ITT: mango wisdom

ITT: mango wisdom





Besides obvious Chun Li, you have Asuka Kazama from Tekken, just with that the rest is pretty easy to find, new fags.



Sorry for not playing videogames like the rest of you manchildren.

Best teacher. Wish she was in my class back when I went to school~

And lessons for girls too!


Not every user can have grown man tastes like anime and hentai

Bocchi is truly the wisest.






>t. Kanaka


>Donovan will never be your friend



Well in Japan, yeah.

>no one can beat the cook.jpg






>the COOLEST guy!

Wrong thread... fuck it.




kitou ftw

I have to agree.





Well, shit.



Never forget.


>I should cut my hair







I miss old KyoAni.




source of the mango?

not true, rich people live on average 14 years longer than poor people

But they still will eventually die. No money can buy immortality.

At least yet.

Fuck, I didn't want to feel these feels today.
