Why do so many millenials suffer from ''gender disphoria'' ?
It used to be in my day being born a man meant you won the genetic lottery and being born a woman meant you have a duty to raise children
Why do so many millenials suffer from ''gender disphoria'' ?
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It's called narcissism
>culture of excess and boredom
Because the left has spent decades destroying gender relations to the point that literally nobody feels comfortable anymore (even the white women + niggers, white men + asains, white men are betas, white women are sluts, etc memes are a part of this). This is just their next move to capitalize on the destruction they've already caused, and milk it till the last drop.
Gender dysphoria? It is tumblr, social justice, and (if it's real, just heard of it) things like gender studies. And not only gender dysphoria comes from these tumours.
Being born a male probably means going to work to dangerous places, where a dumb mistake takes your life or job. So many men are not ready for that, its not even "funny wimp" now
Should've clarified that what transgenderism
ultimately is, is a form of escapism from the damage that left itself has wrought on western gender relations (even neotraditionalism probably has a bit of this in it as well, just done more responsibly).
>being born a man meant you won the genetic lottery
There are literally no benefits to being a man in the modern world.
>being born a woman meant you have a duty to raise children
And many women have personal dreams and ambitions and don't want to have or raise children.
dang she's cute
Haha, in your day huh? How old are you?
shes also a boy
If being a man meant you won the genetic lottery back then it's a case that feminism had a point.
>only women have a duty to raise children
nigger spotted
Soft plastics, vinyl floorings and fire redundants for example. Seriously, look it up. The chemicals in modern western enviroments have been linked both to hormonal disorders and developement of autism in children.
Keep your kids away from plastic food and drink containers, and try to keep plastic consumer goods in general at minimum.
Soy Letichin
Because all millennial faggots are all attention craving faggots and being a woman is the most entitled position you can have in our society at the moment. so these cock craving faggots what the attention thot thots are getting so they themselves choose to become ugly women.
In a culture that women dominate obviously men who are about "self-betterment" would strive to become women because women gain more in said society/culture
It's hive instincts, it's probably a rarity to find a rural tranny
>getting to do the more dangerous jobs
>getting to go to war
>getting to support parasitic women
Because its an edgy fad they can use to get benefits.
"Oh im a white straight kid from a middle/high income family, nothing went wrong for me in life. But my lefty friends wont accept me unless im oppressed."
Being gay/trans is the easiest ticket onto the oppression gravy train. Just kiss a dude or say you're a woman and you're in.
what's her name?
higher suicide and death rates
higher unemplyment
yep... sucks but society won't even give a "thank you" to men anymore. I can actually understand why people's minds snap and they suddenly start chugging soylent
it's mostly because of decades of brainwashing but this obviously can't help
More men chop their dicks off than women get fake cocks sewn on. Gender relations in current year are so fucked. Talk to an old timer and they'll tell you like it is. They never thought it would get this bad this quickly.
I guess this is what the Templars wanted with Baphomet
>t.over 1k year old vampire
But don’t you have to actually suck dicks? Seems to me that is a pretty extreme act for acceptance.
Do you realize it is a "trap" or "tranny"?
Soe Gschwind-Penski
I would motorboat that man's ass until i die huffing his farts. No homo.
Feminism did have a point. Until we brough into law the civil rights act of 1964.
Then claim your bi, queer, pansexual, demisexual or bullshitsexual.
Remove the need to suck dicks without losing the benefits.
Or say that youre a lesbian transwoman. That works and you get added oppression points.
Stop selfposting.
An interesting angle is that of nation states. I heard this gender relations researcher on the radio talk about it. He said that the founding of nation states also brought conscription. Where medieval armies tended to be professional, or levies in the less developed militaries, the nation state brought EVERY man it could into service. This idea had reverberations in many other parts of society. If the baseline is that you as a man can be sent off to die as a default, then that makes you expendable. Not just killing and dying, but look at workplace deaths, overwhelmingly male.
The modern world brought us the idea that '''you''' are expendable, because '''you''' are a man.
Case in point, switching over to being female is a survival tactic for modern men. Whether they realize or not. Why shouldn't they, its the rational move.
Disregard everything
We fascists would immediately cut this shit out and change the family back to the ordinary!
Its suprisingly common for a boy to try on a dress or a girl to run around in a top hat. The left has told them this means they shop chop up their genitals
You can convince stupid people of most anything and most of society is stupid. They were bred that way.
The laws and traditions that furthered our civilization in antiquity selected for the sort of people that would eventually be its downfall once the nobility went rotten. And here we are.
Plastics and other environmental factors are setting us up for wide spread ecological collapse, so the elite in society is trying to get ahead of the curve and make being born with both sets of genitals seem like a status symbol. The 2010 Comedy Central 'Ugly Americans' was deep state propaganda to get us used to the idea of living in shit while large multinational corporations continue to profit from poisoning us. No, I'm not joking.
>What the left wants
Mob Rule of women to fuel the storm.
White Racism.
Advocates of kin-centered lifestyles.
They want no libertarian order.
no, she's not. she's an actual girl. probably a dyke though
>The 2010 Comedy Central 'Ugly Americans' was deep state propaganda to get us used to the idea of living in shit while large multinational corporations continue to profit from poisoning us. No, I'm not joking.
How do you know this, what dots do you connect?
I remember this show.
They dont. As a doctor in Canuckistan, I am required by law to refer anyoen to a shrink the minute they express the slightest signs of "gender disphoria". Previously, I could discuss things with them or hear out my patients problems and decide on if they need a psychiatrist or maybe some hormonal treatment or find out more about what is wrong. Now I cannot do anything and am required by law to send them off.
The typical response from the psychiatrists is usually within 2 to 3 meetings with the patient. This can be anywhere from 2-8 weeks with Canadian healthcare and factoring in severity of hte case. My most recent case took exactly 17 days to hear from the psychiatrist.
Whatever the psychiatrist recommends is what I must follow. It is almost universally, regardless of the patient's length of gender disphoria or other symptoms, a diagnosis to immediately start them on hormone treatment and paperwork to change their gender (name, medical forms, etc). Going with most recent example, after 17 days, they had met twice. 2 hours with this quack and my 17 year old patient whom I have looked after for his entire life (didnt deliver, but mother was at my practice since before pregnancy and nearly 25 years with the family) was now declared a different gender and I must, by law, change all files and paperwork to reflect the new gender and begin the hormone treatment.
Previous treatment for cases like this in Canada required a year living as the other gender and only in extreme cases (months of therapy and checking for abuse, as most of these cases are the result of some form of sexual abuse, and looking into bullying and other aspects of their life). A typical hormone treatment would take years before it began. This was 17 fucking days. I will be legally responsible and risk my life and practice if I tell my patient I dont believe in this nonsense and if I mention to his parents that I believe they are making a serious mistake.
Comedy Central --> Viacom --> Gamco Investors --> Banking Cartels/Deep State
thank you ^^
Soe Gschwind-Penski
some people gravitate towards what they find to be "easy mode" . you see this a lot in online games and at a point new people actively start asking which class rapes. they just think women will have it easier by way of social politics and the entire its her turn mentality.
they bet on the loosing horse. nothing more. and to be clear there were multiple horses they could have bet on. shaun king bet on the black horse. white men could pretend to be many things. pretending to be a woman may be easier for some
I think it's more that that. In many ways the educational system has been skewed to favor females over males. In the US at least, there has been a reduction of physical education at the primary school, level. Post modernists know (even if they won't acknowledge it publicly) that sexual dimorphism is real and that men a physically superior to women, at least developmentally. So the sysem has been designed to deemphasise the masculine, even vilify it while celebrating the feminine. It has created a generation of self loathing males who see being female ans an advantage. The establishment encourages this for a number of reasons. It delays the inevitable masculine backlash which they believe can be delayed until it's too late. It creates guilt ridden allies, and long term it destroys traditional values and eventually leads to normalizing pedophilia. (if a 6 year old can choose to chop of their dick, they can choose to have sex with an adult)
When school curriculums K-College preach leftist gender identity politics, you're going to brainwash entire generations (anyone born 2000 on) to question their true identity at all times leading to more insecurity and damage.
You could make up something completely ridiculous like some people actually have the soul of a dog, not a human, teach this in schools K-College and a small % of children, whom are usually already weak minded/gullible/insecure are going to actually believe they have the soul of a dog.
kids can be told anything and they'll usually accept it as 100% fact especially coming from schools therefore teaching the political agenda of gender identity is literally brainwashing children.
If the child in OP was never exposed to gender identity dogma, it's almost guaranteed he would grow into a normal adult male.
Gender disphoria is typically caused by other mental illnesses. Extreme cases of Schizophrenia, Bipolar disorder and PTSD are examples of such mental illnesses. Lets also not to forget to take in account that mind prescription drug use is at a all time high. These drugs can cause massive chemical changes in the brain when abused. Most Westerners use and abuse prescription medication for pleasure. The left promotes this in hopes to disarm the local male populace in the West.
Modern feminism is have your cake and eat it too.
Women have all the privileges of men while still having the significantly smaller responsibilities of women. This has resulted in quite possibly the most spoiled and entitled generation of females in human history. Women aged 20-35 today think the following:
1. I shouldn't have to raise kids or help around the house or learn cooking or any useful home ec skills because that's patriarchy
2. I shouldn't have to work or pay for dates because that's what a real man does
3. I shouldn't care who I sleep with a real man won't mind helping me raise Tyrones baby
4. I shouldn't have to stay fit and healthy because all bodies are beautiful
5. I shouldn't have to settle for a man at my level because any man under 6ft is ugly.
6. I shouldn't have to pay my own cellphone bill that's what husbands are for
7. I shoouldn't have to do anything because women were oppressed before I was born so now the world owes me a free ride for life.
There are a few good women, but the sad majority of millenial women think at least 2 of the above. Many legitimately believe all 7 and will utter them on tumblr completely lacking any self awareness in how assinine and logically self contradictory their beliefs are.
The result is many men would rather be women because it's really obvious to anyone who isn't retarded that girls have it easier these days.
Some days I'm a man in a woman's body; other days I'm such a girl it hurts, looking up 'unicorn nails' on pinterest and nearly licking the screen. What separates me from milennials is that I realize none of this is politically relevant, nor is it a problem, nor is it anyone else's responsibility. I'm a woman. That's a fact. How I feel on different days and at different times of my hormonal cycle doesn't enter into it.
do it. start controversy. ill donate to your patreon.
>won the genetic lottery
Most men in the past were considered expendable. All the "Honor and Duty" you hear about was to get men to band together and die en masse "for the good of society." Men are are still expected to do this. And many still do. 90% of all work fatalities are men doing the dangerous shit that has to be done for society to function. I'll believe in "gender equality" the day I see women hanging from helicopters hosing birdshit off of high voltage transmission wires. Feminism was started by sheltered rich bitches who never faced a day of hardship in their life. They like to talk about the glass ceiling, but none of them want to acknowledge the glass floor where men are doing the nasty, brutal and dangerous jobs that have to be done. Many women in the past opposed feminism because they lived in a brutal reality and realized thet the men were there functioning as a shield between them and a cruel world that gave no fucks about them. Modern women are isolated from that. They aren't aware, or barely acknowledge, that every aspect of the modern infrastructure that makes their relatively care free lives possible was constructed by men. Evey brick, every mile of asphalt, every foot of electrical, communication and water line was put in place by a man doing dangerous work and if every man disappeared tomorrow, society would collapse within days.
I agree with. If you ever go on /lgbt and look at the male to female traps, often they will talk about the benefits and advantages of being a woman and if they pass enough to receive them.
>They never thought it would get this bad this quickly.
You see shit like this in history, the fall of Rome, the collapse of Imperial Russia and so on, and you wonder, "how did it go downhill so fast." Now it's like, "Oh. That's how."
Then to add to this, there is absolutely nothing a woman can do wrong in this cultural climate. There is nothing that a support group will not praise her for. There is literally no such thing as a female mistake.
>Want to work on career?
You go girl! Smash the patriarchy!
>Don't want to work on career?
You go girl! Make your man work for ya! Haha!
>Want to raise kids?
You go girl! Being a mother is the hardest job on the planet!
>Don't want to raise kids?
You go girl! Women aren't just incubators! Show the patriarchy you are in control! #YesAllWomen
>Want to be a slut?
You go girl! Sluts and studs is an evil double standard created by the patriarchy to oppress womynkind! My body my rules!
>Don't want to be a slut?
You go girl! Whatever you want to do with your sexuality it's ok! #FuckMen
>Make a faux pass in a social situation
You go girl! The days of women having to watch what we say are over! Say whatever is on your mind!
>Want to kill your child
You go girl! It's your body!
>Want to divorce your husband and steal all his money
You go girl! Men owe it to us for their oppression of womyn! #LiterallyAllWhiteMenAreNazis #PunchNazis
>want to basically do anything as long as it's not blatantly against the law
You go girl! You go girl! You go girl!!!!
Name one thing. ONE SOCIAL THING- That women can do that is actually seen as wrong from a politically correct standpoint. There aren't any.
Ok I sit near a pre op tranny fuck in my math class. He is one of those 'i don't do social interaction its a waste of time' anxiety ridden fucks. He acts exactly like any tired out friendless male nerd in the world yet still dresses as a girl and all that shit. I don't understand it. He doesn't resemble a girl at all. just thinking about any girl i've ever talked to you can easily tell its a female even if you don't see them, and the same for males. You can tell this even through texting if you've ever lost your contacts...... I think some males don't want the responsibility of being male and I think it's pathetic to quit and be a fag instead.
Who is she and why do we see her daily?
marijuana, masturbation, and high levels of isolation (computers offering pseudo-replacement for social contact)
basically an entire generation has been encouraged to jack and smoke themselves off into autogyno
This is one of the most concise explanations for why feminism is horse shit I've seen. Well done user.
if only school for boys was the boy scouts back in the day
>There are literally no benefits to being a man in the modern world
except for being sane
child sex
>it's probably a rarity to find a rural tranny
The internet exists. Being rural doesn't mean being isolated from global culture anymore.
>as long as it's not blatantly against the law
And even then, women recieve significantly less punishment for it.
A man who fucks a child is going away for life. A women who does it gets parole in 2 years.
Can't claim credit. It's summarized from a screen cap that was more articulate that I lost when my last smartphone ate itself. I feel out of the habit of transferring things from my phone to the desktop and lost a bunch of stuff from 2016/2017 when it died in June.
F*CK the libertarians that ENABLED all this to happen... your bullsh*t "everyone is an individual and can be whatever they want to be" ideology is cancer. Not everyone is equal, some people need to "lose" so that their betters can "win" and take humanity to ever greater heights.
Be conservative/vote Republican.
Girls and boys learn differently. Even before puberty kicks in, boys are more physical. For them to learn properly, they need to be allowed to run around like the little barbarians they are. Girls need this to a lesser degree, but not as much as the boys. As I said, the goal is vilifying and eliminating masculinity. So instead of acknowledging the different educational needs of little boys, they're treated like defective little girls. Since they can't run and fight and play to burn off excess energy, the develop the attention span of a gnat. Little Johnny hates the fuck out of school and can't concentrate because he's locked down in a feminized cage for 8 hours a day when his developing body is telling him to MOVE and develop his muscles and coordination. Since Jhonny's grades are shit, his educator's pronounce he has a "disorder" and the pump him full of drugs to calm him down. Drugs that play merry Hell with his still developing nervous system and endocrine system. Somewhere along the way, little johnny decides it might be easier to be little Joan. He's already skinny, weak, shy and socially awkward. Being a girl is life on easy mode, as far as he can see. And the system that beat him down and crushed his masculinity tells him this is a viable option. Every doctor who prescribes hormone blockers to a prepubescent child should be put up against a wall and shot.