How do you determine if a country is a "shithole country"?

For example, my country has a shithead as the president. Does that make us a shithole?

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India is a shithole country because they literally live in shit.

Don’t forget to sage, anons. Fuck your slide threads

if they need to be provided with food aid from another country they are a shit hole.

By how many people are fleeing it.


>make us a shithole?
sounds legit

Yes, California is a shithole, because it took in illegals from shithole countries.

This map should help op

And there it is. basic logic and observation, naturally the equivalent of being a 'vile hateful racist'


It’s almost like GDP and race correlate....

I would say effective and democratic forms of Government correlate with gdp

You're a shill faggot then. Get a life.

most red states are shit holes

have you ever been to the south?

>countries with mixed races doing the best
>countries with bad trade and closed borders doing the worst
What are you trying to prove again exactly? Also that map is from 2007, not that you'd care about being accurate or timely.

Fuck off Stephen Colbert

If your country looks like this it might just be a shithole

If its a majority black it is a shithole country.

Please feel free to go somewhere else if you think our country is a shithole. I recommend Canada, Chicago, or any part of South America.

Some countries are shitholes race has nothing to do with we all have the same brains

Why are we taking people from shitholes over objectively better candidates?

Answer the question shill

Cry more, faggot. Move to Haiti and let us know if it's a shithole when you get there.

No we don't. Each haplogroup has brain differences, whether or not you like it.

He's talking about downright SHIT HOLES like Haiti, where children eat dirt cookies, and many African countries where they suck on animal anuses to get water.
Nothing in North America, Europe, or Asia qualifies as the shitholes he's referring to.

Your country is a shithole because you let in too many people from other shithole country’s.

non white = shithole
see, easy.

If the map is from 2007 that means it's before the migrant crisis and means that most of the green European nations are greater than 90% white

Russia is the only country I would describe as openly racist that got better. Looks like many South American countries are doing better than some Asian countries. Again, what is your point here other than showing how countries that preserve freedom and democracy tend to generate more GDP? Are we supposed to look at China or isolationist middle-eastern countries and go, "yeah that's what America should be"?

You got any sources, from what I've read that's not true, but Im okay with being proved wrong

I know the whole no genetic difference thing is bs because its a fact Africans have a higher bone density, and its also just evolutionary science, that there would be differences

Are you a mexican?

If the US is a shithole (or parts of it), then we should NOT be forced to take in more low-IQ low-skill welfare-dependent people because they will prevent us from improving ourselves & climbing out of shithole status.
So no more rapists from Mexico allowed.

Do your people, on average, have access to food, running water, shelter, indoor plumbing, and education? If you said no to any of these things, you might be living in a shithole country.

Damn 2007...has the eastern bloc gotten any better?


>mass shootings every month
>shootings every day
>homelessness and unemployment on the rise
>race war
>half the country supports a retard

Sounds like a shithole to me. Trumps right, Norway does sound better right now.

Yes, that makes your country a shithole.

If USA sends money there, it's a shithole. IE: Israel.

that place is a shit hole but it's only marginally better than rural red states

I mean at least I'm not going to die of malaria in rural south Carolina but I'm going to wish I was dead if I had live here my entire life here

It was also right before a horrible economic recession caused by Bush, so you can thank him for the migrant crisis
Really, if you can barely keep up with current events how the hell do you expect to remember something that happened almost ten years ago? Chances are you weren't even old enough to vote then. If you can't see that open immigration and fair democracy always leads to a stronger economy, then I just feel bad for you.

We should have rejected you ancestors...

Only places I've seen people mention it is papers outside clearnet. I can hit you eith references next week when im not a phoneposting faggot


Turn off your proxy, Greece. You haven't been a non-shithole in a long time, and you were just pretending to be a developed country in the 90s/early 00s.


then leave the country you butthurt faggot

Bruh turn off your proxy and look at the date on the map deadass

>How do you determine if a country is a "shithole country"?

that's a good question... let's ask the stable genius what he meant.

Do you mean academic papers because ive read a lot of shit condemning social Darwinism, I would also imagine the differences to be minimal because evolution wouldn't take effect fast enough to account for some places like Europe blossoming, while Africa stays a shithole, geography proably has more of a factor in it

Straight forward enough for you libtard fag

It's just something you notice in everyday life, multiple factors weight in but in the end you realize that it is a shithole country. Like mine for example, I see lots of homeless people in the street every day, seen multiple robberies throughout my life, close to every young man I know has done hard drugs and likely would have no problem with a FARC president. This place is a shithole.

consider the fact that evolution happened and that the brain is the most genetically expensive organ and that it is the most important (selected) one as well

Now, given that fact, and the observed lower IQ and time preferences other races have compared to Whites and East Asians, it is obvious our brains are quite different.

Do Americans use "shithole" like brits do?

We refer to other parts of our own country as shitholes

Is it really this offensive? I feel like I'm getting gaslit, I don't think of the word as offensive at all, it's just unpleasant

The only shitheads are little whiney pussy libtards like you "oh the president said shit my ears ohhh we never heard such language" their are shithole countries snowflake plenty of them thats why these handout monkeys are showing up by the boatload, if you honestly dont think their are shitty countries you need a reality check

That's actually quite good for a third world toilet.

it's pretty prejorative, yeah, but the racist connotation is totally manufactured

Trump is turning the US into a shithole.

the 1965 immigration act***

You are a disgrace in every sense of the word.

>rural south Carolina
You're right, there's tons of niggers there, too. You have to move out west (but not too far west) to get away from the types of people that make places into shit holes.


generally people from blue states shithole it to describe redstates and the MAGA crowd gets all fucking buthurt.

Honestly everyone is right. Compared to america haiti is a shithole and compared to Boston rural (insert red state) is a shithole.

Now all the maga-chuds will use the exact same arguments the liberals are using now


> rude
But true.

Rural nebraska is a shithole too

It makes you a shithead.

since you are clearly an uneducated liberal allow me to help you.
"shithole" refers to the hole underneath a latrine (where people would take a shit before plumbing was invented).
this is naturally a very unpleasant place to find yourself.
so by referring to a country as a "shithole" is to imply that isn't a very nice place to live.
by this definition most SE asian, ME, African, and many South American countries are shitholes because they are ravaged by either poverty, disease, or war and even the natives don't want to live there.
america is a rich country as you are so fond of pointing out.
this makes it a pretty comfortable place to live.
this is also why we need to be careful who we let in or else this nice place will stop being nice.
for reference see Detroit, chicago and Los Angeles.
those places are shitholes

[lbs of soy products found in average persons fridge / average number of people in the house] * 100%
is the equation that yields the SHP of a country
(source: UN CDC)


Back to plebbit please

>implying everyone on this website doesn't have an account on reddit

Shills are out in full force tonight. Wonder why.

I think you mean Democrat controlled cities

>Shills are out in full force tonight. Wonder why.

I'm trying to teach the republicans that Sup Forums will not be their slaves....

Dems AND reps are scared.







Niggers to white ratio

>For example, my country has a shithead as the president. Does that make us a shithole

facebook grandma tier

I mean, dear God, how the fuck do you even go about starting to fix that? The garbage has piled onto itself so much that it's compressed into the new fucking terrain. These niggers have literally emulated the geological formation of sedimentary rock with trash!

I request a waiver or rules clarification.
Haitians/ElSalvadorians/etc fleeing the US to Canada to avoid being deported back to their shitholes still count against Haiti/El Salvador, right? Those don't count against us, right?

The bluer your country is, the more of a shithole it is.

Oh no, guys. The town rapist is being a hypocrite again.

Reminder: Haiti has an average IQ of 67

>he doesn't know that gypos are originally from India


We for one were the only country in Europe that had positive growth in 2009 during economic crisis. We're constantly growing and our growth is larger than most of the West.
"Eastern-Central Europe is a shithole" is a meme. Only people who've never been here say that.

>Reminder: Haiti has an average IQ of 67

DNC has lower than that.

>How do you determine if a country is a "shithole country"?

Pic related.

Both sides are shit, Republicans are less dangerous

No, that makes you a reddit faggot for complaining about fee fees when only the truth has been spoken.

You lost, we won, fuck you.

>We're constantly growing and our growth is larger than most of the West.

It's easier to grow when you start from basically nothing. Not saying Poland isn't growing, it's just not as impressive when a country that's far behind starts catches up compared to a nation that's already on top yet keeps going up, like Ireland, the Netherlands and Sweden.

Back to /ptg/ faggot

Agreed the south is a shithole

Wish it was more like pic related

this is how OP

>Does that make us a shithole?
If we just killed all the leftists, the USA would cease to be a shithole. It's your ilk that make it suck, so go fucking kill yourself.

They have no education system, and any that are smart enough flee
