweh not the roman myth Jesus.
I follow the religion of the Bible, so naturally I'm against the Jews and the false religion of Judaism created by the Pharisees. You people still don't understand that Christianity IS the religion of the Old Testament, it is the fulfillment of the promises and prophesies of the Old Testament.
>polish flag
>he's a filthy prot
What's it like to betray your country and the True Church founded by Christ?
Christianity is nothing but roman lies.
>The bible is their book
Then why don't they follow it? Because it's not their book, that's why.
>Jews worship the big guy Yahweh
Impossible. If they don't have Jesus they don't have the Father. "He who hath not the Son, the same hath not the Father".
The only source i have is the bible and the spirit of truth but to get that you must 100% turn of your ego , and accept things how they are, jesus wants you to be a poor fag for instance , its jesus teachings many people create a image of him what they like most , then you get things like just war
>Then why don't they follow it? Because it's not their book, that's why.
Because they arent retarded like you.
>If they don't have Jesus they don't have the Father.
There is no Jesus only Yahweh Jesus never fucking existed at all.
>Because they arent retarded like you.
Now who's the praising the Jews, Jew?
>There is no Jesus only Yahweh
Oh, so now the Old Testament IS fact, all of a sudden? Make up your mind!
I won't build my house on the rotten foundations. I don't care about this shitty tradition and pope can kiss my ass.
ok i will ask St. John Paul the Great to pray for you.
that is what you are doing right now retard.
>Judaism created by the Pharisees
HAHAHAHA fuck you need to read history and not some kike rewriting it