>yfw amerimutts are literally slaves
Yfw amerimutts are literally slaves
you obviously don't know the definition of slavery
Good. Humans are slaves. 28 days is disgraceful. People should work 20 hours a day and sleep at work.
Teach me your ways Brit-san
Why would I pay someone if they are not working?
Because you are not a greedy piece of shit but a human being.
We do get paid vacation?Depends on what company you work with though.
>needing mommy government to mandate vacation days
>pay me something for LITERALLY sitting on a beach or you are a greedy piece of shit
The graph is "legally required paid vacation"
>25 days
absolute fairy tale bullshit
I have 4 week paid time off everyone I know has PTO I have no idea what the fuck your idiot chart means
20 days off a year OP,
Your move.
nah everyday is paid vacation.
now cross reference this with GDP per capita
The military gets paid vacation. In fact the military is paid 24/7 because they are technically "always on duty"
all those countries have 70% income tax lmao, and those are only government forced vacation days. americans get way more vacation than any of those retards im sure.
>28 days annually
If you work 5 days a week that's over 10% of work days of.
Pretty insane
how many days do you have?
>legally requiring companies to pay people not to work
Oh, misread it then, but still.
surely americans just get paid more then
or maybe not idk
doesn't really make any difference if you think about it
I get as many paid days off a year as I want, I pay less in taxes, and I have access to better healthcare.
Your move shithole
>Most workers who work a 5-day week must receive at least 28 days’ paid annual leave per year. This is the equivalent of 5.6 weeks of holiday.
>Bank or public holidays do not have to be given as paid leave. An employer can choose to include bank holidays as part of a worker’s statutory annual leave.
If you're working a job with a salary then you're going to get at least 10 paid days off plus all federal holidays. It's only on law that you don't need to give your minimum wage burger flippers a month off paid.
It's like pensions. Just don't bother and pay people more so they can save instead? It's like a safety net for people who are bad at planning for the future. Again we see society enabling the people who should automatically be eliminated from the gene pool, or at the very least, be unable to procreate. Historically if you failed to plan for the future, you starved.
Same shit with welfare. Enabling the failures.
It's up to the company
I get 3 weeks no question paid vacation a year and 6 sick days
I get about 30 every year and work from home 3 days a week.
why don't you faggots understand the very basics of labor market economics. it's so tiresome.
> employer offers package of benefits (including nonmonetary) in return for the workers time and effort
>nevertheless, if you price all these benefits the worker receives, you get the market equilibrium wage for that specific type of labor
>firms cannot pay more than the workers productivity, because there is competition with other firms
>firms cannot pay a lower wage than what the worker is worth either, otherwise he will change the employee
> once the government says: "amount X of nonmonetary form of compensation (e.g. paid vacation), the employer will give the employee less of something else, most importantly, the employee will decrease the wage paid
>Because you are not a greedy piece of shit but a human being
>but a human being
Smells of concentrated libshit with traces of hydrogen sulfide. Sage. Pay your workers when they earn it. It is NOT greedy, it is just. Human beings must not worship parasites and (((someone that looks like a victim)))s.
People don't want to or can't because of emotional politics. No politician has anything to gain by telling people to get a fucking grip and take personal responsibility. If monarchies are only as good as the monarch, democracies are only as good as the general population. I think the attitude and general intelligence of the general population has been declining in the West for oh 40 years now at least.
Then that blows. I get 12 holidays per year.. 10 vacation days.. 3 personal days.. and 12 sick days.
Cause your lazy entitled fukin mogs.Come to work on time so your job and you earn vacation it's not that hard fags...
Too bad that doesn't apply to 99% of the rest of your country you moronic larper. What a way to miss the point
Personally, I get 20 paid vacation days, 12 paid holidays, and every other Friday off (9/80 schedule).
No half bad.
"golem" is a much more fitting description
The chart is basically saying the USA has no federal laws mandating pto
Imagine having some actual free time! Incredible.
That's not capitalism buddy!
Over 80% of employed Americans get paid days off from their employers.
Euros simply can't comprehend anything getting done without riotinf for gubmint's help. Sad!
As a business owner, I probably don't work 15-20days per year (including weekends). Those days are usually spent over seas on vacation or family events. Why do people need 20+days of vacation plus weekends? Wtf do you do with your time? Sit around being consumer cucks giving all your sheckles to jews?
Stop working at a job that you "need" time off to not go insane.
>get a job you love and you will never work a day in your life
a bit of a normie phrase but its 100% true.
It's up to the employee and the employers to negotiate over paid vacation days. I'm pretty sure a lot of employed Americans have those in their employment contracts
I get 10 days a year PTO
It's pretty shitty but I'll take what I can get. I hate our "always be working or you'll never stand out and get ahead" culture at the office though. My boss is often here from 8am-8pm and has never taken a single sick day. How the fuck do you even compete with someone like that?
>I get 12 sick days
Sometimes I forget that US is a third world country.
The US has no federal law mandating it, but the average worker gets about 3 weeks off from their employers. See how that works, it's called a voluntary society.
Yeah didnt sweeden make it where people can only work 6 hours a day but get paid like they worked 8? Thank god the government is stepping in to help.
And burger flippers don't deserve vacation?
Finland literally has a smaller average wage and GDP per capita than the US.
Have fun being in prison for Islamophobia, Suomi.
there are like 100 weekend days in a year. Thats 100days of vacation already. Stop being factory drones and working a job that would make you go postal if you don't get time off.
I travel a lot for work and I'm always jealous of the work days Euros get
France was something like 35 hours max plus 2 hours paid lunch
Italy no work Sundays
Netherlands we had to get some wavier for them to let us burgers work 40 hours there
op is right we are slaves
If they want to strike for it. But do you seriously think the government should come in an force employers to give them some at the point of a gun?
Positive rights are cancer desu.
>government mandated after 10 years of service*
>not the actual average
>being this subservient to (((them)))
Did you have to strike to get your paid leave?
>Be american
>Get paid slightly more in exchange for miserable living standard
>It all goes to insurance
>Doesn’t matter because atleast US has the wealthiest bankers
>no question
Are you sure?
>forced amerimutt may may
we see you faggots
>in all fields
>government regulations are a good thing
min wage shit jobs typically offer 1 week paid vacation
good jobs offer 2-4 weeks paid vacation
>burger meme
If you want a job you don't have to go to, be a teacher.
>Be European
>Think something can only exist if the government mandates it
>Don't realize that most Americans get more vacation days
>Get thrown in jail for browsing Sup Forums.
Uncuck yourself desu
> all these other countries have to mandate days off
> America just lets you decide if you want to stay in a Z-list retail job with 0 days or a very nice job with weeks off
There are pros and cons, but I prefer the latter. It means I could start a business today and not give myself PTO for no goddamn reason, just a base salary.
>wagecuck detected
working for yourself and not being dependent on someone else to give you money is the opposite of being subservient to jews. My family eats because I supply everything they need without having to ask anyone for it. Now go ask some kike for a job and be sure to beg the rabbi for enough sheckles to pay for your family food.
What are those countries tax rates again?
if you drive a school bus you get summers off and get paid for it.
90 days vacay a year baby!
nice emotion based argument. kill yourself, the world doesn't work by people being nice to each other
no one but france gets to actually use it
I get 2 weeks paid vacation or as I like to call it, “burger time”
Kek, have you ever been to the US?
Not only do we get paid more, but things are cheaper here as well.
Have fun with your 70% tax rates and cradle to grave welfare, I have 3 cars and more living space than your President.
Americans have on average half the number of holidays that europeans have. Americans definetely deserve the best cattle reward.
Yfw you work construction in a cold winter state and the government pays you for 4 months to sit at home when it’s too cold to work. It’s quite comfy lads.
I get 24 hours of PTO a month.
A few more years and I'll be getting 28. I max out at 500 I can bank up.
I usually cash in half of it a year. Sweet bonus. All on the sturdy, comfy back of the gullible taxpayer.
Shitty wooden houses and literally toxic food is so great am I right. Enjoy your obese and sick existance.
Somebody probably did like 100 years ago. The company has just made it policy to offer generous vacation packages to their employers for their own sake.
They great part about that is that it's a voluntary agreement between the Union and the Company. No totalitarian state enforced bullshit.
this whole economy is a rent-seeking abomination. no wonder the country looks the same as it did in the 80's, while countries like china look way nicer than ours now.
Blue state I assume.
>Implying burger flipping should be treated like a full time job
>Implying it's not on burger flippers shouldn't be trying to get a better job
Burger flipping in the US was traditionally moonlighting/day job employment before niggers decided they could make a career of minimum wage and food stamps.
I do miss collecting unemployment when I was laid off from clearing brush. 3ish months of comfy NEET time.
>State mandating humane conditions for workers is totalitarianism
This is your brain on high fructose syrup.
Depends. Is somebody else willing to do the same job for no vacation days?
If you have a job literally anybody can do, don't go making stupid demands.
North Dakota. Doesn’t get more red. I get 580 a week from December till mid April. Keep in mind I’m working 60hours a week the rest of the year
>Pay me for doing literally nothing
>OPs country not even on the chart
LOL ok
TFW Walmart has a better GDP than the entire country of Greece.
>if not government mandated it doesn’t exsist
The fact that euros think the government is needed to negotiate vacation time is a fucking joke
I get 5 paid weeks plus an undefined amount of not paid weeks, I also am on salary so I’ll probabky leave early it’s pretty slow today.
The seasonal neet life was comfy for sure when I had my old job
Oh fuck off. I have to deal with so many pain in the ass people who can't take care of themselves and are living on MY dime it's not even fucking funny anymore. I wish I could tote around a wet pillow to solve these peoples' problems.
Take your civic duty and shove it. I'm getting mine while the getting is still good in the collapsing house of degeneracy and weakness that is the USA. Worry about yours.
Amazing. You look at government mandated numbers, and just assume that must be the reality of every person in the US. Your time under the Russians changed you, Finn. You're too statist. Free yourself from the bonds of government and navigate the free market like a man.
>country with highest GDP - by far - has zero paid vacation days
oh, shitholes, you'll always be a step behind
Also this technically there are like 6 federal holidays everyon gets your company can’t make you work a federal holiday
I get 30 paid days a year plus 13 paid sick days that carry over every year
If you are competent employers will offer incentives for you to work for them.
>implying wagecucking isn't slavery regardless of "benefits"
Our entire economic system is built on wageslavery, cramming workers into tiny apartments that they have to pay (((rent))) on before they take out a (((mortgage))) on houses, then more loans on cars to commute because all the houses are away from cubicle farms, and even more loans to send your kids to a leftist indoctrination center so they can get a piece of paper that lets them follow in their parents' footsteps as a dutiful, unthinking serf.
It's a miserable existence. Even more so that you think getting a few extra scraps from master means you're free.
I want a farm off the grid, a rifle, and enough ammunition to shoot dead every last faggot who tries to tell me what to do with myself.
>Is somebody else willing to do the same job for no vacation days?
Paco and Ramirez will, yes.
Why should you get paid for sitting in the sauna
The (((free))) market isn't free.
I said half and if you knew basic arithmetic you’d deduce that it cannot be derived from op’s pic. Americans have half the holidays that europeans have when you compare the number of actual holidays. I’d rather not destroy my culture, dignity and morals for cheap poison food.
>Because you are not a greedy piece of shit but a human being.
user, you might wanna look at his flag again.
Why not? A rested workforce is a happier and more productive workforce.
My country is the size of your continent.
We have beaches, mountains, deserts, tundras, and plains. You have snow.
You're the one who was forced to learn my language.
You're the one who has to compensate for imperial metrics when you interact with us.
You're the one paying 70% out of your paycheck so that Mohammed can live comfy while screwing your wife.
I can eat a steak dinner for the equivilent of €10.
I have a huge house with central heating and electricity, marble countertops, and walk in closet and showers.
But you complain that it's wood framed.
Imagine living like this.
>We have beaches, mountains, deserts, tundras, and plains. You have snow.
You have 44% literal shitskins